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Stumbled across this on another forum, and thought people here would like to know how it all happened.

Pretty crazy shit


User: Woggin

heyas all,

some of oyu may be wondering where my posts have been this last week..well as sad as it is to say, i was involved in a horrific car accident on Friday night, 27th.

For those of you in Perth may remember seeing it on the net or the news...for those that didnt, links down the bottom.

Things were great, picked up ths cash for the Ma61 i was buying and went to my missus around 7pm. All was good, few of my girlfriends mate from here school were there (we are all good friends) and we started chatting n talking outside in the stupidly cold weather!

time passed and it began to ran,we thought, we'll go inside, i said we should sit in the car, so we did, we decided 2 play a trick on my missus by locking the car b4 she got in....LOL..then we thought lets drive off...so we did and as we left my mate in his Commonwhore Acclaim did this big 1 wheeler up the road, narrowly missing the centre island. went arund the block and as we were cummin back down the hill my mate hit 100kays, we had 2 slow down coz of the road, he shat and hopped on the brakes, ABS kicked in and we were fishing around a bit on the road, me being myself i grab the seatbelt and yank it tight, thus bracing myself...we stopped, by about 2m before the end....parked in her driveway and went inside as usual...by this time it was around nine...

i went to my missus room and dropped off ma usual shit, hat, wallet, car keys...and i decided to count the contents of my wallet, $$$$ oh yea.

by this stage i was freezing and i decided to sit in front of the heater...mmmmmmm i had plans on eating wat my missus mum had made, my missus had already eaten, so that was fine...my mates got hungry and decided to go to Hungry Jacks up in Melville.....i didnt want to go, as i was cold...but was forcd by my misus. so we hopped in the car and off we went...missus sat in the middle which ticked me off...i told her to sit in the corner, but to no avail...

hopped on the main road and my mate decided to open up the v6...sitting on 120...he tried weaving between traffic..(i was behind the driver and looked at the speedo and saw 120) i looked at the street side where there is usually a speed camera and there was, i didnt see the flash as i want concentrating on it...mate crossed into the left lane, then into the far right, as he brought it back into the right, he lost control of the back end....drifto style down the road at 120kays....i shat and braced myself via the seatbelt.....we hit the curb, got airborne, uprooted the wooden power pole, slammed into another car and slowed after hitting the curb.....i woke up a few moments later, trapped and having fire crew cutting me from my seat....my gf laying across wat was left of the seat, completly f*kd up, got out and sat on the bus stop bench looking at her as she was fighting 4 her life....mate in the front passenger side, sitting in his seat, unbuckled his belt, got up came sat down next to me groaning....driver, was fine... before waking up and before cut out of the car, i supposedly called my gfs parents tellin them of the injuries she had sustained. they arrived with a few minutes...since it was only 1km from the house. her mum, i heard screaming when she saw her daughter, asking if she was dead...wen i got cut out i talked to my gf, a few words, bub, bubi can yuo hear me, all i got was a groan, local residents forced me to sit.

police, fire ambulance all over the place. heard my mate, the driver yelling at his parents n shit that he f*kd the car, his parents were saying stop jokin around, fresh P plater for you, the most inexperienced P plater out of the 3 of us who drive..heard that there was a house on fire from the surge (as we uprooted the pole, it didnt snap)and that a water mains had burst!!...ambulance rushed my missus off to hospital as i sat there, covered in her blood and vomit, as well as my own blood...my arm, dripping with blood...another ambulance rocked up and i was next inline, so i got in and the ambulance man says he has to cut my shirt off...NO this is a good shirt, i took my shirt off as he laughed, upon waiting an hour in the emergency room i found out i had:

Ruptured splein

Cracked 10th rib

Crack L2 vertabrae wing

fractured thumb, from wrapping round belt

deep laccerations from the seat belt??

and cuts from teh belt all over my chest

as well as dozens of cuts from glass and shit

oh and a huge abrasion on my neck??

dunno how the abrasion got there since i was sitting behind teh driver, but when you see the pics, you'll wonder how any of us got out alive.

mate in the passenger seat had a few stitches in his head and was released that night, drive was fine bit of back pain, but thats it, my missus took it all!

1 week later, (thursday, today) i was discharged....and was yet to see my gf who is currently in Intensive Care Unit ICU

saw my mate in the passenger seat, he looks soo blank, i cant decscribe it...driver, major guilt trip...is yet to see my gf and me..gfs parents are f*ked...

small list of injuries to her body,

Severed leg (from hitting the pole)

Broken ribs from seat belt

massive cut across forehead( deep cut)

chunk of flesh hanging down from other leg

broken arm

heaps of other cuts all over her body

and she lost conciousness at the scene, right after i spoke to her!

shw was in an induced coma until last night when they tried to see if she could recognise voices and follow simple commands, open eye, move finger....successful, but presumed brain damage since it took her so long to move her fingers, but after so many drugs and so many nights, i think its a bit dramatic to presume that, since the initial scans were clean, but she is in surgery now as they are puttin a pin in her femur (thats right, it snapped) on her severed leg) dam it was scary seeing that in my face wen i woke up....everything covered in blood...her arms, face, chest...

my cloths are all stained now and burnt....got a cast on my thumb...and am now at home, i have cuts all over my chest.....and my forehead..and arms..from the glass!

had soo many people visit from school and friends and shit, even people i havent seen since primary school (now 17, year 12)...and i thank everyone out there that has shown support!









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What forum is that from ????

that f**king driver deserves to f**king die. what a f**king retard, this sounds like half the f**knuts i see on Wannaroo road in the late arvo/evenings driving at 120 - 150 in their shitbox commadores acting like they are V8 supercar drivers and can race their mums stocker shitter at whatever speed they like

i hate hearing of this shit especially so close to home.

hope the driver gets some jailtime or something as he obviously has the mentality of a 10 year old and shouldnt ever be behind the wheel again after what he did to that poor girl

I saw it on Silviawa, which someone saw on some Toyota Club..and so on and so on..

but yeah i agree, drivers a shit head..speedin on wet roads...and worst is its in a commodore...

feel sorry for the chick and her family tho

Edited by viet_boi

This crash was a big news on the next day after it happened.. its the one that a subaru was involved isn't it? and the girl's leg severed :blink:

May god bless her a full recovery

As for the driver.. I guess we can't say much can we? No matter what laws the government enforces.. there are still people that are bound to do crazy shit in cars.. not just commodores.. they can even do it in a matiz if they want to.. guess we all just hope for the best

This is exactly what the new "P-plate" laws are trying to avoid. Problem is, V6 Commonwhores would be legal :P

I feel sorry for the girl, but that is f**king stupid driving!! No surprise it happend, as bad as that sounds.

I just hope everyone recovers quickly

i just cant help but shake my head

that poor girl, my girl friend knows her and says its so scary to think about

i hate people who feel the need to endanger the lives of others

if its your own then fine, be a bogan in a commodore and go kill your self but dont take others with you

Whats the point of this thread exactly?

That idiots like him give the rest of the P-platers a bad name, = me getting evil stares all the time from parent & old drivers when they see my big "P" + "Skyline" + "turbo" badge.

Seriously, 120km/h in a 60 (I'm guessing) zone? WTF?! :P

Thats just stupid, now added to the fact its in the wet, upgraded from stupid to retarded. & its a commo hoon-wannabe-mobile... upgraded from retarded to... I'm out of words.

PS thanks for informing the new address for WA suspension, I might pay a visit soon as my suspension is getting worn out. :P

if its your own then fine, be a bogan in a commodore and go kill your self but dont take others with you

+1, infact if he want to die so badly why don't you just drive your car off a cliff, saves everyone the trouble of having to clear your wreck of a sh*t-box up.

This is exactly what the new "P-plate" laws are trying to avoid. Problem is, V6 Commonwhores would be legal sad.gif

They should just ban that car, & make everyone who owned one & had a bad driving history drive xcels.

Edited by Mayuri Krab

excel drivers have to be some of the worst on the road dude. They drive their cheap cars, with bad shocks, badly maintained brakes and tyres much too fast with almost no regard for other road users, and in general tend to be people who dont enjoy driving and are generally on the road to get from point a to point b.

Obviously not all excel drivers are like that but seriously, the number of close calls ive had involving some driver of a cheap pos car is ridiculous.

Whats the point of this thread exactly?

I'd hope it sinks into the younger members brains when they hear a horror story like this!

That idiots like him give the rest of the P-platers a bad name, = me getting evil stares all the time from parent & old drivers when they see my big "P" + "Skyline" + "turbo" badge. They should just ban that car, & make everyone who owned one & had a bad driving history drive xcels.

And rightly so for kids that age. They ARE idiots, they DO think they're invincible. BTW - Stupid driving can occur in any car, Excel or otherwise.

excel drivers have to be some of the worst on the road dude. They drive their cheap cars, with bad shocks, badly maintained brakes and tyres much too fast with almost no regard for other road users, and in general tend to be people who dont enjoy driving and are generally on the road to get from point a to point b.

Obviously not all excel drivers are like that but seriously, the number of close calls ive had involving some driver of a cheap pos car is ridiculous.

Cheap cars with bad shocks, and badly maintained, driving in a sensible manner is fine. Just because you spend extra $k on servicing every year doesn't mate your car less of a risk in a crash. It's all up to the driver.

To others if you are in this situation tell you mate to slow the f**k down , flat out get out of the car if you have to. no one needs mates like that driver.

^ Agreed.

my point with the bad shocks brakes etc is that it reduces the ability of avoiding the accident.

Ive had an accident with a pedestrian, not at fault where i was driving a 94 lancer. I know for a fact that had i been driving the r32 theres no way i would of hit the guy, simply because the brakes are better. no i wasnt speeding.

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