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G'day all.

It's been a while since I've posted here, however I'd like to give you all a glimpse of some test images that my friend had taken of my new R33 GTR.












I hope y'all dug them.

My mate's actually in the process of setting up a photographic biz including rolling shots, hence me spending the morning ironing out some bugs with him.



Edited by gtrrrr
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The car is quite out of focus and not very sharp... I've got some very sharp rollling shots of it around here somewhere. Try going in the late afternoons too, as you'll find it avoids the direct sun light that's affected a lot of these photos. A few questions:

1. What camera gear is he using?

2. Is he raising shutter or lowering apature to achieve those results?

3. What focus points is he using and is it on a constantly adjusting focus?

Car is looking hot though (not biased at all haha)

I agree with tommO

No disrespect or trying to be rude, but all these photos are way out of focus. Also way too much sunlight, perhaps try it later on in the day!!

But if its his first attempt then i must say its a good try!!

Tell him to try it out again.

See if he can use an aperture around f4 to get better DOF, focus on the car and pan along. Also try it around 1/60-1/100.. Should work well around there.. Also try center focus point..

Also with these types of shots you don't have to be driving quickly..

Will be interesting to see his next set of shots..

Edit: Ask him to post the EXIF data on these shots.. ta

Edited by siddr20

Ok im just on his myspace page.

Just realised he has a rig set up in these shots. I wonder how hes taking these photos - if its wireless activation to take photos etc..

Will be interesting to know..

Also i noticed that when its resized on myspace the quality/focus looks better!!

EDIT: He has some really good panning shots in his other albums - Tell him great stuff :cool:

Edited by siddr20

There's no way you'd use a rig in this setting, its too fast, too dangerous and there'd be a lot more vibration due to the speed that the car is travelling at.

My bet is it's car-to-car shooting and yes the shots are fairly average. Best place to do this kind of thing is on a 3 lane highway with bugger all traffic around and during the afternoon.


As i have mentioned at the start of this tread, these are test shots, and Steve is doing them as a favour to me,so lets not flame him so fast

I have seen the shots on his laptop and they are a lot sharper than what we have here for some reason?

Yes it is a rolling rig,on a 3 lane road ,it felt safe to me , steve will be online later by the way

Sidd got your pm thank you


Hello everyone, this is Stephen, Mike's mate that unwittingly created a bit of a firestorm within this thread.

After being told last night about the overwhelmingly negative feedback from the pics he'd added yesterday, I felt that I should let you all know what the circumstances were for this shoot.

As Mike had explained originally within his initial post, these shots were taken during the first test of a rig that I had created for my camera vehicle. The purpose of the run yesterday was to isolate what modifications may be required but to also ascertain the appropriate shutter speeds etc required for this style of shoot.

As to be expected I had encountered a series of teething problems and issues that I am in the process of amending. As can be seen, the handful of shots that Mike had submitted look significantly softer than what they actually are, and seem to have suffered some degradation due to the automatic resizing of these images. Just look at how soft the watermark is as an example.

All of these shots were done by myself, not requiring a driver and somebody else to hang on to my belt as I hang out of the rear of a van or hatchback. They were shot at normal driving speed limits with average shutter speeds of 1/60th sec. As for safety concerns, the highway patrol officer that I'd passed didn't bat an eye lid. I also plan on offering perspectives that can not be achieved by simply hanging a camera out of a car's window, with my camera capable of being mounted as low as 450mm from the road surface as shot during the seemingly controversial photo shoot.

What really disappointed me the most was the brash attitude of a couple of members that seemed to have not understood the nature and true spirit of Mike's posting of his pride and joy. It seems that siddr20 had been the only person astute enough to realise this, and had the initiative to check them out on my Myspace page to confirm that they are indeed clearer there.

Xmetal, your need to denigrate my first attempt at rolling shots has surprised me the most. Yes, I have some way to go in offering rolling shots to the general public, which is why I did the tests in the first place! Your obvious need to prove to your peers that you're the big dog on campus when it comes photography upon this forum is plain to see, hence your attempts to scent mark this thread. After checking out your Myspace and photobucket images I must agree that you have some good shots there. However you are no Easton Chang, Todd Johnson, Jeff Creech, Robert Kerian or Ansell Adams for that matter, and until your work is of their caliber I believe you should show more humility to fellow photographers and hobbyists.

Well, what can I say, not quite the first post I'd like join a forum with, however there's only so much ill informed banter one can handle.












Xmetal, your need to denigrate my first attempt at rolling shots has surprised me the most. Yes, I have some way to go in offering rolling shots to the general public, which is why I did the tests in the first place! Your obvious need to prove to your peers that you're the big dog on campus when it comes photography upon this forum is plain to see, hence your attempts to scent mark this thread. After checking out your Myspace and photobucket images I must agree that you have some good shots there.

Steve, there was no malice intended towards your work however when it was said you were using a 'rig' I thought they ment it was actually mounted on the GTR hence why I pushed the point about it being car-to-car. I don't try and make myself out to be the tall walker around here and I do have a lot of time and respect for some of the other shooters here, I only a beef with guys that come onto forums posting pictures that are rubbish then claiming to be 'god' (i'm not referring to you here). I will finish by saying that your other work in live band shooting is exceptional work and it's a lot harder than shooting cars - keep it up. :D

However you are no Easton Chang,

No i'm not but he is my mentor and does tear my works to shreds on most occasions. :D

In Motion,

Most (if not all) people in here are offering constructive critisim - well, trying to at least... I think you might have mis-read our comments a little? Glad you joined up to reply to our comments, the new photos you posted are much better :D Thats why I asked questions about the circumstances and shooting style, not just said "they're shit" and that's it. Go the Nikon gear :D

I still think you should try shooting at a different time where the light is less harsh, but i'm sure you see that yourself :)

I obviously love the car, as I just recently sold it to Mike.

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