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Thought id share my first experience of a police officer that wasn't a smart ass and wasn't cold hearted towards me.

I had finnished work lastnight at 12:30am and was heading home on carlingford road. There was a semmi trailer on my left and a ute infront of me. I dind't like the situation i was in so i squeazed infront of the truck and just behind the ute ( there wasn't allot of room but we were going up a hill towards a fixed speed camera so the gap infront of the truck was getting longer and longer so there was no danger of this loaded semmi not having enough room to brake if he needed to).

about 10 seconds later in my rear vision mirror i see a car tailgating the truck and then it switched lanes and tailgated the ute. I found this sus since there was definately no car behind me only 30seconds ago. The ute pulled over to let the tailgater pass him, the tailgater sat about 50meters behind me for another 15 or so seconds (probably doing vehicle check and rego and all that). Now going down the hill which if you don't hold the brake the car rolls to 80km/h, i decided to stick close to 60, i was probably hitting 62 maximum. The car looked like a taxi at night but i wasn't taking any risks after seeing the strange driving by this car.

Then the flashing lights turned on without the siren. My gut feeling was right but my heart stopped seing as i am a green p plater who has already gained 4 demerit points from last years mistakes and irresponsible driving and i only need 3 more to be suspended again. As i turn off to a side street (indicating like i was going for my lisence test again) i pull to the side and sit in the car as 2 officers approach.

The female one walks around the car checking my p's are up and the male comes to my window and asks where i was comming from and where i was going to and gives me a breath test.

To my surprise this is the first officer I have met (other than my dad who used to be a D in the 80's) that had a personality, wasn't threatening and didn't give me any attitude even before i started speaking. mind you i speak very curteous anyway (even though i cannot spell).

The woman on the other hand was very strict and demanding and when she spoke i felt like i was in a nazi concentration camp. She demanded i fix up my rear p plate (it was about 1/3 covered by the number plate) and i promptly carried out her order.

The guy basically said as we had abit of a chat that the round tail lights caught there attention because of the reputation some drivers have when they own a skyline eg: hoons.... and if it wasn't for the car they wouldn't have even botherd about checking me out. He said i looked like i was abit to close for comfort with the semmi and he just wanted to remind me that semmis are dangerous and even small risks shouldn't be taken around them.

Had abit of a chat about hoons giving the rest of us Skyline enthousiasts a bad name and that most of us who are SAU members release our tension on the tracks and not on the streets. He agreed by saying " yes but there are also exceptions to every rule"


then he informally commended me about having a gts-t on the streets at night with most of the road to my self and i wasn't speeding lol

All in all i just wanted to say that there is atleast one good highway patrol officers out there who looks like is genuinely helping keep the roads safe (except for abit of tail gating to get the ute out of the way trying to follow me without grabbing my attention) and not just writing tickets, but trying to educate.

I don't remeber his name but if i was going to get randomly pulled over for driving a HPI, id want him to do it.

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yer i've only been pulled over once for a "random breath test" but i guess my situation was pretty sus haha. Had 2 friends in my back seat sleeping so could look like they were knocked out.

the funny thing was i accidently stalled the car when i pulled over haha. asked what i was doing late at night, where i was going, breath tested and left.

been through a couple breath testing stations no problems.

i have been pulled over three times since i have owned my car over the last year and a half. once for speeding. and twice just for breath test. and all three times the police were very nice and respectful. the ones that booked me for speeding the office said he owned an R33 also and said he knows very hard not to speed. we had a chat about some mods too. he still had to book me because some local people were complaining of people speeding down their street they had kids in that area. was only 12 km over. but good blokes. im from sydney north shore area. they seem to be good blokes in the middle of sydney. i dont see the need to be an asshole. its just unecessary.

i also think age, looks and attitude has a lot to do with it. once they walk up to the car and see your not some dodgy looking lebo with a sick hair cut and a rat tail and gold dripping all over you. and once you start opening your mouth and not saying "sick bro wots ur fkn problem wasnt doing anything" then they know not to be assholes.

i also think age, looks and attitude has a lot to do with it. once they walk up to the car and see your not some dodgy looking lebo with a sick hair cut and a rat tail and gold dripping all over you. and once you start opening your mouth and not saying "sick bro wots ur fkn problem wasnt doing anything" then they know not to be assholes.

+1 for sure. im from syd south west. i know all about that.

After owning 2 skylines, to date only had good experiences with police, the only time I was in trouble was my own fault speeding on the m4 on my red P's in my younger days.

A courteous attitude goes a long way, I've been let off for things that I've seen other people been canaried for.

All fixed now of course :(

I got pulled over once around newtown, lady cop was nice. It probably looked like I was trying to avoid them by first making a U at the round about then slipping into a side street but thats just me not being able to find where I Was going. I got "random" breath tested, she was really nice about it, chat and all that, she even gave me directions.

i also think age, looks and attitude has a lot to do with it. once they walk up to the car and see your not some dodgy looking lebo with a sick hair cut and a rat tail and gold dripping all over you. and once you start opening your mouth and not saying "sick bro wots ur fkn problem wasnt doing anything" then they know not to be assholes.

Haha, try this one on. I once had the police scream up behind me as I was pulling into a drive way, pratically jumped the kerb to try and block me off... They hopped out of their car and paced over to mine...

Looked in the car for about 3 seconds, quickly noticed that I had just pulled into a private corporate car park (work) and was wearing a suit, and swiftly said "Sorry, you're not the person we're looking for." and left. Nothing else :(

Turns out, there was an armed robbery in the area the night before by a white WRX clubsport and they thought that it could have been me...

They were long gone and I was still trying to see how my car looked like a club sport... :)

Still, better safe then sorry :(

Also Kujo, there's an old saying that goes, "Our failures are known, our succeses are not." which I think can be applied to the police force's actions in that people only ever complain, never praise. So well done Kujo :)

I got pulled over once around newtown, lady cop was nice. It probably looked like I was trying to avoid them by first making a U at the round about then slipping into a side street but thats just me not being able to find where I Was going. I got "random" breath tested, she was really nice about it, chat and all that, she even gave me directions.

heh.. reminds me of a time I got pulled over years ago..

3 girls I knew just moved out together. they were living in a house in epping. Some freak sneaked in to their backyard and was watching them thru a window. they freaked, called me as I lived near by and asked me to come by. I told them to call the cops if they see him again.

Me and my housemate jumped in the car and head over.. didnt know exactly where the house was but knew the area so figured we could find it.

was turning thru a roundabout and my house mate flicked a cigarette out the window.. infront of a car waiting to go in to the roundabout, the car ended up being a cop.

got pulled over, one cop was having a go at my housemate and the other cop was breath testing me. I told them the situation and said I was trying to find this street because of what had happened, he told me how to get there. then they got a call over their radio and both cops took off, followed seconds later by a couple other cop cars passing us following the same direction as the cops who jsut left us.

we pulled up to the house, noticing cop cars out the front, guess he turned up again and they called the cops..walked up to the front door as the cops that pulled me over were walking out, they smiled and said "nice to see you weren't lying."

anyway back on topic..

its really odd. i have had my skyline for about 4 yrs which is the same amount of time ive been living in sydney and have NEVER been pulled over. whereas, whne i lived in wagga and owned a WRX i was pulled over at least once a month and car was ssearched for defects constantly. its quite amazing how the 'laws' appear to change when in different places/situations..... i dont know if anyone else has experinced this difference but it appears that cops in country towns are a bit bored.... it gets under my skin a bit cause the 'laws' seem to change whereeva u are! Good tyo hear that u came across a good one. When i had the WRX i was treated as nicely.............

if someone does a good and fair job, i'll say it.... still if you've been a cop for years and are basically sick of punks giving you attitude, i can see how allot of people may have a bad experience with some cops.....

And in response to DREWII, Yes if you act like a wog they'll hang you to dry.... i admit i look abit like a lebbo and that would work against me at first but i'm clean cut, none of this fully sick hair cuts, dont call people in authority "bro", and im second geno aussi so i don't even have that ugly wog accent lol....

by the way im greek heritage so im still a target lol

gotta go pick my gf up in an hour in surry hills, id rather not run into cops tonight again.....

wish me luck


Hiya Tom,

Personal Statistic: Just about every time (>95%) that I've been pinged by the Police, it's been night-time.

I've never been defected, but I wonder if that's mostly been at night-time too.

I wonder....

its really odd. i have had my skyline for about 4 yrs which is the same amount of time ive been living in sydney and have NEVER been pulled over. whereas, whne i lived in wagga and owned a WRX i was pulled over at least once a month and car was ssearched for defects constantly. its quite amazing how the 'laws' appear to change when in different places/situations..... i dont know if anyone else has experinced this difference but it appears that cops in country towns are a bit bored.... it gets under my skin a bit cause the 'laws' seem to change whereeva u are! Good tyo hear that u came across a good one. When i had the WRX i was treated as nicely.............

i know exactly what you mean. i use to live in good old cooma town in the snowy mountains and whenever i go home i always get pulled over even if im going 10kph under the limit. its like they just pull me over cause im the only car on the road and they have nothing else to do but the last 3 years ive been in sydney i think ive been pulled over maybe once or twice and that just because they had a bay set up on the side of the road and were pulling everyone in.

When I was yonger and walked everywhere, got pulled up by the police alot, some of them were ass's.

But since driving I havn't had any bad experiences at all. Only had 2 experiences with the police.

1st, got pulled over for speeding (coasting down a hill coz i was almost out of fuel), on a double demirits weekend and the office let me off with a warning, just said to watch my speed, i thanked him and he left.

2nd, was down at a local park at 2am after going out drinking with mates (i was designated driver). Police unit came down and parked behind my car. Officer did a breath test then walked around the car shining his torch on the rims/tyres. Then asked if i get much attention in the car (which i dont) and then just said have a nice night and left.

im italian croatian too. 2nd generation aussie. i do look a bit like a wog face-wise but without the sick hair cut and the gold and the filthy mouth. never had any problems with cops except when i was caught speeding. and even then the cop was talking to me about how he also owns an R33 how really difficult to drive slowly in his too. legend.

if someone does a good and fair job, i'll say it.... still if you've been a cop for years and are basically sick of punks giving you attitude, i can see how allot of people may have a bad experience with some cops.....

And in response to DREWII, Yes if you act like a wog they'll hang you to dry.... i admit i look abit like a lebbo and that would work against me at first but i'm clean cut, none of this fully sick hair cuts, dont call people in authority "bro", and im second geno aussi so i don't even have that ugly wog accent lol....

by the way im greek heritage so im still a target lol

gotta go pick my gf up in an hour in surry hills, id rather not run into cops tonight again.....

wish me luck

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