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Saw this in the paper, as per my normal retaliation I replied via letter to the editor. I wonder if they are getting sick of my replies to their stories yet.


Hoon Watch Launched.

Your facts in regards to the story on the anti hooning forms that’s Elmes and Simpson will be distributing are not totally correct. The system in theory has it merits and as a car enthusiast and car club member I do agree the local hoons needs to be pulled into line, as it’s a case of one bad their all bad in the public eye unfortunately.

The system has not worked and has been abused in other areas. The forms have been filled out in an act of a personal vendetta against certain car owners and even filled out from other “hoons” who have had a falling out with someone else as a method of pay back. There are countless reports of this form being used as a practical joke on friends.

Unfortunately there have also been situations, which are in the process of now going to court due to the revenge issue.

You may also note, the Police cannot issue an infringement on the hear say of these forms, it’s only another information source which has and will continue to fuel any anti social behavior which will result in fights.

Yeah "Hoon" watch wont last long...

Like the lady who was pointing her hair dryer at people in a school zone down the gold coast last year to try and get people to slow down...

Well she copped a brick and the problem was solved... (I dont not condone brick throwing, just saying is all)

Bad things come to do good people...

I mean what sort of sence of satisfaction are they planning to acheive...

Their simply making them selves a target to a generation that will react stupidly and they will be left with the trauma of the situation...

I got a simple solution, wrap yourself in cotton wool so your sorted and drink some red wine chill out and just worry about yourselves...

damn do gooders

(makes me wish that white rum ad was real like "But my fish is sick")

Yeah "Hoon" watch wont last long...

Like the lady who was pointing her hair dryer at people in a school zone down the gold coast last year to try and get people to slow down...

Well she copped a brick and the problem was solved... (I dont not condone brick throwing, just saying is all)

Bad things come to do good people...

That’s it. I think for the most part Mr. and Mrs. Public can use common sense and know the difference from a true pain in the hoon ass, to someone driving a stereotyped car to work.

The problem will be with the typical neighbor hood pain in the ass. The person who takes it upon them selves to be the street sheriff, we all know the types, the middle aged complainer about bins being left out too long, no understanding why you’ve let a car run down for 25seconded after pulling into your driveway, the person we’ve all had an argument with.

They will abuse this system the most. I don’t even need to get into the personal vendetta problems with this and some of the “car gang” way of thinking with revenge paybacks.

Another Hoon Story – The Forms

i thought this meant the cops would be watchign the fourms more and reading members write-ups etc

which would be bad, there was a thread the other day on NS "who has the dirtiest street driven car" go figure

That’s it. I think for the most part Mr. and Mrs. Public can use common sense and know the difference from a true pain in the hoon ass, to someone driving a stereotyped car to work.

The problem will be with the typical neighbor hood pain in the ass. The person who takes it upon them selves to be the street sheriff, we all know the types, the middle aged complainer about bins being left out too long, no understanding why you’ve let a car run down for 25seconded after pulling into your driveway, the person we’ve all had an argument with.

They will abuse this system the most. I don’t even need to get into the personal vendetta problems with this and some of the “car gang” way of thinking with revenge paybacks.

ill agree with you on this one, i have dealt with these people, and i just recently bought a more obvious car now. If the caretaker ( senior aged guy who we pay money to take the bins out) is complaing about people parking more then 1 car in the carpark of our townhouse complex i cant wait to see what my turbo timed engine is going to go down like..(although theres much bigger wankers with even bigger ford and holden crap 8's that are louder.. so i might be oK)

I can already see it at the next body corp meeting... wanks... although i could be just pigeon holeing him..like they like to do to us.

they already do this.. for some time.. didnt u know?

Quick lets get together at 123 Doughnut St for a street race.

I'll bring lots of Naws!


Seriously the appeal to idiots should be glaringly obvious, I mean Today Tonight and it's clone do well enough. Kids these days.............. :blink:

pics fail.

im not stressed about it. dont be a fully heckic boy-racer and u will be fine..

............... having a daily works too :D

Edited by r33cruiser

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