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squeeling noise on startup


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Hey all

Just recently my 33 has developed this squeeling noise on startup it sounds like a engine drive belt but they are all tight and in good condition so that isnt the problem. It will make this noise three out of five times it is started so it isnt constant. I was told it could be the clutch on the engine cooling fan or somthing in the strater motor any help would be sweet as its getting worrying thx dudes.

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If your certain on your belts then I'd be looking at the starter motor next. You could have a faulty/slow returning solenoid. What this means is that the starter motor is being turned over by the engine for a second or two until momentum returns the idler gear. The solenoid is the smaller of the two cylinders on the starter motor and is responsible for the throwing in and out of the gear. It could be as simple as the return spring being broken or dissengauged.

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R33, if its this, i wouldn't expect more than $100 to remove and install then another $100 for parts. But don't quote me, cause for all I know it could be something as stupid as a sqealing timing belt tensioner and they charge you $600 cause it took them all day to get it out and back!

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Ive got the same thing....sounds like my alt. is clicking every second at 1000rpm when cold...if the car is warm, it doesn't do it...belts have been changed and water pump replaced....im thinking its something with the pump as i left water out of the radiator while the car was running and it stopped for 5 sec...?

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if u think it maybe the alt , take the belt off if it stops well thats it then if it doesn't then u know its not the alt .

but u should be able to tell the alt bearing noise is diff to the starter gear noise ..

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no just normal spaner or socket . the alt belt u loosen the alt so u can move it in to remove the air cond same whaen u tighten them make sure they are not to tight as long as they dont squeel that is tight enough.

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