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Trust/greedy Bankrupt


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Not sure if this has been posted, but word on the street is Trust is bankrupt, god lets hope not, i so want a t88-38gk one day..

Taken from gtr.co.uk

Greddy /Trust JP important annoucement


Greddy ./Trust is going into adminstration we have been informed.

Therefore if anyone would like Greddy/Trust parts now is the time to order before certain parts of their catalogue or indeed the lot is discontinued

we have both reliable sources in japan who have confirmed this

Can anyone shed any light on this?

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Happened this morning and found out at around 10AM JP time.

We found out with a rather large order that is being delayed.

Was a good and bad heads up i suppose.

The stigma is always that they will close up shop and nothing will be available.

This is generally not the case. The company is held up a little while the situation is evaluated by the Japanese government or 3rd party investigators usually within a couple of months and items will then steadily become available again much like Apexera hopefully after they applied for Minjisaiseiho and came out of it to some extent.

BTW we have the T88 34GK kit in stock :).

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Happened this morning and found out at around 10AM JP time.

The stigma is always that they will close up shop and nothing will be available.

This is generally not the case. The company is held while the situation is evaluated by the Japanese government usually within a couple of months and items will steadily become available again much like Apexera, atleast we hope.

We found out with a rather large order that is being delayed.

Was a good and bad heads up i suppose.

BTW we have the T88 34GK kit in stock :).

I hope so aswel, sucks the way you find out is a large shitment. I wonder what other surprises the coming years have with two of the big tuners falling on hard times..

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I'm not surprised at all that they and their competitors would be in trouble. The days of big sales of tuneable cars were over 10 years ago, and 90% of people buy no-name stuff from china, not name stuff from japan that they get made in china.

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I'm not surprised at all that they and their competitors would be in trouble. The days of big sales of tuneable cars were over 10 years ago, and 90% of people buy no-name stuff from china, not name stuff from japan that they get made in china.

Although it's true that many Japanese branded parts are in fact, made from China, Sth Korea or where ever, some products are still manufactured from Japan as well.

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All that matters is that i have been dealing directley with TRUST japan for close to 6 years, all orders up untill yesterday, now and pending are all being honored and honestley they are trading like business is usual in fact i have about 6k in parts leaving anyday.... and other orders for parts have been despatched over the past few days like nothing even happened....

Both Trust japan and Greddy Oceania were at my workshop last week discussing future bussiness, so at this stage i would not panic.

Trust Japan has released a blog post and update on the official website in response to the incorrect bankruptcy news yesterday.

"In the response Trust sincerely apologised for the concern and impact of the news, but confirmed that proceedings are underway under the Japanese Civic Rehabilitation Law.

As previously reported, Trust assured that there will be no impact to part availability or development in the forseeable future. Trust organised events in Japan will continue on schedule and the company pleaded for continual customer loyalty and confidence.

We are happy to report this news and provide confidence for the purchase of Greddy products. In fact, in this troubled time purchasing Greddy products may prevent any future hard times for one of the largest companies in the Japanese industry"

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  • 2 weeks later...

Completely agree with URAS...

Just had the Rep from Greddy Oceania in our buisness yesterday aswell discussing deals and he confirmed the govt is going to be helping keep the company going and get it back on track. So all is not lost and seems that things will be back to normal soon!

Cheers Pete (BOOSTA)

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