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Hi All,

Just posting this on the WA section of the forums incase people havent heard about it.


A PERTHNOW reader has offered a $1000 reward for information leading to the arrest of a young man filmed viciously attacking a kangaroo.

The reader posted a message on PerthNow and also contacted the RSPCA offering the reward - and calling on other West Australians to boost the reward fund.

Several other PerthNow readers have pledged $500 amounts.

RSPCA spokesman Richard Barry said: "A member of the public has called to offer a reward for information leading to the capture of the individual seen beating the kangaroo.

"The offer is $1000 and the individual has called on other members of the public to do the same."

Hunt launched after video sent to Perth RSPCA

The RSPCA has launched a nationwide hunt for a youth shown beating a kangaroo unconscious in a sickening online video which was sent to its Perth office.

This disturbing footage was sent to the RSPCA in Perth and shows the youth using kick boxing-style attacks on the kangaroo as his friend laughs while filming.

Police say the man is shown pulling the kangaroo towards him as he uses his knee to deliver a blow to the animal’s chest.

The youth swings his punches into the animal’s face as the animal struggles to remain standing.

The final punch knocks the kangaroo to the ground where it appears to lay unconscious. It is not known if the animal survived.

The RSPCA refused to release the video in full, due to its graphic nature and fears it could spark copy-cat attacks. It also wanted to prevent the video being permanently posted onto other websites.

Wildlife expert Steve McLeod said the animal was probably injured before being attacked.

"The kangaroo is very disoriented,'' he said.

``It is very unusual for a kangaroo to fight like that as they invariably flee.

``I would hazard a guess that it has been knocked over by the car and injured. Certainly it has been stunned in some way."

The RSPCA across Australia has united in a nationwide appeal to catch the youths involved.

"We are appealing to every media outlet in Australia to help us track down the cowards behind the vicious attack on this kangaroo," WA RSPCA spokesman Richard Barry said.

As you can see - its sickening that some individual would hurt an animal. The link has pictures and video of the news reel. If anyone knows the person, contact the Police asap. I dont usually post here, but as an animal lover, I cant stand to see this happening. Worse is that, people like this moron grow up to be rapists, murders and thugs who prey on those that cant defend themselves.

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more info on the incident - with more pics:


The video is terrible - the guy holding the camera deserves a good beating with a cro-bar as well.

What is this country coming to.......shame that parents do not teach kids good old fashioned values.

Thats just plain disturbing...

Put that c*nt in the same cage as a full grown tiger, bear or just a large police dog then we see how tough he is...

Probably sh*t himself 10 times before gets eaten... for good.

oh and just because it was sent to WA rspca, doesn't mean it happened here..

That could be true Kylie - and im not trying to impose that WA is the only state that has morons like this. I have also posted this in the Vic section. My main aim is to get the word out, and perhaps people can keep an eye out for this fellow - its the only way justice will be done.

For example, its like the dog that was put in a baby basket and then trampled on by a group of teenagers in NSW a few years ago. I wrote to the police commissioner expressing my disgust and anger at it (i dont know what happened in the end, but the commissioner did write back saying that they are looking into it). I get the feeling that if the public dont take laws into their own hands, then cruelty to animals will keep going and soon those same people will be targetting people - it could be our parents, grand parents, significant other, kids, nephews, nieces etc.

I suppose I should post this news in other areas of the forum as well i.e NSW, SA etc - but will probably get warnings for multiple posts.

Put that c*nt in the same cage as a full grown tiger, bear or just a large police dog then we see how tough he is...

police dogs are god damn SCARY!!

i do all the garden and lawn maintenance for maylands police academy (where they keep all the dogs)

i see what they are capable of... :P

put him in the ring with a professional boxer... bare knuckle.


John Hopoate FTW!!!

Sick twisted f**kers. I hope they get hung from the town gates by their balls.

I'd prefer the WA Police catch the fks that broke into my house on the weekend.


Agrees with Bubba..


"In the absence of justice, what is sovereignty but organized robbery?"

"Punishment is justice for the unjust."


As far as I'm concern, anyone caught red-handing stealing in any capacity, should have a big 'T' branded on their hand. That way, every person that they come across, knows full well they are in the company of a THIEF!

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