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Hey, number of times ive been pulled over and straight away a cop thinks i have a turbo'd R34. Yet when i point to the Compliance plate they realised its a non-turbo when i point out the missing "T" on RB25DE ..

Now, when they think its turbo, they pop the hood and then look for the turbo.. on the left hand side of the engine -.- ..

So i was wondering if this could be an oppotunity for me?

Hook up a turbo to the RB25DE.. try to conceal it.. and have a side mount.

And if a cop asks.. the compliance plate says it all.

Not really considering this idea.. just a little thing i would like to discuss with you guys :)

What ya'll reckon?


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iv been thinkin bout this 1 for a while. im tempted to try do it. i recon you could hide it with a custom low mount manifold. mate of mine is on his red p's and has a vl turbo n he jus snapped the bonnet release cable an put another 1 in the glovebox. works a treat jus gets defected for the bonnet cable but nothin an extra 50 cant fix.

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thered be a bit of work involved, and you wouldnt be able to run high amounts of boost to keep it stealthed or through a sidemount...imo there wouldnt be much point until you can really go all out and get a proper setup. but hey if you wanna run the risk then by all means :sick:

ED: if you havnt already done so MRXTCz, i suggest you blank out all numberplates from photos you have hear...just incase they go snooping

Edited by G0DZLR
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youll be able to run about 9psi with the stock 25de bottom end.

but great idea, ive thought about it too.....havnt got the guts to try it out.

want a clean record so i can apply for a turbo exemption next year.

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i have most of the parts to do this conversion for sale hint hint... :sick:

i reckon its a great conversion for someone that is handy on the tools and can just bolt all the parts up, there was a bloke that i met at the drags that did this conversion, made 260ish rwhp on stock turbo and shaved over 2 seconds off his 1/4 mile time. Not too shabby

Edited by R34GTFOUR
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If you were to run a low mount with a heat shield, the turbo would be near impossible to spot. NA cars have heat shields on their exhast manifolds too. You could run a reasonable flowing dump, high flow cat and good mid muffler. Just leave something stock-looking on the rear, and make sure its quiet.

Just make sure you stock-looking intake piping, which is all hard plastic rather than shiny metal, and with a standard plumb-back BOV. Paint the sidemount matte black and, if they ask, tell them its an auto tranny cooler because you like to tow stuff (getting a tow bar would help with that).

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Wow thats great. Its a good concept i guess, but how would i keep the turbo silent. Wouldnt it spool up. Or would it be so quiet that i can make it a sleeper. Muahaha!

And what you mean theyre gonna come lookin' for me because i got mah plates on the forum?


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Wow thats great. Its a good concept i guess, but how would i keep the turbo silent. Wouldnt it spool up. Or would it be so quiet that i can make it a sleeper. Muahaha!

And what you mean theyre gonna come lookin' for me because i got mah plates on the forum?


stock ballbearing turbo's dont make much spool noise, with a stock exhaust manifold, quiet exhaust, stock intercooler, piping and airbox, with stock boost, you'll barely hear the spool at all, and with no bov, there shouldnt even be an audible compressor surge...

Keep everything neat, quiet, nothing shiny, everything covered, and dont thrash the pants off it or attract attention, and i'd doubt you will ever have a problem with the popo.

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Hmmm.. Im suddenly starting to consider this lil' concept lol.

Can i hook up a boost controller by any chance?

Say to vary it. When i wanna cruise to when i wanna just give it a beating ?


You will have to conseal it pretty well.. in case they controller says something like "Turbo Boost Controller"..

But I dont see why not?.. I mean if you get caught.. thats licence gone.. so Im sure that a Boost conroller won't be your's or their biggest worrie

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i like the idea but id be worried at wearing out all the parts alot faster and blowing the engine thats what turns me off also it would be a bit pricey to do unless you can install it all yourself which is something i cant do.

ive herd that the r34 side mount intercoolers can handle alot of power so they would come in handy to keep the stealthy look.

quick story for whoever wants to read. I was driving to work the other day and a plain looking el ford pulled up beside me at the roundabout, we kept driving and i could hear he had a little exhaust looked over and it didnt look like much at all until he put his foot down a little bit more and i herd a high pitch noise, turned to take a look and it was him and he just took off , something i wasnt expecting at all it was definately a stealthy set up just the sound gave it away.

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i like the idea but id be worried at wearing out all the parts alot faster and blowing the engine thats what turns me off also it would be a bit pricey to do unless you can install it all yourself which is something i cant do.

ive herd that the r34 side mount intercoolers can handle alot of power so they would come in handy to keep the stealthy look.

quick story for whoever wants to read. I was driving to work the other day and a plain looking el ford pulled up beside me at the roundabout, we kept driving and i could hear he had a little exhaust looked over and it didnt look like much at all until he put his foot down a little bit more and i herd a high pitch noise, turned to take a look and it was him and he just took off , something i wasnt expecting at all it was definately a stealthy set up just the sound gave it away.

just like a mate of mine, used to own an EA falcon. AU 4.0 motor, ran a highmount GT3540, black upsidedown FMIC, wolf ECU etc. you wouldnt know it was turbo till he put the foot down and kicked it sideways and let off for the massive dose :P.

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Wow thats great. Its a good concept i guess, but how would i keep the turbo silent. Wouldnt it spool up. Or would it be so quiet that i can make it a sleeper. Muahaha!

Aim for silence. Most dead stock turbo cars have a near-inaudible turbo. Knowing that you have to run a quiet and stock looking exhaust with a sidemount means you know you're not going to be making big numbers, so work around the idea that you're just going for more power than NA rather than lots of power.

The turbocharger muffles exhaust noise to a certain extent, so if you got two proper mufflers in your exhaust then it'll be quieter than NA. A small bb turbo sucking through a factory airbox with low boost should be inaudible unless you happen to be right next to a cop with their window down at speeds low enough for wind noise not to muffle it. With the factory plastic piping and plumb-back BOV, its not likely to make a noise when you lift off the throttle either.

Its going to have to be a sleeper. That's the whole point to avoid the cops.

Going for low boost and all these NA restrictions, which choke the top end and outright power, also means that the power delivery should be reasonably smooth and predictable...which means your car also obeys the spirit of the P plater restrictions that is trying to get cars that are difficult to drive out of the hands of novices. It won't stand up as a defence, of course, but if you do get sentenced you could ask for consideration based on that sensibility.

On the other hand bear in mind that, if you've got a stealth turbo and you're not allowed to drive it, you've basically got no insurance. Even if you don't have comprehensive if you collect someone, there's a possibility that your CTP won't pay out. Getting stuck with someone's medical bills will practically f**k you for life.

As such, I wouldn't do it. Learn to drive what you've got and be patient.

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A stock turbo on the N/A engine is mostly on boost, they're actually more whiney than a normal GTT. My one used to huff and puff all over the place :P

probably because they're working harder, feeding more power, due to higher compression.

Maybe find slightly larger ball bearing turbo? VG30?

On the other hand bear in mind that, if you've got a stealth turbo and you're not allowed to drive it, you've basically got no insurance. Even if you don't have comprehensive if you collect someone, there's a possibility that your CTP won't pay out. Getting stuck with someone's medical bills will practically f**k you for life.

Very unlikely, unless your in a serious crash and some one dies/is critically injured and your car needs to be looked over by forensics, no one will ever know whats inside it. Whenever you crash usually its just your job to collect your car and deal with it, unless your comprehensively insured, in which case if they find out about the turbo (which once again is unlikely, since its a non turbo chassis, and i doubt they'll check over the engine mechanics, just obvious things like tyres). So imo, your pretty safe, about as safe as most of these people with FMIC, Bigger turbo's, after market management, and other modifications that aren't legal or engineered. On top of that, Insurance company's like just cars, will still insure you, even if the car isn't mod plated, as long as they are aware of the modifications, your only concern would be MAIB, which would never find out.

I knew someone who crashed a VL into a wall at like 100 clicks, both people in the car have taken MAIB insurance for all its worth (and needed it) and the car was far from legal. (suspension, brakes, tint, rims, na+turbo, fmic, list goes on).

obviously though, you could be the one person out of thousands that doesn't get away with it

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probably because they're working harder, feeding more power, due to higher compression.

Maybe find slightly larger ball bearing turbo? VG30?

Hell no, it was fun....I'd recommend it to anyone. High comp turbo engines are great, sounds like you're driving a steam train :)

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Hell no, it was fun....I'd recommend it to anyone. High comp turbo engines are great, sounds like you're driving a steam train :)

haha i had that on my high comp 3L with a kkr430, anything over 1/5 throttle over 2000rpm and it would spool, 1500rpm under heavy load, was a bit of fun cruising up a hill in 5th on 1/4 throttle hearing nothing but spool at ~ 1600rpm (at fullboost - 5PSI) like driving a truck! (30e had low end cam in it and shaved head)

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