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Hi ppl, went for a cruise down the coast tonite, had a pretty good nite, saw a few lines about. about 5k from home I got a flat tyre. i thought alright, first wheel change on the skyline (yay).

Got the dodgey yellow spare out, it looked alright except it was a bit rusted on the inside of the rim. Went to get the jack out and it was missing the windey thing. So i rang my dad to come down with the jack from home. (he wasnt too happy, this being at 1.45 in the morning.)

waiting for about ten mins i saw MSP51 drive past i think (i gave u a wave), but u kept driving :S. Dad got there with the jack which decided to sh!t itself so we had to use the jack from the back of his car. Finally got the wheel off and the spare back on after f@rking about cuz ther wasnt much light and we were on a bit of a hill. on the way home taking it easy, the spare clapped out about 3ks from home. I'm like, this is f@rked, what do we do!!!!

Was almost gonna call SHY32 to see if i could borrow her spare (but i didnt want to because it was about 2.15am). So dad took the spare off while i drove his car to the servo to fill up the proper tyre with the screw in it. Raced back and put it back on the skyline very quickly (just like in formula 1) with the tyre leaking, i got it home - just. luckily i was close to home.

just a bit of a lesson, check your spare every now and then, and make sure u have the right tools.

I am going to the shop tomorrow to get a wheel brace and jack.

also i have to get two tyres fixed. anybody know of a tyre place that is open on sundays???

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Checked my spare the other night... Everything looked ok... Gave it a bounce and it sounded "dull"

Checked the pressure: 20psi!

Pumped er up to 60psi... all good.

Should check your spare regularly.

Factory jacks can be used without the handle. Any long bit of metal can be used (ie a screwdriver) in a pinch... Doesn't help if the jack poops itself tho... :D

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Maybe a good idea to carry a bottle of water with you at all times as well. I helped out this dude and his missus broke down in their toyota surf just onto the M1 from Smith Street. Turns out that they blew a hose and lost all of their coolant. I pulled over when i seen the chick waving cars down...she asked if i had water on me and guess what i didn't. So i drove her to the nearest servo so she could get some bottles of water. He managed to bodgey up the hose so he could limp home.

Sometimes you wonder if you should pull over but, seeing as you hear some stories where they are just faking to be broken down and then mug you or whatever. Lucky for me they were really thankful and even gave me fuel money for going out of my way for them. And all of this was at 2.00am this morning on the way back from surfers.


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I stopped on Friday arvo to help out some misfortunates. I always try to stop as noone seems to anymore?

Floored it left onto wardoo st heading west on nerang-southport rd. Next intersection at corporate express I see a yellow bike lying on the road with fuel pissing out everywhere and a new pulsar in the middle of the road... Noone to be seen?

Hang a U-Turn and pull up thinking this is gunna be messy... Run over. Yellow bike is a Ducati! Chick in her late 20's is trying to lift it. "Who's Duke is it" "Mine" she says. "You own a Duke" I say. She goes "Yeah!" I point at Pulsar and say "and she hit it" She goes "YEAH!" I shake my head and ask if she is ok. She is...

Chick was full of adrenaline and couldn't switch the fuel tap off or remember how to get it into neutral. So I did that and pushed it over to the footpath.. We stared at the bike for a bit lamenting about the scratches, checking if it could still be riden, etc before I remember the Pulsar in the middle of the road... Ooops... Wait here I say.

Run over and point the Pulsar driver in the direction of the footpath... She rolls it over. I tap on the passenger window and the driver opens the door... Older lady in her late 30's is bawling her eyes out and shaking like a leaf... Tell her everything is OK... Noone is hurt and thats what is important... Spot a youngun in the back.. Ask him if he is OK. Says "I got a Ninga Turtle today!" Cool...

Then the Pulsars horn goes off. Doesn't stop. Give me the keys I say... Lady can't find em.. Still bawling and shaking and telling me this is her first accident. Grab the keys and press the button a few times. Horn still going off. Pop the bonnet I say.. Lady cant find the bonnet release. Can't open her door cause she can't work out how to unlock it! Slides over to the passenger side!

I run around, open the door and pop the bonnet and flick the wire off the horn.. Quiet at last... Now we can think... Bike rider walks over and the two girls hug and thank their lucky stars... Pulsar driver asks if the car can be driven.. I start her up and all seems ok. No panel damage, just some scratches... Turns out it wasn't a big impact but the bike rider had to bail once she got hit!

Ask Pulsar lady if I can call someone for her. She calls her hubby on my mobile... Grabs a piece of paper, writes her name and address down (still crying).. Asks what else she needs to write down. Tell her to write her phone number, rego, and drivers licence no...

Ask them if there is any thing else I can do... Ladys both seem OK now so hand em both a business card and tell em to call if there is anything else I can do... Got the "I don't know what I would have done without you!" from the older lady. Tell her to stop at the pub on the way home and get a bottle of red wine...

Remind them that the important thing is that noone was hurt, especially the young fella in the back, run over to my car, jump in, pull another Uey and floor it back up the road...

So thats my good deed for the month... :( I guess the moral of the story is that it's important that the Ducati wasn't seriously damaged :)

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good to see there are still good people here that help those in need :(

I remember once accident we had when i was young driving in mums capri with the roof off all is good then it pisses down the driver pulls over and cat see a thing cause the rain is that heavy and we hit a pole. anyways get the roof on and sit in the car makin sure me and my little bro were alright, we were shakin up but ok anyways 3 cars pull over and 5 people run to our car makin sure were ok.

Car was ok only small damage to the front bumper.

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yeah i am the same sort of guys...i find hitchikers and pull up between 60 - 80 metres away and wait till they pick all those big bags up and run to the car then i slow

ly start to, roll away about the same speed as they are running....after bout 10 sec they register that i am moving and then start to run quicker so .... i speed up .After about 80-100 metres i beep and waive and take off .As mean as this is I manage to piss myself laughing for bout 2-3 minutes at the violence that is shown from these frustrated hitchikers and this helps me to under stand that ,yes these begging eyes and sad looking hitchikers are crazed animals.If they get really pissed off i will turn around and try it again on them.I mean if they are hitching lifts then surely they have come accross more of lifes obstacles than a smart arse in a hot looking r33 .choking on his own tongue laughing hysterically.To all hitchikers who may read this I SALUTE YOU!!

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In my younger days we used to stop and ask hitchhikers and drunken stragglers if they want a lift.. They go "Oh yes please" and start walking over. We go, "Thought so" and take off...

As mean as this is I also manage to piss myself laughing for bout 2-3 minutes at the violence that is shown from these types...


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Fark. I just wrote like a novel and it just deleted it.

Anyway, I'm soo sorry we didn't stop. We had just been to Brownsplains to drop Gus off. My b/f was in the car in front of me. I said to him "theres a skyline" He said "do you want to stop" I was about to say yes but my passenger said "no i'm tired" And andrew heard taht and kept driving. I could have stopped. I know. I was driving but it's kind of the fact that I didn't know it was GRY32. I didn't know who the guys were. I didn't really want to stop at 2:00 in the morning without my b/f there. You just dont know what people do anymore. As I said, if I had known it was GRY32 I would have stopped. But I didn't see the numberplates.

I wouldn't have been able to help anyway. I dont have a "windy thing" for my jack either. Although, I do have a Socket and breaker bar to get the wheel nuts off.

We were stuck up mt cootha one night after a hard slog around the mountain and the tyre came off the rim (not good!). We had a few cars with us but none of their wheel braces would fit my wheel nuts (stupid small gapped nuts/mags) so we had to ring RACQ to come help us :D And help us they did. I drove all the way home at 80k's an hour with the car looking like an elephant riding a bicycle.

But, anyway, I'm really sorry I didn't stop. You just hear bad stories all the time about that type of thing. But as I said, if I had of seen the plates, I would have stopped.

I feel REALLY bad now.

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no worries NismoGirl, its all good. I havent really met u but i recognised the plates, thats why i waved.

Turns out the tyre was stuffed - they couldnt fix it becuase the screw went thru the side of it, so i had to buy a new one. I still had about 60% tread left :S also bought a wheel brace and making a bar to substitute for the windey thing. Getting the pizza cutter (spare tyre) fixed tomorrow.

is Gus from redlineau??

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