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wondering how much these parts cost to install on my r32 gtr

i was told that dumppipes are a "turbo out" job and that i shood onli both to change them if i was to hae work done on the turbo

im not sure if i posted in the right section but yeah sorry if its in the wrong

well cheers guys

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Give Kermit a call. He'll do it for cheaper than that, but its still expensive. Taking off the dump is tedious work. Thats why its expensive. Its because you have to really take your time taking out the bolts. Lots of WD40 involved. If you snap them, which can easily happen, its a real bitch.

Just do the whole lot. You'll want in done later anyway. Seriously give Kermit a call. It will be a lot cheaper than Tommy says if Kermit does it. He does awesome prices and really good work. Give him a call for sure.

Unless your not planning on changing your current turbos for a long time, wait til you upgrade turbos to do dumps.

Otherwise you'll be spending that $500-$1K in labour twice.

As said previously, front pipes are easily done, any exhaust shop can do it for around $100 (i had front pipes + catback changed for $80)

i do plan on upgrading the turbos sometime in the future so i guess the dumppipes will have to wait, i dont see the point of installing the same parts twice and spending half a "k" doin it...well cheers for the info guys

Are you guys serious? GTR's are a turbo-out job to replace the dumps?

That sux!

33R & 34R dumps are better than the 32R ones(apparently), so you probably wouldn't notice the difference til you upgrade turbos anyway.

I'm hoping the previous owner of my GTR in Japan swapped the 34R dumps over when he put the 34R turbos on :D

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