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Hi all,

I was thinking that it would be nice to organise a bbq for the drift day. Not only for the members of this forum, but also SAU members from around Aust who are making the trek over here:)

And, everybody loves a barbie so any excuse will do.

Have met with some positive responses so far, T-man has kindly offered to provide all those interested with cheap (reckons it will cost about $1 per head - is that right tim?) snags etc which is awesome.

but a few things need to be sorted.

1) Does anybody have a bbq that could be used on the day?

2) Bread, we need bread. Anybody work at a bakery, otherwise I will just have to go out and buy some:) Oh, and some onions never goes astray.

3)ICY COLD BEER! cant have a bbq without beer! Most of the locals (us) will be able to provide their own esky and ice. But our visitors wont be so lucky perhaps? Plus, some may need to grab a beer because they forgot (of course we couldnt sell the stuff, but if someone was to 'give' me a couple of dollars, I could 'give' them a beer;))

So if anybody has a spare esky that would be great:) I spose I can provide some ice.

Another thing that I was hoping someone could let me know about, is there any undercover up there at the track? Cos I dont know what the weater will be like, and may need tarp etc to keep the rain off the bbq:D

IF ANYBODY can help with the above, please respond asap.

If there is anything anybody else thinks would be a good idea, please post up here. I would like to also get an idea of how many people would be interested, so T-man can make the appropriate arrangements.

All you interstate guys, please let post up if you are interested in bbq and beers, cos we need numbers! including any non SAU hangers on that you drag along for the day;)

Cheers all.


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Ok, My dad does 4wding and I'll ask him if he could kindly lend us his little camper 2burner for the day. If not, we have one at work in the storeroom that i could take thats a little bit bigger and probably better for the job :)

The BBQ is taken care of.

I'll look into meat a bit further today, but I need to know what you's think you'll eat, and i need a bit more definate numbers on what to buy too.

Let me know!

Bread will be f*ck all, someone can run through bakers delight, I think loaf's are 80c each and we would probaly only need two loafs I reckon..


Thanks t-man:)

I reckon we could go with sausage sizzle, so sausages only. Unles someone esp wants something different?

loaves of bread only have about 20 odd slices, if eveyone has 2-3 sausages (I'll probably have 4 cos I want to keep my shit locker in shape).

I dont mind getting the bread, onions, tomato sauce, napkins, oil, barbie tools and a chopping board - but if anybody can get em cheap (or for free) cos they have connections it wouldnt hurt. (I'm a tight arse:D)

Just realised we probably need a table to set up shit on, well not actual feces, but stuff.

Thanks for all the feedback guys, T-man, still reckon only 2 loaves of bread will cover it:p

Hippy, I am sure I could use a hand, thanks mate - someones gotta turn the sausages when I gotta make room for more beers:D

Currently stands at 14 + attending and Pawley has room in his esky for a carton ? is that right? I am sure we could find some light refreshing ales to put in there

Also, T-man has suggested, and its a bloody awesome one, BBQ breaky (eggs, bacon, snags) about 9am, with a few beers to kick the day off!

Anybody else up for a barby breaky?

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