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Went for a nice drive today (around 100km easy driving) and a couple of km from home the rear end kicks out for a second and then steering goes hard!!! I was doing around 50km/hr in a tight road works area and the back just steered out...i nearly hit the barrier.

I figure there is a problem with HICAS so i head home with heavy and slightly off centre steering turn the car off and reset ecu. Start it back up and hicas light still on. Reset ecu again and light has gone off and steering seems back to normal, turn ignition off and the car stays on!!!!!! I stall it and try again and the same this is happening. I reset ECU again and seems fine....go for a spin and everything is fine, pull up in garage turn off and it stays on again for 2 minutes and then turns off. I start it again and it wont turn off until 2 minutes!!!!!

Any idea what has just happend???? There is no turbo timer that i know of!!!! I have done searches but no real help.

Thanks in advance


PS: I checked power steering fluid and its fine. I wasnt doing anything different when the back end kicked out except it happened right as i turned the rear wiper on!!!!!!

Edited by Bond
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is it exactly 2 min? sounds like you reset a turbo timer you didnt know you had when you d/c the battery. some alarm systems also have this feature.

either way, the steering problem is not linked to your staying-on issue, i would say that you could either go to the trouble of going through the hicas system for problems, or just remove it with a lock bar. check the fuse. depends what model you have as to what sorts of things go wrong

its safer to lock it in your case, $100 odd to lock it or risk having a fatal accident but knowing that you cold have prevented the problem........ unless you got money to have someone look at it (unless its a fuse) just lock it.

yeah my alarm/immobiliser has a built in Turbo timer, cant see why yours couldnt be just a turbo timer hideing somewhere that has probably been off for all this time and resetting the ecu brought it back to life or something like that..... anyway nothing wrong with a turbo timer, better for your turbo if your in a hurry to leave the car, although insurance will sqeez there way out of it if its stolen and recoverd with a TT in it..... also ive heard that tt's are illegal if they are seperate to the immobiliser but dont quote me on that...

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