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As we are all motorists, car and motorsport enthusiasts why shouldnt we be able to have a voice in local government?

Well now we can!

Australian Motorist's Party

Take the time to read the policies of these guys and I am sure that you will agree that they have some really good ideas!

They even have the support of Jim Richards and Victor Bray!

Have a look at their proposed new driver training and motorsports complex (attached)!

Lets get behind them... I know I will be voting for them this year! :P


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hmmm...just read to polocies

like the fact they will get rid of crappy roadside structures...and that money from infringements will come back to us.

but dont like their plans for school kids to have to go a place of the site of their school, once a week, just to do a course on safety....waste of money i think

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eh....i dont reckon that ill waste my vote on someone that wont get in...plus...i reckon that motorsport complex is a bit of a joke.

got a link to their policies???

The other parties aren't going to take any notice... until they see how many supporters the Australian Motorists Party have, then hopefully they'll start tallying it all up.

We really do need a voice, so Motorists Party has my vote.

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may as well vote for them... I mean half the time I go in and just kinda vote for the same people, who I "know of" without any real research done, so it's a bit of a wasted vote anyway.

Might as well put it towards something that will get the other parties taking notice (as Michele said). If they see how many votes the Australian Motorists Party have, they might implement some things to try to get those votes back.

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eh....i dont reckon that ill waste my vote on someone that wont get in...plus...i reckon that motorsport complex is a bit of a joke.

You just completely contradicted yourself Gus... If everyone had the same opinion as you do "Im not voting for someone who wont get in" then no one would get voted in. :D

The motorsports complex is something to aim for, have you ever heard the saying "Aim high", if they aim for something like an $80m complex, they may eventually get a $20m complex... At least it is a start.

Even the longest journey begins with just one step... You have much to learn young grasshopper :)

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What is their stance on health or on the closing of the Wanniassa medical centre? Its all good and well to say you want this and that, but without addressing the more general issues as well, they simply won’t get elected.

And even if they do 1 or 2 in, they’ll need a majority vote in the assembly to pass their bill and we all know what the current stance is of the labor and liberal governments on a dragway and such. They were too tight arsed to cough up 16 million for a dragway, so do you think they will cough up 80 million for a complex? It simply wont happen....

Bullet32: yes i know i am repeating myself, but its the truth, like it or loath it.....

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its got nothing to do with happy pills, im just putting in the other side to the equation.... i wish it was because of happy pills, cause then i would have a mad night!!!

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Labour, Liberal, Independant? This election, they are all just plain shit. Normally I vote for a larger party, usually the under dog to try and even things up a bit, but I'm going for the motor party cos none of the others deserve my vote.

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Well I wont be voting for the dick heads who, over spent on the GDE and then put f**king something they call ART on the side of the roads, that money could have been spent keeping schools open, or more hospital beds / nurses / doctors... lower uni costs the list goes on and on, what about an art gallery (few years back) that well frankly no one goes to. Bah sorry end rant for now.

p.s. which dick also let the bush fires come in, instead of stopping them way before, (I was with one of the bush fires as just after they had all been ordered out of the Brindies and to not worry about it....)

Sorry Cranky pants on lol

Edited by race_snooze
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I'll vote for the motorist party, labors a joke, liberals aren't much better, stanhope wants to spend 1% of the public works budget on Art, because it makes canberra look better, what a joke.

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Where these guys need to concentrate their efforts is in the upper house....

Look at all the minority parties, Family First, Shooters Party, Greens, Independents........the upper/senate because there they have a better chance of controlling the balance of power......then your vote is not wasted.

Also, many independents and small parties do a lot of good there, the big parties can't bulldoze unfair laws through if the senate has a balance. Unlike the last National liberal gov't and JHoward, where they had a majority in both houses and how stupid is the voting public that they would allow that to happen!!!! Never ever vote for a major party in the senate never!!!! And the smaller parties are more people orientated, big business is not their core supporter, so they tend to make comon sense policies that help us or are good for us [not always I know].

So the Motorists party could be a good thing, but be careful who they give preferences to, it woun't be the greens or family first is my guess [won't worry me too much, i don't vote in ACT anyway].

Political lesson over,,,,,

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From what I understand, part of the reason why Labour/Liberal dont want the dragway is because if they did they would have to also maintain it aswell as staff it and keep it safe, then worry about public liability and then it could also impact their electoral chances if it goes south. If they had sponsers and companies saying they will run the place or donate to keep it maintained then the government have a scapegoat if it goes south and has someone to point the finger at if something bad happens....politics...

What we really need is sponsers that can be relied upon such as Nissan, Yokohama (or Federal if you prefer), Motul and/or some local industry that will keep the place running, because how the government works is how much will it cost to build and how much to maintain and how much will be make out of it.

I can say that even if a dragway is built and it is run by the government, the RTA/Rego.act will be inspecting every car that passes in and out of its gates so you might get in but as soon as you try to drive home you get a canary...

We dont need government assistance to build the place, just million dollar companies willing to spare with some funds.

I may vote for AMP but I want to know how long will it take to build it and what promise is there that in 3-4 years if they get voted out the new government wont shut up shop. Its up to AMP to convince me to vote for them not me to convince myself. I like alot of their policies but I want to know they know what they are doing. (For instance they have alot of contacts with other raceways/dragstrips)

Edited by Helious
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As the saying goes "you have to be in it to win it" if we don't vote they have no chance of getting seats.

The motorist party is also looking to build a drag strip and one of the candidates is Burl Doberl of phillip natrad.

Last election they were told that if they past their votes to Labor that they would build a drag strip, and as this was canned they will nthink twice in helping again.

Come on Guys we all know they won't get a majority vote but at least it will help our cause.

As for there plans for health and such really it cant be any worse than what we have and as you say they will have to get it thruogh so many other F**n W*nkers i mean pollies anyway so who cares?

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