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Hey everyone,

I have a bit of a problem which i cant seem to find the answer to.

I bought a damaged r33 s2, Im a panel beater my self so i have fixed the damage on my own. Now i seem to have a problem with the car running with out a problem.

The engine starts but alot of black smoke just keeps coming out from the exhaust and it cuts out as if one of the spark plugs are not working (or a coil problem). I checked all the plugs and coils and they were all fine, then after letting it run for about half an hour to see if the smoke will stop the car just turned off on its own. So I changed the spark plugs and they were burnt out on the tips. When i put new ones i thought to my self i would change the oil and oil filter at the same time. So i did all that but still the same problem.

I dont want to keep the car running for a long period because my guess is that its going to burn the plugs out again.

I asked around and a few people said its my coils, but my own thoughts to that was then why would it be blowing all that black smoke? Then another person said it can be one of my fuel sensors, saying its burning too much fuel thats why my plugs were burning out. So i thought i would ask another mechanic and this bloke said that it could be my air intake sensor.

So i would like to get some help off anyone i can if possible. Thanks.

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yeah well its super rich....so i guess thats a good place to start diagnosing from... check the base timing... also check the diagnosis codes from the ecu...

Hey mate,

would you know how to check the base timing or the diagnosis of the ecu, or anywhere in sydney i can get it done? I like to play around with my car my self and feel good about working on it so yeah

im no expert but try resetting the ecu...... its cheap and quick and you'll have a result in a few mins

to reset ecu unhook the negative battery cable and turn the lights on and press the brake for a minute to drain all the power stored in the ecu so it will loose all current memory stored in it.

(dont forget to turn off lights before connecting battery up)

also does the engine shake or sound like a wrx when idle????? if so then it might also be running rich and have a spark problem that may be hard to detect,,,,,

Check the pins in the coil plug - make sure you haven't bent one out of alignment.

yes yes i agree..... it it either the ecu or something to do with the coils im racking my brain here and they most plausable still.....

and since the car is ideling like a wrx and is shakeing, whatever the prob is is making the spark f**k up.....

also check the grey clips that connect to the coils, when i had my sparks changed the idiot mechanic just connected these clips but didnt clip them in place so they just vibrated loose after a few days and made my wrx sound......

should have done it myself the first time but i thought he knew what he was doing..... lol now i know how to do it for next time

Hey guys,

ok i tried the whole reset thing. the check engine light blinked 5 slow and 5 fast. so im guessing that means things are alright. But i also had a thought because of the car accident im missing a pipe for the intercooler? so theres a pipe coming out from the engine but not connecting to the cooler because its missing? im told this can also be a reason why?

lol thats funny :D

To build boost the turbo relies on the piping to transfer it to the plenum, if there is no pipe there you cant have boost and the motor is drawing air through that pipe instead of the air filter so the air flow meter is not in the loop, frankly I dont know how it is running at all.

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