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New wheels are on! Pretty happy with the fitment, however the swift springs now don't give it *quite* enough drop.

Its a good trade of looks and practicality, and it's at a legal height. I'm not interested in coilovers so I'll probably just leave it as is. Maybe try some Eibachs...

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Looks like someone is *keeping* their car ;) Looks excellent, and good luck with your V36 Julian :)

I _finally_ could be bothered to take a decent photo of my stock standard 370GT Crossover (Infiniti EX37)... This was the first time I have tried using a softbox to shoot a car and although I only had 5 minutes to get the shot I think it worked out well... There was also some messy photoshopping to get rid of the lines from where I was moving the softbox. I'll do a cleaner one the next time the car is clean and the night is clear...

[edit - ergh - realised I didn't even clean the wheels or tyres. Ugh. Definitely re-doing this in the weekend if the weather is clear]


Cheers -N

Edited by talkiet
  • 2 weeks later...

Last Slowlife meet last week. De-stickered whole car and just running it clean now. I think it looks better. This is how it currently sits and is the best picture i have at the moment.

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are those koyas? what are the specs?

Yeah man I own Chef, Thanks fellas, um this fitment is for flush fitment running exactly with the side panels with 0 rolling of guards. Tyres had to be stretched to keep it legal under body. Koya SF06 20"s all around 9.5 ET +30 fronts and 10.5 ET +37 rears.

  • 6 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Small update on the Vtard. Pretty happy with this beast.....finished fasted nissan on its first sprint on the long circuit on Eastern Creek....and was on its way to 15th outright(2:09 on the long track) but the front hub failed. Will be putting it in Superlap div 2 next year after I spend the next 9 months fine tuning suspension and brakes. Still needs to go on a diet as its 1,520kgs atm.

Cracked 270RWK and 910NM's at its last tunes on e85.

Aiming for a 1:39 on the normal track.....should be capable of a 1:43 as is atm.

P.S. The rear wheels are getting resprayed back to silver because fugly.




  • Like 4
  • 5 months later...

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