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im thinking of buying a s2 r33 skyline and was wondering if anyone has had trouble getting their car up steep driveways?

i live in nsw and dont know if any other state has the same entrances to their driveways. but i have one of those rounded entrances (as opposed to the flat ones), do these pose any problems for stock ride height on the skylines?

im afraid that when i do buy one that the car will scrape like crazy, so i was hoping someone would give me some advice before i make my purchase.

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my driveway is really steep, and as long as i go up the gutter sidewaysi get up no prbs, my front bar sits abot 80mm off the ground is a lot longer the stocko which makes it terrible for speed bumps and the like but no prbs on the driveway.

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I have a 32 gtst at stock ride height, and have had no worries. Only scraped once (because i was going too fast). When i was looking at buying one, my folks were like, 'do u think that will scrape in the driveway?' That was one of their ways to tell me not to buy a line.

As for your driveway crossover (at the start near the road), it should meet council standard, because it is within council property. post some pics up. What sort of kerb is there? Mountable or barrier? I design roads, commercial driveways & carparks, might be able to help u out...

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the "cross over" part is rounded, thats what i was trying to say above. in sydney or my area atleast there are two types the rounded ones



or the flat ones



well thats the best i can do at the moment LOL..

ill do my best ot get my digi cam up and running tommoz.

thanx for the replys guys :)

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Originally posted by a5h

mine is stock height and it scrapes all the time it gives me the shits

yeah... but you don't have a stock front bar :)

those GTR-style front bars can be pretty low, i've known a few ppl who have munched them on gutters lol

ac1d3o3, can't speak for a series2 but i never have any problems whatsoever with a series1 (stock height, stock front bar).

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my driveway is a bitch squared

its a tight turn off a busy up hill street on a corner witha power pole in the road :)

we've had that many near misses with retards thinking they can come screaming up the inside (the direction im turning off)

then just to make things interesting, i scrape f*ck out of my front bar if im not super close to the fence backing out and turning;

it took us ages to work out what position to be in, not to scrape, but i think the damage has been done

my front bar is just about scraped all the way through :)

sure beats our old drive way though (would have been no way to get the skyline up the old driveway)

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When i picked up my car from the importer it had realllyyy low blistern suspension in it and the first time i tried to take it up my driveway no matter how many angles i tried it would get stuck half way up. I ended up cracking the front bumper a bit and had to take it back to the importer and put in some slightly higher springs in. Now it just makes it up with about 2mm clearance to the bumper and i have take it fully sideways. I have a 400r front bar and they hang down real low compared to the stock front bars.

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