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Appreticeship In High Performance Workshop -syd Area Wanted


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Hey everyone,

I'm currently doing an apprenticeship in a European car dealership and about to complete my first year.

Obviously as a Skyline owner and import enthusiast, working for a European dealerships is really not that ideal for my general interest or my career progression and would very much like to get into somewhere that specialises with the beauty that is jap imports.

I found it hard getting an apprenticeship in the start being not only 21 but also being female, and so when a position at the dealership was offered to me, i accepted.

I was hoping some of you might be able to help me out with getting a little closer to my career goals and let me know of any workshops that are or may be looking to put someone on in the new year. I am more then happy to do work experience to prove I got what it takes to cut it.

any help or tips would be greatly appreciated!!



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I wish you best of luck I too looking for an apprenticeship (electrician) and im 22...

Its very hard.. i hope someone takes you on so you can follow your desired career path

who knows it a few years time you could be tuning many SAUers cars. :O

Good luck


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hey good luck with this, let us know how it goes

i figured i should finish my apprenticeship before i went to try for a modifications place...

so i chose a nissan dealership near home

PS- you sure youre gonna be able to change jobs? i tried quitting once. even took it to tribunal. it didnt work. dont you have a four year contract?

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I feel for you, being a second year mechanic you would be on peanuts.

My best mate finished his trade as a mechanic working for Ford, then i got him a job at my work as an offsider where he is making nearly $4 an hr more.

My advice is either get really good at building high HP reliable engines of all types, or get out of the trade.

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thanks for the responses guys

im willing to work anywhere....

I live on the central coast and already travel down to artarmon every day, but am willing to go all over sydney or newcastle.

I just dont see the point doing my trade with a dealership who i have absolutly no interest in the cars whats so ever... and I would work so much better if i was working with cars I want to persue my career in.

Im prepared to do free work experiance if it will assist me getting something

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good luck to you...

as a mechanic who finished their trade a few years ago.. i wish you all the best in sticking with the trade after you finish... whether you stay at a dealership or go to a performance place.

i tried to get into the performance industry... the only problem is, although the customers dont need their car done by 3 to pick the kids up... they are spending lots and lots of $$$ to get the best out of their car.. with most being pushed to the limit.. if you make a simple apprentice mistake (which everyone does), there is very little coverage, no warranty, due to that i found that performance workshops wouldnt take an apprentice.

by the 4th year... most mechanics have had enough of the long hours, busted knuckles, constantly buying tools, dodgy food breaks, coming home sore and reeking of gear oil all for shit pay, ungrateful service managers and customers.

its also handy to remember that a job is a job, it pays the bills, and for your lifestyle... and you have good days where you love it and bad days where you hate it.

its fun to do stuff to your own your own car, on weekends, but not when you do it through the week, all day everyday.

all the best,


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i know its gunna be hard n its a bitch of an industry but at the end of the day my lifestyle is based around my work so i may as well enjoy what im doing to fund my lifestyle.

everyone i know, including my old man who was a panel beater for 45 years thinks im crazy for giving up my nice clean, very well paying job in IT to be a grease monkey thinks im crazy.

i get paid shit wages, technically i am a mature aged apprentice but i am getting paid junior wages just so i could actually get a job as an apprentice as pretty much no one would touch me since i am a chick. I work two extra jobs on the weekend just to have enough money to live on....despite all of this i really really enjoy my job now a hell of a lot more then i did earning good money in a clean job.

i understand if i was lucky enough to score a job in a performance shop they aint going to let me run loose on all the cars that come in, but being in that environment where i am going to be able to watch and learn what i am actually interested in not just changin oil and pads is going to be more valuable in the long run.

i think my dedication to giving up the lifestyle i knew, and giving up any free time i have to slowly persue a career not many people think i can actually survive in shows that i would do what ever it takes to cut it in this industry...and hopefully in a performance shop.

I just hope that through all my efforts someone can see through the gender barrier - which is what i feel im having more trouble with then anything, and just give me a chance. hence why i am more then willing to do a week or two work experience unpaid....

as sad as it sounds...thats what i want, n despite the shit conditions and the shit pay i will stick it out, if only someone will just give me a try

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the age for a mature age apprentice is 30 i think

anyways, ask everyone. prep a CV. get ready to do a heap of interviews.

or come work at nissan. pays shit and we dodgy as all f**k but we got funny guys.

PS- sif a workshop wouldnt want a female mechanic? itd be epic, apart from everyone having to clean up their behaviour...

Edited by cuppas
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How bout going through some car forums and getting details of sydney performance car work shops, and cold call!

Send some emails, go see workshops in person, give them a call etc.

Prob best to call in, with your resume etc so they know you are serious.

I did that a few years back, when I was greenkeeping I wrote to alot of golf clubs and went in to see a few managers,

Some didnt even reply, but one was happy, and gave me a job :spank:

Good luck,



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Hi Michelle,

I'm aware that all of us need to be patient.

I'm also aware of how people like you should follow your passion, such as me switching from Pharmacy to Psych. at the age of 21.

Check with Garry Sandher at Top Secret Imports at Blacktown and see if they've got their Engineering/Service Dept up to Spec yet?

[email protected] and tell him that Terry PM'd that you can do a mean service on his Bayside Blue R34 GTR!

E-Mail request sent in 5 minutes to Garry = top guy!


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E-Mail to Garry has been sent.

He's got nothing against 'chicks'! He's just married one! Lolz

It all depends on 'right place - right time - right person - right establishment' :spank:


PS And pray to God Michelle - pray! I did!

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i think it would be awesome to have a female at work... im not much of a blokey bloke and smoko discussions of football and pies and how many scooners they can drink isnt my thing, and it would snap the boys up to speed... they wouldnt be too fond of a chick who can whoop their rears at their manly job. haha.

im with cuppas.. find a dodgy w/shop that is a fun place to work with good guys, and minimal management.... then get in with a small performance w/shop and get them to do some stuff to your car, be a regular, show your interest and they will get to know you, as long as your not a pest... then you will get a good customer/business relationship and before you know it, you'll be in there on weekends and stuff, then a job will come up

i did this and brought my tools along and took a day off work to get my clutch done and helped them out, and while the car was there i did some other things to it... maybe not the best for oh&s but thats why you go to a little workshop. i just missed out for the job because paul needed a tradesman and i was still 3rd yr, but we still get on good and who knows... i may be there yet.

the best thing is to get into spare parts.... you make great phone friends with aftermarket suppliers that are a great help. you get good prices on things and you sit down all day and actually feel like working on your own car after work... when its quiet, you get to look at ebay and the like, or read the skyline forums.. you can eat all day, and come 5.00pm... you get up and walk out. you can learn just as much off the parts books as you can from the service books.

good luck!

Edited by NZM.031
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thanks for all the input guys...really appreciate it.

yea i was thinkin of takin some holidays and just driving round a bunch of places and try hit them up.

i dont think the boyz need to clean up there behaviour just cause im a chick... the boys at work do and say some filthy things but that just makes work more fun and enjoyable..plus its especially funny when they say somethin to shock me and i just go back at them with somethin worse :ermm: i defenatly dont think that anythin should change in a workshop to accomodate for a female...if i dont like it then i dont have to be there.

the problem i have had with cold calling so far as i usually just get the "not looking to employ anyone" before i have the chance to actually have a chat.

i would just do anythin to get out of working for a VW dealership and get into a private workshop, if i was going to work for a dealership and deal with the dickhead service advisors i would wanna do it for a car that im actually interested in ie: nissan so will probably hit them up.

thanks again guys!! keep the help comin!!!

mich :( x

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Hey you mentioned your dad was a panel beater for 45 years did you say? He didn't happen to know someone/still knows someone who has any kind of link that can help you get into a performance workshop? Panel beaters/spray painters must have some form of link with workshops? Either fixing a quick scratch/ding on a car..etc??

(It's kinda obvious, and im sure that if it was possible; you would of done it already, but i thought i'd mention it anyway) :ermm:

They always say it's not what you know, it's who you know. A few people will disagree; but i know personally people who have gotten where they are today in the motor industry by the help of who they know...

It'd be unreal to persue what you are trying to do.. working on high hp cars all day getting the most out of them etc.. would be unreal. All the best with it.

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yea the old boy wasnt able to help me out with actually gettin an apprenticeship to start with cause he been outa the industry for 10 years so him helpin me in the performance world is no good.

Breakmaster: thanks heaps i will give em a try!

everyone i keep calling just gives me the same old either "sorry not hiring any 2nd years" or "i will get someone to call you back" and obviously no one calls me so i think im gunna have to start just showing up to peoples doors and not leavin until they pretty much make me!! haha >_<

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theres totally a place free at my work... one of the first years got sacked for taking money from cars a couple weeks back...

we started the year with four, now its just nate and me lol

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