I was driving behind an FG (or something similar) Falcon ute with a shopping trolley wing (1/3 the height of that ^ one) on the back end of the hard cover....and it took me 5s to realise I wasn't looking at an NSX. f**king bogans.
Can't help out with where you can get it in AU, however it's the Emotion R "Edge" aero kit for ECR33. (not to be confused with the Vertex Edge aero parts)
Cockpit Tatebayashi's R33 demo car seems to be the only reference to this kit for the ECR33 on the Japanese web now. All other references are either for the Silvia or Z33 Fairlady parts.
https://www.google.com/search?q=エモーションR EDGE&sca_esv=625157b32196c1a0&udm=2&biw=1920&bih=911&sxsrf=ADLYWILfULOdvzCFN-gREHMmyeYVcyv4nw%3A1734664822467&ei=duJkZ6iOHLWa0-kPpuTmwQE&ved=0ahUKEwioobCEsrWKAxU1zTQHHSayORgQ4dUDCBE&uact=5&oq=エモーションR EDGE&gs_lp=EgNpbWciGuOCqOODouODvOOCt-ODp-ODs1LjgIBFREdFSIwRUIwEWKwMcAF4AJABAJgBW6ABiASqAQE2uAEDyAEA-AEBmAICoAJXwgIEECMYJ8ICBxAAGIAEGATCAgUQABiABMICBBAAGB6YAwCIBgGSBwEyoAfyDg&sclient=img#imgrc=iKsl5vY-icfTtM&imgdii=kH40wcX2OvVavM
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