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Hi guys. One of the guys at work has just purchased a R32 GTR with a F CON PRO. He has attempted to have the car tuned only to have the workshop say that it cannot be done due to a password already on there. They also told him that the only way to get around this is to have someone in Sydney look at it. Is this true or can it be reset? I told him to just ditch it and get a power fc? Any help would be appreaciated. Thanks :(

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To my knowledge if you have the HKS Power Writer software (a legitimate version), then there are no passwords, simply plugging it in unlocks it. The only other way to tune a F-CON V Pro is through the HKS Camp 2 system. The tuner can lock out this function through the Power Writer, maybe that's what they're doing? To my knowledge there is only 2 individuals authorized to tune the F-CON in Australia.

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To my knowledge if you have the HKS Power Writer software (a legitimate version), then there are no passwords, simply plugging it in unlocks it. The only other way to tune a F-CON V Pro is through the HKS Camp 2 system. The tuner can lock out this function through the Power Writer, maybe that's what they're doing? To my knowledge there is only 2 individuals authorized to tune the F-CON in Australia.

You can password protect your map and computer to lock it out from even working with the powerwriter software.

hmm hks camp 2 does tuning too? how far does this go into the tuning?? i have not looked for ways for a while as i dont have the car working

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You can password protect your map and computer to lock it out from even working with the powerwriter software.

hmm hks camp 2 does tuning too? how far does this go into the tuning?? i have not looked for ways for a while as i dont have the car working

The passwords are only there to protect the maps as you said, and the ability to have tuning done through 1) the Navigator if you own a F-CON that is NOT a V PRO, or 2) the Camp 2 system.

There is always the "initialize" function that will clear everything and return it to factory condition.

As far as I'm aware, the Camp 2 allows for "some" degree of tuning... have not confirmed to what extent.

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Ahh just reading hks usa now, it appears that you can do some form of mapping, tho how far this goes is unclear. looks like you can read the maps but if editing is able i dont know. maybe something that needs to be looked into.

what i can see is you can select a different map's like with the navigator pro

as for the navigator pro, (on a fcon pro v) all that could be done was change maps, and you needed to update to the latest version on your fcon.

what version do you have on yours? iirc you got one in a while back?

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I'm running version 3.24, I wasn't aware that maps could be switched using the Navigator Pro. I've got one and there is no function (maybe my tune locked it out). It's due to go in for another tune soon, so I'll have the software updated (if available) and have it all unlocked to make way for the Camp 2.

Traditionally maps are chosen through the dip-switches on the main unit.

BTW; you wouldn't happen to have a manual for the V Pro? I've got dribs n drabs that I've received from the tuner but other than that nothing else.

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Navigator pro can switch maps, well its all i could work out it was good for. if there are even other maps on your fcon.

Yeah i've got just about everything fcon pro. whats your email? pm me it if you will.

the camp business looks expensive, 600ish for the hks unit. 200? for a screen and maybe another 200 or so for assorted looms sensors. when are you going to do this? does your fcon need to be updated to run it?

so 3.24 is which colour sticker? blue?

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PM sent with email address (thanks in advance)

I'm pretty sure my last tune was just 1 main map with a whole lot of supporting auxillary maps; there's really no point in having multiple maps unless you are running different fuels. Even when I asked the question about having one for power and one for economy, the answer to that was "your right foot".

Camp 2 is the only way to go for me moving forward, not so much the tuning side of things as I leave that to the tuner, but more so the diagnostics functions. The tune will be in a few weeks (hopefully) and the Camp 2 will be not long after that. I believe you can run the Camp 2 on any version of the V PRO.

I didn't pay much attention to the colour of the sticker, can check on the weekend for you. Basically I just handed over my old used unit in place for a brand new unit (they all get sent back to Japan anyway if done at a HKS dealer).

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F-CON V Pro easier by the fuel / ignition switch control map for change is possible. 従来、F-CON V Pro本体のスイッチがオプションのミクスチャーコントローラーによって切り替える必要がありました。 Conventional, F-CON V Pro MIKUSUCHAKONTORORA body-switch switch to the option.

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Yeah cheers for that... the Camp is really only going to be economical to those who already have the F-CON setup with all the bells n whistles already, else you might as well just run another diagnostics program through your OBD2 port.

I for one would not be game enough to change anything tune related on the F-CON - just watching the tuner do it confuses the hell out of me.

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Most F-CON V Pro computers from Japan are locked. Even the two Pro Dealers in Australia cannot access these maps. They reset the computers and start again. It's Japan's "Tuners Intellectual Copyright" apparently so even if say for example BD4 did the tune on the F-CON now you take it to Tunehouse (because BD4 cannot tune them anymore) and that said unit was locked, you would be having a complete remap done.

It's the same on other computers in Aust. (like Haltech/Motec etc) when tuners lock them. Japan just seem to do it more than Aussie's.

As for the Camp 2 you cannot change any F-CON V Pro setting. It is for viewing only. Below is the extract:

F-CON mode

  • The input value and/or the output value of each F-CON sensor can be monitored.
  • F-CON S / SZ / SA / iS setting data can be monitored and edited when connected to CAMP2.
    Unique settings can be made based on engine specification, such as exhaust type or intake type. (Data for F-CON V Pro cannot be edited.)
    There are some items cannot be monitored depending on F-CON model and/or installed sensors.

I don't know of anyone successfully being able to do anything positive with the V-PRO unless you have the licence dongle to map it correctly. We will occasionally purchase one online to see if anyone has cracked it and they always are a waist of money. Best bet is to call Jim at Tunehouse in Sydney or Hanson in Perth for your tuning needs. Try www.hks.com.au



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Marty - thanks for clarifying the Camp 2 situation...

First time I've heard of Tunehouse, they must be doing something right to get Pro Dealer status. However, being a HKS Pro Dealer and a HKS Power Writer are two seperate things. Are you saying that this Jim can tune the products as well?

If so, I guess it's good news as it opens up the market a bit more... would like to hear confirmation of that.

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