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Us Transmission Failures?


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Listen you "Mr Company Director". Whats your problem?

All i did was make a sarcastic comment and the next thing i have is your ugly wrinkly face making personal shots at me.

Cut the keyboard warrior crap. Are you in nz?

As for going through 4 clutches, mate, you obviously wouldnt make a good driver.

As for your "Dragon", Whatever mate. It would be better off ploughing a field. Have you thought about that perhaps? Because your "Dragon" might come in handy for when you retire, which would be pretty soon i presume, budy o pal?

FYI - I have long finished my studies thankyou very much. Im not here to defend my credentials or to say "Oh i have a business card that reads "wanker" or whatever as it does in your case. Point is, youre a retard.

Obviously you must be overweight or getting there if youre needing others to "grab a beer for me". Why dont you lose a few spare tires? Maybe then you wont blow clutches, or you might be able to drive your car. No wonder you're selling your car.

Nuff Said. :P

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: some of the traditional "consumable" tranny consumables (such as a clutch) apprently cannot be replaced, you have to swap in a whole new box, at 1/3 the cost of the car. That's ridiculous, but I am assuming the aftermarket will take car of it and/or Nissan will change their stance on the box replacement thing in time.

Where is this crap coming from????

And I'm staggered by the public display of immaturity of you other two...... take it elsewhere could ya?

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There are hundreds if not thousands of posts about this on the North American and UK websites. That's where this crap is coming from. With this new type of box there is some ambiguity about what is a consumable (like a regular clutch may be) and what is not. I've tried to get a clear answer (from local Nissan suorces) and personally I couldn’t get one. If anyone knows I would like to hear it, but it's perhaps too early to know and that's fine. So there are some unknowns, and people might be a little concerned about it. Doesn't necessarily phase me but there is no point trying to whitewash reasonable concerns people may have when buying a $170k car.

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1. The clutch is not a consumable, it's wet, it has a very very long life. Aftermarket upgrades are already being done if that floats ya boat.

2. Every part in the car is available seperately, it's not compulsory to purchase a gearbox as a whole. Aftermarket upgrades are already being done OS too.

Therefore, rumours such as "tranny consumables (such as a clutch) apprently cannot be replaced" is undoubtably crap.

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Listen you "Mr Company Director". Whats your problem?

All i did was make a sarcastic comment and the next thing i have is your ugly wrinkly face making personal shots at me.

Cut the keyboard warrior crap. Are you in nz?

As for going through 4 clutches, mate, you obviously wouldnt make a good driver.

As for your "Dragon", Whatever mate. It would be better off ploughing a field. Have you thought about that perhaps? Because your "Dragon" might come in handy for when you retire, which would be pretty soon i presume, budy o pal?

FYI - I have long finished my studies thankyou very much. Im not here to defend my credentials or to say "Oh i have a business card that reads "wanker" or whatever as it does in your case. Point is, youre a retard.

Obviously you must be overweight or getting there if youre needing others to "grab a beer for me". Why dont you lose a few spare tires? Maybe then you wont blow clutches, or you might be able to drive your car. No wonder you're selling your car.

Nuff Said. :P

Dude give up, all this type of shit does is ruin the forums, i seem to read something like this every week on here, someone starts an argument and it goes on and on, no one wants to read this sorta crap, so take it somewere else.

Back on topic, the only transmission failures im aware of are 2, one was a white r35 from either tailand or singapore, which has now been sent back to nissan to have the trans replaced, and the other was from either russia or dubai or something, there is even vids of the guy on youtube doing donuts and countless LC vids, cant remember 100%, but as far as im aware both were privatly imported early build cars that never had the transmission softwear updated on them, wether or not that has contributed to the failed trans or not noone knows..

There is tons on this topic over at www.nagtroc.org.

I suggest people have a browse over there if there looking for some real info!

Edited by nizmo_freek
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Dude give up, all this type of shit does is ruin the forums, i seem to read something like this every week on here, someone starts an argument and it goes on and on, no one wants to read this sorta crap, so take it somewere else.

Amen to that..I was going to add some fuel to the fire but I chose not to..while it's quite funny reading it at first...it just gets stupid and ending up hijacking the entire thread.

My only question to Ray is...what's wrong with a Stagea??

But anyhoo. let's get back on point. Any brand new car, no matter who its from, if you abuse the hell of them they will break down. No car is created perfect and they all have their little problems

Now tranny failure in the GTR - its a slight concern, but to me it also shows what happens if you abuse it to high hell. I haven't read (yet) of tranny failure from normal everyday driving. when that happens then it would be of great concern and ONLY then i would reconsider buying one (if I ever could afford it)

Edited by BigDirtyJase
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Mods, can we remove the immature stuff from the 2 children, and clean this thread up a little?

Seriously guys, if you want to squabble, take it to kindegarten, leave the men to talk about the concerns with their cars, and go play on your tricycles.

Personally, I have only heard of 2 factual gearbox failures in the US, non from Japan or anywhere else in the world currently, and this is out of how many sales for the new supercar?

Sure, you have lemons, and being a HAND BUILT engine and assembly, there is bound to be issues in some of the cars, issues that have not been picked up in testing, but this is a fact of any car in the phase of a complete tradition change.

Remember the R32, R33, and R34 GTR's run on RB engines and traditional 5 speed/6 speed H-pattern gearboxes, the H-pattern gearbox has been around for f**king years and was already a proven and known design, as for the RB engine, it was in the Commodore in 3 litre turbocharged form, the R31 Australian Skyline in 3 litre form, in the Passage as a 2 litre turbo, so the concept design of the RB combustion engine was already around before the 2.6 litre twin turbocharged engine came to manufacture.

The R32 GTR was born from proven, already marketed parts with a few new features, such as the triple throttle intake, heads, cams, etc. It was basically a tuned RB20DET, with more capacity, and an extra turbocharger, but esentially it was simply super-tuned.

From the 32 to the 33, it was refined, and from the 33 to the 34, the cams where changed, further refining an already proven and incredible engine.

The new GTR is a NEW engine, NEW gearbox, both previously never fitted to other cars, and actually mated to each other, so being a new concept, you have to expect it's not going to be 100% perfect, but these will be ironed out, and again refined into the true super-car it claims to be.

As for pricing, back in the days (1990), a Nissan Skyline R32 was somewhere around the $90,000 mark, compared to the Porsche of it's time coming in at the $160,000 mark, today's prices are the Nissan at $160,000, and the Porsche at $240,000 so with inflation the prices are much the same as they where back in the days.

Please Mods, clean the dribble up from the children.

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My apologies to all, except RBNT.

All i did was make a simple comment on the GTR. Simple as that. Next thing I hear the ol geezer comes out bagging me. I had no intention of starting a flame at all. Obviously it provoked me, just like it would do anybody. This just shows his mentality.

Theres nothing wrong with stagea's. I actually think theyre quite nice.

Anyway yep peace out. Im over it.

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stagea's are awesome,,,,, they look like a volvo but they hammer just as hard as a line (just alittle heavier).... a big surprise when you leave a porsce or v8 for dead on a lightly modded stagea. also they don't have as bad a reputation as our bloody lines....

besides all a stagea is is a wagon r33 or r34....

also lets not forget that these roumours of gtr failures (the whole couple i have heard about, none can be proven though... and only one has pics of the failure) could vary well just be porsches behind the scenes marketing machine stiring up trouble....

they have already come out saying that nissan cheated (which they didn't, porsce is just a sore looser), why can't they buy a few (which we all know they have since they tested it against the 911) or put them under friends names and get them to drive it till it goes bang!!!

asmuch as we want to believe, companies do not play fair, everyday we hear about unethical and illegal conduct from even the biggest and most trusted of companies... in 1998 Mercedees covered up the fact that their New A class would topple over at speeds of just 60km/h on level ground.... then they blamed the tyre company good year for making a tyre too grippy for their car.... then their stocks fell 25% in that year...

This was Merceedes, why can't porsce play dirty aswell????

i guess only time will tell

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