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Haha good lil meet? You were in and out pretty quick, just curious where ya'll disapear too? I was expecting a small cruise afterwords but everyone seemed to have dispersed haha oh well maybe next time

We need a translator next time we go to that place. We clearly asked for 5 x 1/2 duck and rice. And they just gave us the normal duck on rice.

You gotta order the 1/2 duck seperately... and get a bucket of rice for everyone. If you go 5 1/2 ducks and rice they'll give you 5 ducks on rice.

i leave you guys for 6 months and you still haven't mastered the 1/2 duck technique? tsk tsk.

next time you are down here, you shall

I'll be back home in Dec, things are kinda balls out at work here so I can't come any sooner. I'll try and organise a good old meet/cruise for the SE crew before I come. It will be EPIC.

Haha good lil meet? You were in and out pretty quick, just curious where ya'll disapear too? I was expecting a small cruise afterwords but everyone seemed to have dispersed haha oh well maybe next time

yeah i left too meet up with some friends in crown, i got bored standing around anyway, i went on 2 SAU west meets that week aswell lol..so kinda got over it..

yeah i left too meet up with some friends in crown, i got bored standing around anyway, i went on 2 SAU west meets that week aswell lol..so kinda got over it..

Yea, understandable, oh well hopefully I'll see you on a cruse sometime, big fan of your car btw, pulled of the cft hood really well, usually not a fan but looks good on your GTT

We need a translator next time we go to that place. We clearly asked for 5 x 1/2 duck and rice. And they just gave us the normal duck on rice.

I "could" of translated for u, but no one ask me

Dude 3 "Asians" were there and no one spoke chinese....I doubt were getting a translator any time soon

got rice, bitch? got rice?

got food, got soup, got spice?

See, it's not that hard hahaha

I "could" of translated for u, but no one ask me

got rice, bitch? got rice?

got food, got soup, got spice?

See, it's not that hard hahaha


Yeah next time we all go I speak Canto to the waiter.

*sigh* what is this world coming to, were getting Alfa's, excels, automatics in a skyling club....oops did I say automatics I mean uhh......haha jk


Manual FTW, but easy there James, we got a few ppl driving autos and are quite fast too.

*sigh* what is this world coming to, were getting Alfa's, excels, automatics in a skyling club....oops did I say automatics I mean uhh......haha jk

ah so because i have an excel i cant be in a skyline club... maybe some people cant afford skylines yet & will hopefully be getting one eventually :P

be careful what you say buddy lol

ah so because i have an excel i cant be in a skyline club... maybe some people cant afford skylines yet & will hopefully be getting one eventually :)

be careful what you say buddy lol

hahah next thing you know all be getting an angry mob of excels and automatics or even worse....AUTOMATIC EXCELS!...haha....oh no RCHOO knows where i live now...that guy has spys man

Hahha the automatic was a joke everyone seriously sometimes I wish I had an auto especially in the city or in peak hour traffic but it's an easy cheap shot how can I resist? Same goes for the Excel my first lady gets 500k+ to her tank which is smaller and cheaper to fill in her Mirage would i love that kind of rate and millage HECK YES, but I cant get it cause I need to compensate for something and get a skyline :P as one of my good friends seems to think, but we got skylines...OH WELL haha and is that what it takes to get you to talk on these forums? Is to insult your car? I think this is the first time i've seen you post anywhere! haha

PS. If i ever become too much/more of a dick don't hesitate to tell me off sometimes I get carried away and need to be slapped back in my place

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