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What Is Going On In Adelaide, With No Respect For Your Car ?

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What is going on in this town? or is it my luck...lol

Yep people here just don't seem to have any respect for other peoples property at all. My wife's '06 Swift gets hammered. It's had about 6 car park dings from people opening their door into it. And a nice deep fresh one from this weekend just gone. Also got some on the Skyline but not to bad thankfully. It makes me fiercely angry :) FFS watch what ya doing!!! Don't just throw your bloody door open!!!

But I have a theory.... Car parks are getting smaller. And people are getting bigger..........

I'm saving up for a Daily! Saving up meaning saving $400 for a banged up Rolla or something haha

At least you'll know I wound get defected LOL.

yeah little bastards took off i didnt' realize what they did at first. by that time they were long gone, and they were out of camera range from the petrol station.

if was at seaford mobil near HJ.

new valve caps are on with a wrench now...lol

this is my daily driver, i bought a Jet black 93 RZ Supra with 97 VVTI TWIN TURBO for my weekend car but its up at Millinium motors in QLD still getting some more toys ...lol i shouldnt have to drive a sled to keep it from being screwed with. had a VT COMMY R8 kit up , same problems

doesnt matter if u drive a shot box, i had a old pintara , looked tough but it wasnt.. they broke into it at noarlunga to steal 4 buck in change out of console, but paid the price judging from the amout of blood they left..from parking lot to train station.. serves them right..assholes- 500 buck car but it drifted good at slow speed ..lol

wife has a R31 and we went to pizza hut across from christies beach police station, i went in to get pizza she waited in the car. i heard the panic alarm go off, 3 10yr old kids were in the car trying to jack it with her in it about 9pm at night with people everywhere.. little shits , went to the cops, they said so what do you want us to do , waste of time telling them on both cases --- lucky it had anti carjacking alarm they ran when i came out back came back later. her poor skyline looks like hell, so many parking lot hits the front and rear bumper are stuffed and a hole from towbar in front bar.. its our go to the pub car...lol drunks bounce off it lots i would say...lol and no she doesnt touch my R34,, good thing ...lol

yeah compton isnt a very nice place at all, my tricked out tube chassis RX7 was like the pied piper , they followed it lots to try for it but my ex wife who lived there informed the little kids/crips that i had two AK47 and wouldnt hesitate to use it on there ass.. from then on they didnt come near it...lol

and had a guy jacked a few cars from me when he tried to get my Mitsu VR4 i hit the car jacker alarm he took off, they caught his ass about 4 hrs later,, pretty cool to see him taken down on the news from the news helecopter...lol

had another attempt at carjacking it in denver, had 4 blacks pull uzi from under a towel in the back window of a caddy in front of me one night i slammed it thru the dirt onto the hiway and floored it, they chased me at over 130mph in the emergency lane but the RX7 was too fast for them to catch in the caddy. lost them after hitting top speed 167mph for a few miles then called the cops who said they had to followup with rego but doubted the caddy belonged to them anyway.. pretty freaky suprised they didnt fire at me ..lol they really wanted the car bad. but i bet they would have just shot me and took the car anyway, worth running !!!

ok, ive lived in america for 10 nearly 11 years including the slums of LA and ghetto chicago and not ONCE have i ever had a gun, knife or a car jacking etc. i have friends taht are crips and i still never saw a thing other then once one was arrested because they werent allowed to be in a group of more then 4 at a time.

i was also born in seaford and live my first 4 years of my life there, then after moving back from america, i moved back down south including port noarlunga and christie downs and now mclaren vale and spent MANY different times at all the locations that youve mentioned and not once have i had any problems including being parked infront of the christies cop shop and people who know my car know its nothing stealth at all :D

you must be pretty unlucky

i remember when my cousin came out of centrelink one day and was stopped buy two people who just decided to push him around. (cousin 26 and does boxing at state level) told them to stop, they didnt and he knocked one of them straight to the ground, the other just bolted lol

yeah little bastards took off i didnt' realize what they did at first. by that time they were long gone, and they were out of camera range from the petrol station.

if was at seaford mobil near HJ.

new valve caps are on with a wrench now...lol

this is my daily driver, i bought a Jet black 93 RZ Supra with 97 VVTI TWIN TURBO for my weekend car but its up at Millinium motors in QLD still getting some more toys ...lol i shouldnt have to drive a sled to keep it from being screwed with. had a VT COMMY R8 kit up , same problems

doesnt matter if u drive a shot box, i had a old pintara , looked tough but it wasnt.. they broke into it at noarlunga to steal 4 buck in change out of console, but paid the price judging from the amout of blood they left..from parking lot to train station.. serves them right..assholes- 500 buck car but it drifted good at slow speed ..lol

wife has a R31 and we went to pizza hut across from christies beach police station, i went in to get pizza she waited in the car. i heard the panic alarm go off, 3 10yr old kids were in the car trying to jack it with her in it about 9pm at night with people everywhere.. little shits , went to the cops, they said so what do you want us to do , waste of time telling them on both cases --- lucky it had anti carjacking alarm they ran when i came out back came back later. her poor skyline looks like hell, so many parking lot hits the front and rear bumper are stuffed and a hole from towbar in front bar.. its our go to the pub car...lol drunks bounce off it lots i would say...lol and no she doesnt touch my R34,, good thing ...lol

yeah compton isnt a very nice place at all, my tricked out tube chassis RX7 was like the pied piper , they followed it lots to try for it but my ex wife who lived there informed the little kids/crips that i had two AK47 and wouldnt hesitate to use it on there ass.. from then on they didnt come near it...lol

and had a guy jacked a few cars from me when he tried to get my Mitsu VR4 i hit the car jacker alarm he took off, they caught his ass about 4 hrs later,, pretty cool to see him taken down on the news from the news helecopter...lol

had another attempt at carjacking it in denver, had 4 blacks pull uzi from under a towel in the back window of a caddy in front of me one night i slammed it thru the dirt onto the hiway and floored it, they chased me at over 130mph in the emergency lane but the RX7 was too fast for them to catch in the caddy. lost them after hitting top speed 167mph for a few miles then called the cops who said they had to followup with rego but doubted the caddy belonged to them anyway.. pretty freaky suprised they didnt fire at me ..lol they really wanted the car bad. but i bet they would have just shot me and took the car anyway, worth running !!!

Don't get me started on that Christies Beach cop shop! The people who work in there are mindless pricks. They won't help you with anything. Nothing. Yet they let all the stupid Commodores across in the Macca's carpark rip skids and start shit with import drivers! Maybe it's because the cops get discount at that Macca's and don't want to ruin business...

But what they are good at is spraying capsicum spay on knife-bearing people in wheelchairs and arresting phsyco, drug-fueled, swearing, man-beating women. If anyone here spent Australia Day @ Christies Beach earlier this year, you'll know exactly what I'm talking about. That was a crazy night.

Don't get me started on that Christies Beach cop shop! The people who work in there are mindless pricks. They won't help you with anything. Nothing. Yet they let all the stupid Commodores across in the Macca's carpark rip skids and start shit with import drivers! Maybe it's because the cops get discount at that Macca's and don't want to ruin business...

But what they are good at is spraying capsicum spay on knife-bearing people in wheelchairs and arresting phsyco, drug-fueled, swearing, man-beating women. If anyone here spent Australia Day @ Christies Beach earlier this year, you'll know exactly what I'm talking about. That was a crazy night.

The cops at Sturt cop shop are f**king useless! :)

Don't get me started on that Christies Beach cop shop! The people who work in there are mindless pricks. They won't help you with anything. Nothing. Yet they let all the stupid Commodores across in the Macca's carpark rip skids and start shit with import drivers! Maybe it's because the cops get discount at that Macca's and don't want to ruin business...

But what they are good at is spraying capsicum spay on knife-bearing people in wheelchairs and arresting phsyco, drug-fueled, swearing, man-beating women. If anyone here spent Australia Day @ Christies Beach earlier this year, you'll know exactly what I'm talking about. That was a crazy night.

if I was a cop and had the choice of either arresting a car thief or a phsyco, drug-fueled, swearing, man-beating women..........I'd go the latter.

mate PM as much info as you can regarding these kids at seaford and there is a good chance i can get you names........

+1 to that. I know plenty of Seaford people... both good and bad.

if I was a cop and had the choice of either arresting either a car thief or a phsyco, drug-fueled, swearing, man-beating women..........I'd go the latter.

Lol yeah +1 to that one. You should have seen her. She even had her kids in the back of her car and she was screaming and swearing at everyone! Then she starts hitting some guy and the police jumped in. Why are these so called 'women' parents?! But that's another thread saved for a rainy day!

all these horror stories from the deep south ah i can hear the banjo's playing lol glad i live north :-)

after living down south for a very long time and then spending alot of time up north staying at my missus place, i found that the north is alot worse!

to much to list have gone wrong with me up north its ruin my view on it. manily, i fear for my car everytime i come up north!

haha thats like the same with me. live down south most my life and nothing!

come up north and my car got nearly 5k worth of damage.

i think people are trying to tell us to stay local :/

north is by far the worse, per capita north has more stabbings, more deaths, more robberies, more break-ins and more car theft.....

let alone the vandals.......................Munna Parra pizza hut.......on main north road ffs!lol



sorry rhys the little shits all look the same.....lol , didnt get a good look at them in the dark , but driving around in circles looking for them was pointless. plus what would i do hammer them into the ground and get arrested ? cause the cops would have just given them a lolly and ride home.... what i need is some other little kid to kick there ass...lol,, cause im a bit to big to hammer a little shit.. but if i caught them i would drop them like road kill just for fun. mind you im 6'2 and pretty large so i scare them anyway.

i agree i dont think the north is safe either, i drive all over town and the country areas but i think in general adelaide has really slipped since ive arrived from the states in 2002. it just stupid crimes agaist property and people and graffiti mess, i love art but black paint all over everything isnt art. and the first time someone trys that shit with me i'll be painting them from head to toe .

i know kids get bored on break i did too, but i never destroyed anyones car or anything like that , i went out and got a farking job, or hung out with friends not destroying someones personel property or even public for that matter.

i truely have no faith in cops here, it seems the only thing the punish is speeders, or people who fix up cars.. it shits me off to see how many ford or commmys run around with bald tires or worse. or no rego either.. of course those are the people who tend to hit you ...lol

about the states well i was born there and lived there for 37 years(yeah im old man...lol) so ive seen a lot of shit, and travelled the world and ive never seen such disrespect for property except london. even new york wasnt that bad ? so i guess judging from the responses it happens all over town... its a shame adelaide and australia is such a great place to live and i would never go back to usa to live. even more so now with bush stuffin it up...lol

christies beach , looks nice but its a freak show on hot days,,,, like a public bathtub for loosers sometimes i think...lol i stay clear of it most of the time now. oh and beware the cops hang in the bushes at osulleys at night,, little buggers were waiting in the dark for people to do some doughnuts a few nights ago when i went down to fish, they just glared at me in the r34 waiting for me to go for it....sorry for not making there night.....lol assholes go catch the vandals not sit in the dark wanking each others bumm

oh well i still love it here ....lol just not the vegemite...lol

i used to live in christies beach for 4 years new a gang there they were alright(did get into a few fights though), then it all turned to shit. too many hoons there, and not picking on import owners but heard far too many imports screaming past her joint at night, she lives near woolies on beach road, but there was one commo driver one night decided to do a burnout in front of her house up and down the street, i got out of bed grabbed grandads hammer and threw it 3 houses over and straight into there car they took off, then came back later but left qiuck when a big bloke came running after the car.

christies now = shit hole.

if was at seaford mobil near HJ.

Yeah, not such a fan of Seaford in recent years. I grew up/Played soccer there and these days i think i'd rather catch a bus there to play soccer than to chance leaving my car parked in the area, unattended for any more than an hour at a time.

Have a mate who lives in the area, owns an ex-pursuit cop car (VS), it's nothing special, but when you hear scuffling outside your house at 3am and a bunch of kids have your car in neutral pushing it down the street it makes you question why you want to own a car at all.

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