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Dealerships must be laughing.

If someone goes in for a new car and they offer an insultingly low trade-in value, they can at least say that its better than getting tasered and shot, or bashed (as that Integra Type-R owner did in Chipping Norton a while back).

my mate was sellin a integra typr r and some guy asked him if he can look at it so the guy came down and my mates dad took the so called buyer for a drive, anyway the buyer asked if he could drive back my mates dads like yer no worries as they both got out of the car he hit my mates dad and drove off with the car, so he lost the car coppas cant do nythin about it. fkn wrong man.

my mate was sellin a integra typr r and some guy asked him if he can look at it so the guy came down and my mates dad took the so called buyer for a drive, anyway the buyer asked if he could drive back my mates dads like yer no worries as they both got out of the car he hit my mates dad and drove off with the car, so he lost the car coppas cant do nythin about it. fkn wrong man.

Good Point.

25 years years ago, this story alone would have made Front Page. Now, it's luck (or unlucky) to make page 7.

Q. How much of this story and the one on the thread are drug related do you think?

Q. I mean, by selling off stolen items, is it obvious that the dough is just about all used to feed a drug habit?

Q. Are we just collateral damage?

Q. Is this why we pay higher insurance premiums (so that the insurance companies don't lose profits)?

It may surprise people that whilst I've been a pharmacist for 38 years, I've only been asked ONCE, yes just ONCE by parent and child about the pros and cons of trying a recreational drug!!! Are we that unapproachable standing up there on a 6" dais?


did they take his car as well? cos if not then all they gained was a mobile

Not sure whether the target was...

i) the owner or,

ii) the car.

The owner's $$$, car keys and mobile were taken, but the car which was a Mazda RX-8 was left behind.

Not sure whether the target was...

i) the owner or,

ii) the car.

The owner's $$$, car keys and mobile were taken, but the car which was a Mazda RX-8 was left behind.

+1, that sounds a little odd to leave the car behind if thats what they were after. It seems that the owner of the car was the target and the group just needed an excuse to meet up with him.

For all we know the owner of the RX-8 may be a jack-ass who had this coming for one of several reasons... I can't really make an educated analysis without knowing who the owner of the RX-8 was and whether or not he has some questionable characteristics...

I had no idea any of this was happening with the basics of selling a car.

When I got my first car, me and my brother went along to meet the seller at a park. I now know why the seller braught a friend along also. heh

When I baught my second car (my skyline), the seller was actually quite precocious of me the first time we met...

It's hard to beleive that there are so many scum around... What used to be the best outdoors place is littered with deadbeats and drop kicks.

When I got my first car, me and my brother went along to meet the seller at a park. I now know why the seller braught a friend along also. heh

Yeah, when my mates have sold cars privately they've met at a neutral location (usually a carpark with CCTV) and they've brought me and some other mates along.

Its a sad state of affairs when something as basic as selling a car requires backup.

hmm, interesting thread

i was 19 when i sold my hsv astra

i was at home alone when i got a call from a guy saying he was coming to have a casual look then n there

5 mins later 4 bikie looking wogs rock upto my house

start looking over the car

then they tell me to go inside n draw up a contract

im like

well we haven't discussed the sale yet

he's like

we will

so they stood around me while my neighbours all looked on

even though i called them over

and i drew up a sale contract that the car would be sold for $1000

signed under heavy duress

they were rather rude and pushy - frnakly i'd rather not go into it

then the next day after i discussed the issue with my parents dad blew his stack

that night htye came over to pick up to car to greet my dad and i who was gonna show "him a lesson"

...then he saw the size of them, like, im a big guy.. infact im HUGE.. but even by my standards these guys were massive

they came over, tried to take the car for the thousand dollar duress signed contract, then tried to steal the keys off me

in short words were exchanged

i got grabbed around the throat

dad got threatened with his life

then mum said she'd call the cops if they didn't leave

they said


then she did it

they left immediately - saying this "isn't the end"

infact TOO immediately - to the point that it was scary that they left so easilly after causing such a fuss

i got many sleepless nights for a while there thinking they were gonna come back n steal the car or attack my family or even worse do a burnout on my lawn

i didnt get that ^ you were going to sell a HSV astra for $1000? and dont lost too much sleep over those 'hard c*nts', they just do that shit so they can blow quicker while they sit around pulling eachother, talking about how tough they are. they're the same fags that hang around maccas in groups of 10-15 people talking rather loudly about how many guys they smashed (or 'drilled') in the last few weeks. its funny when you see how quiet and reserved they are when you see them later in the street, one on one, suddenly they aint so chirpy and dont seem to mouth of as much :O do you know where any of em live? go punch his cat right in the face ;)

edit - were these young, jap bike wogs, or old, harley type bikie wogs?

btw, as for going to places to meet people, my mate bought a rex last year i think (just after the yellow S15 got stolen/owner tazered), and the WOMAN came alone, said she'd had too many freaks coming to look at the car, real wierd c*nts, thats why she wanted to meet at her house for that reason. i was like 'wtf ur crazy, at least bring people with you because people will car jack you *insert yellow S15 story*.

she had her parents come in another car next time, i think i scared her, maybe she thought i was gonna car jack her lol. but my mate bought the car so it was all good.

PS - shooting someone is attempted murder last time i checked? even if its only in the leg, isnt it still attempted murder? or malicious wounding or some sh*t?

Edited by VB-
go punch his cat right in the face :O

LOL... just imagining some guy walking into someones yard and punching it right in the face =\

I love the guys that sit around maccas and the local stores and shit talking out loud... All those fags are piss weak, not a single one would stand up alone... Poor guys can't afford to do anything but sit around the car parks and gutters at night... bit embarassing if you ask me lawl.

Edited by wilorichie

to answer your question - the astra was for sale for 3.500 but they made me sign a contract under duress with 4 strongmen

jap bike wogs too

not the oldschool ones

these guys had noooo... "Decorum" at least oldschool bikers will give you a chance and have some respect to begin with

these guys were just clits

the sad part was they were all about 25-30 years old

and went over to some guy's house to push around a singlular 19 year old kid

...but f**k i hated that hsv astra


I empathise with ya.

I've been a victim of an armed hold-up before with red stuff in a syringe. Jerk was just out of gaol. Now he's back in eh?

Held up a hairdresser the day after me. And a hardware store the day after that. Got caught there!

So now on my R34, I have a bright red PANIC BUTTON that does strange things...


When my brother was selling his VL Grp A Brock HDT SS, I'd be following 100m behind like a STAKE-OUT!

Suss calls had to leave their Ph No so we could call back to verify as best we could.

Eventually a proud middle-aged guy bought it. We knew him as the dude who serviced our home air/con.

6 weeks later, some f"%*wits broke into his triple garage and took off with it. Never surfaced since at last report.

Can't be too careful these days eh?

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