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first of all ' names brian im 15 and 7 months old..yer yer im a kid i know and u might think that i dont know anything but thats not the case. my fave skyline models are:( there is no best or worst eg top being best bottom being worst )

GT-R NISMO Z-tune - 2.8 L (bored and stroked) RB26DETT twin-turbo 500 PS (368 kW, 540 N m) ( Theoretically nobody here will ever own one of these due to only 20 made but just imagine sleeping at night knowing that this beast was in your posession ) <LI>GT-R V-Spec II Nür - As above V-Spec II + N1 motor, 300 km/h speedo. (only 750 made) ( As the above statement said about nobody probably ever owning one due to not alot made but there is 750 of these babys so.. more chance lol still abit $$$ )<LI>GT-R (R34) RB26DETT twin-turbo 332 PS (244 kW, 392 N m) (advertised as 280) ( Now these arent that hard to get at all but still very $$$ at times depending on mods+condition )<LI>GT-R (R33) RB26DETT twin-turbo DOHC 305 PS ( 224kW, 375 N m) (4WD) ( The R33 GTR is much easier to buy and find than a R34 GTR but i still dont know what one i like better )<LI>R33 GTS25T 2.5L RB25DET DOHC ( single turbo t28 ) 250 HP ( 184 Kw ' N m ) ( RWD ) ( Coupe ) ( now these might not be twin-turbo but are still alot of fun. 0-60 in roughly 6.3 seconds ' top speed sought to be 163MPH " i recon about 145MPH "but u can find that outfor yourself you can hit the tree not me =] and can hit 100 MPH in top of 3rd gear and can get one imported for as little as 12 grand )<LI>ENR33 GTS-4 - 2.5 L RB25DE DOHC 190 PS (140 kW, 231 N m) 4WD ( these seem to be very good + with 140kw from a 2.5L 4WD what more can u ask for ' im looking to buy one of these for my first car due to new laws restrictions ect. u know about em )<LI>ER33 GTS25 - 2.5 L RB25DE DOHC 190 PS (140 kW, 231 N m) ( this car is about the same as the GTS-4 but this model is a RWD car and has the same ammount of power + looks very neat and will get u from A to B before that important deadline ranges from 7800$ - to max 20000$ have to look around for these tho not alot in australia for sale much easier lookign in internet for import yards in japan )<LI>25 GT, GT-X, GT-V - 2.5 L RB25DE NEO 200 ps (147 kW) ( now these models are all R34 ' all 3 of them are non turbo putting out 200HP and about 235 N m ' also every model here comes with the carbon reducing NEO engine so u can help the earth while going back into 4th and planting it all the way to 170 =] also just because this is the last of my list of faves it dosent mean i like this the least so yer =] man i love puttin these here =] =] =] ) and these to ) ) ). So there you go u have a rough idea of what im about and the skyline models that i like . so send me your car specs and shit so we can chat because when i get my skyline ( as i will ) i will practically live on this site so i can get feedback and info about anything on skylines. remember i may only be 15 and 7 months old but i do have a passion for skylines they way they look ' in the sun ' shade ' after a wash and a buff or just the b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l-l sound of the turbine winding up as you hit 5000RPM onto 7000RPM and that feeling when u get launched back into your seat and the world around you starts melting at the top on 3rd gear ( R33 GTS25T ) . and if you are wondering if i have ever even been in a car or ect.. i have grown up with atleast 7 different skylines owned by various family members and my sibling atm owns a 1996 series 2 skyline gts25t lightly modded single turbo 340hp on 12psi.the fastest i have ever been in a car was in a 1998 GTR RB26DETT fully stock but upgraded intake and pod filter and exhaust i remember looking across at the speedo and seeing the needle at 230 for about 7 seconds and then the engine kept going for another atleast 9 seconds u suspect the car hit about 255 due to the Bridge we passed under on a long straight looking like we passed it in a jet. i might come off sounding like a kid who thinks he knows everything and has been faster then u and ect.. u get me but i havent so yer i will get the chance in the future tho to experince these things for myself behind the wheel of my own car but untill then i hope you can send me messages and ur car specs so we can chat and haggle =]! ps - Japan Is Where The Magic Happens !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!SKYLINES FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Shouldn't you be at a party or something? That's where we all were at your age :P Only cool kids drive skylines :thumbsup:

Glad you like the cars man, and at the age of 15, you do seem to know a bit, I have mates that know less then you (luckily, they drive supras so it's ok), but you still have a long way to go...

Lesson Number 1:

Quoting the shit out of Wikipedia without paragraphs or formatting pisses me off.

Also, wikipedia isn't always 100% correct. Don't use wiki quotes to back yourself up in an argument, use first hand experience.


That reminds me, it's beer o'clock! :(

wahh another young one like me!

the fastest ive been was 200km/h on the freeway with my uncle driving

i shit myself

Edited by GTR-boy
Shouldn't you be at a party or something? That's where we all were at your age :( Only cool kids drive skylines :mellow:

Glad you like the cars man, and at the age of 15, you do seem to know a bit, I have mates that know less then you (luckily, they drive supras so it's ok), but you still have a long way to go...

Lesson Number 1:

Quoting the shit out of Wikipedia without paragraphs or formatting pisses me off.

Also, wikipedia isn't always 100% correct. Don't use wiki quotes to back yourself up in an argument, use first hand experience.


That reminds me, it's beer o'clock! :O

Lol its funny because it's true:


Every model nearly word for word........*sigh*

Kid i got some better advice, your too young to have all your money get blown week to week on a skyline, so instead, concentrate on getting a gf, that way you can also have all your money blown week to week so you know what it's like :)

wahh another young one like me!

the fastest ive been was 200km/h on the freeway with my uncle driving

i shit myself

Dun care...my uncle has a flying car, it flies in the sky!


Has 2.

Edited by madbung

welcome brother...

but yeah definitely stay in school and learn paragraphs :P

but atleast you like cars...hopefully you can one day join the ranks of skyline drivers and be as cool as some of the members on here (like doof...every word he speaks is filled with awesomeness)

:):) you doof

Dun care...my uncle has a flying car, it flies in the sky!


Has 2.

wow! does he wanna sell one?

my dad used to have a flying carpet, no joke!

its part of the whole middle eastern ethnicity package :cool:

One day you too could be like me and own a GTR!!!! :D

Just kidding mate, welcome....

[its like totally awesome your here dude!!!!!!!] :cool:

Edited by Duncan1

start saving and by the time you hit year 12 you could buy a 32/33 GTS.....although who knows, the P plate laws may get even worse.

Edited by willL


Make some good use of your time by 'reading' the sticky sections in the various sections and when thinking about a question to ask use the search button first and remember to have a good read.

Have fun mate ;)

Hey mate,

I'm also around your age(a little bit older), Anyways Welcome To The Forums, However some advice don't use text message abbreviations such as yea/wat, it may not seem like a big difference but since most of the members are adults they appreciate proper language skills and typing so try your best and do it.

Secondly as Doof said you cannot beat first hand experiences not just Wikipedia.(so don't copy and paste all information) share your passion for the car by really learning and loving it!.

:):( :(

Finally if some people start saying stuff about school holidays it's just that whenever school holidays start many kids come on the forums and make many useless topics...:D don't worry i use to do this kind of stuff all the time just ignore them.

Meet some new people and make some friends.


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