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and I bet the powerfc is tuned for full power only, and none of the cruise, low or medium load have been touched.

Thats what tuners do these days, on the dyno, do the full power curve, and then charge some poor prick $800.

mate it very wel could be the tune, but i dont think the person who tuned it wouldnt have taken his time doing it properly. it was a reputable workshop. and the car was tuned last about 6 months ago. and hasnt had any new modifications. plus if it was the tune, why would it have been fine for the last 6 months, and only start fowling plugs in a day, after the last service?

only thing, other then the fuel pressure reg (working fine), that i can think of that could cause this sudden offset is the new o2 sensor? but can a o2 sensor cauz plugs to fowel up that bad?

will have a look for vacuum leaks. however, cars idle is stable and doesnt miss (prior to fowling plugs), and holds boost fine

ALso, i discovered i had a tiny hole on the hose going into the fuel filter, which i have now fixed. any chance that could have contributed?

yeh this weekend, im gna borrow my mates afm and o2 sensor, and see if the spark plugs fowel up. if they do, then ill book her in for a touch up tune on monday. just wanna eliminate all possibilities before i spend money at a tuner

Don't mean to sound like a tosser, but what do the plugs look like? Been around since T-rex, but check this. Take a pic of your plugs, post it up for comments.

From my experiences, plugs in a modern car have to be obscenely dirty to cause a dodegy idle, maybe tis something else.

Edited by GeeTR

so the regs not holding pressuere by this statement or is holding too much

Does it blow a cloud of smoke on idle if you free rev once warm?

If so, fuel reg is 99% the culprit :(

Just get another and off you go.

Can also be checked when driving if you have a fuel pressure gauge and feed it out under the bonnet

OK WELL ill explain exactly what happened today. i instaled new plugs and changed the o2 sensor. car was driing/idling fine, no misses etc. as soon as i gave it a hit on high boost (0.9bar). few streets away from mine. when i parked the car, it began to miss on idle (all plugs fowled again). im heading towards a tune issue, but i wanna cover al other possible culprits, so i dont have to spend too much money at the workshop, incase its not tune related

you guys were right, it was the tune. it seems the previous tune was tuned for the faulty o2 sensor, so when replaced with the new o2 sensor, it ran extremely rich and kept fowling the plugs. got a retune done today and all seems to be sweet :P

thanks for ur help, greatly appreciated

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