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My Pride And Joy Gone .please Help This Is My Last Resort


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Just wondering how you got a start at a mine site without a licence???????????What do you do as a miner??

I had sympathy for you until i read you dont have a licence and are proud of it...I still have some sympathy do in a way, but knowing that you dont have car atm makes me feel a bit better because its one less ignorrant unlicenced driver off the road which is a good thing...

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haha thats exactly what i was thinking paul

And like you dont have enough cash for insurance or an alarm if your paying $300 to the man every week

Hope you get it back though - nobody deserves to have shit stolen.

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i work about 2 hrs from kal and the miners here are on 100k+ a year at least. Airleggers, which is a more manual method of mining are on 160k+ a year o.o

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Sorry for my post about the school holidays, but that type of post is all too common from new members around school holidays.

Sorry to here about your loss.

Welcome to the forum.

Could you please do us all a favour and punctuate your post into comprehendable sentences. It makes it easier for us to understand what you're really trying to say?



wtf mate, your a retard. this is a forum.. hate to break it to ya. get off your chair and go for a run or something.

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wtf mate, your a retard. this is a forum.. hate to break it to ya. get off your chair and go for a run or something.

you do know that verbally attacking members of the forum is against the usage policy?


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