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is it me...or is the new license testing TOO strict? dont get me wrong, from hearing stories of past P Platers going for their Ps, it has been improved alot where it should have, but maybe too much?

it seems to me that you must be a PERFECT driver to pass....really...and i dont know if its just where im doing my testing or my instructor or what it is...but iv failed twice for mediocre reasons.

first part of the test goes for 10minutes, only aloud 1 critical error (not indicating left when turning right at roundabouts, headchecks, all the usual road ruley stuff)

then second goes for 20 and your aloud 2

on my last test i had 3 criticals on stage 2, therefore i failed.. they were a couple of headchecks when changing lanes on the highway (where i used my mirrors anyway) and not indicating left at the roundabout when turning right...

now dont get me wrong, iv been told im an excellent driver, by my parents, mates, instructor and even the tester(s)...yet i still dont have my ticket...

you may say that its all fair enough, and is made to elliminate the bad drivers on our roads...but honestly how tough is too tough?

im so over the system...and as the saying goes, nobodies perfect

your thoughts?

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first part of the test goes for 10minutes, only aloud 1 critical error (not indicating left when turning right at roundabouts, headchecks, all the usual road ruley stuff)

then second goes for 20 and your aloud 2

on my last test i had 3 criticals on stage 2, therefore i failed.. they were a couple of headchecks when changing lanes on the highway (where i used my mirrors anyway) and not indicating left at the roundabout when turning right...

aloud as in allowed? I got stumped on that for a bit. Indicating left when turnign right at a roundabout, I dont think I ever learnt that one or maybe Ive forgotten it. Sounds very illogical though, you indicate left to turn right and the guy thats giving way to you anticipates you turning left and comes out and banm! Can someone explain the logic in this one for me?

As for using mirrors, from experience you should always do head checks so get in the habit of it, trust me. Never rely on the mirror 100% its very decieving.

Sounds like it has gotten a tad harder since I did it yrs ago but as with all tests if you do what your supposed to you should pass. I had a driving test with 2 criticals from memory then a computer test. Don't let it get to you too much, ive had friends who took 4 tries for their P's. Even though its a pain and burning your pocket you learn from it.

so remember to indicate left when turning right at the roundabout even though I have no idea why and do your head checks..ha

They will never be too tough.

Drive around springvale, you'll understand why

LOL +1

take it from a local, if your ever up for a challenge go for a drive at the market/centre on the weekend and try to find parking. whenever I drive I just expect the rediculous and I always come out unscathed....just.

Got my ps just over 6 months ago, few months before the new system... past mine, only lost 1 point - going to far on the other side of the road around a parked car...

Never heard of this indicating left to turn right in a roundabout... is it a standard roundabout or like got 5+ exits or what? I never indicated left to turn right on my test or ever told that by my instructor or anything... lol

If you don't head check its your own fault, they make you do it to check your blind spot which your mirrors dont pick up...

My mates going for his ps next tuesday, i'll let you know how he goes.

sorry for all the confusion...it is indicating left when exiting the roundabout after having made a right or U-Turn

that vicroads PDF summed it up on page 95 as Wheezy said...

it wouldnt be so bad if i could get a retest sooner than almost a month away...disadvantage of living in the country i spose..limited to other places that you can be tested at.. :D

i just think that more leway should be given, instead of 1 crit in the first stage, 2, and instead of 2 in the 2nd, 3..we all make mistakes once in our lives, and when your under all that anxiety it just makes matters worse....-sigh-

Josh - you can sit the test anywhere. You can drive to shepparton if you feel like it. There is no restriction.

Anyhow, getting back into the heat.

Less leeway the better. Mandatory Defensive driving course while your at it, poor score/result = fail.

I go through the same two intersections everyday on the way to work.

Without fail, 4 days outta 5 i nearly get taken out by people who are not watching nor understand the road rules.

I if didnt know the intersection inside out (its along victoria st, doing a u-turn near latrobe), i'd loose the front end of my car everyday.

But lucky im not that silly.

The other one is just plain retards who again, dont know how intersections/lane markings work (lonsdale st).

Im sure people could list 10's of 100's of similar things, if you cant pass a simple basic common skills test in the burbs, in decent city traffic.

Your going to hit sh|t. Thats the reality of it.

120 hours as a learner should get you comfy and relaxed/familiar enough to be able to pass quite easily. If not, then you obviously need more time under instruction.

I'm by no means the best driver in the world, but im certainly above average when i see the amount of crap i do on a daily basis.

I'm not sexist either, but the amount of times i see dumb females with P plates on gives me the f'ing sh|ts.

Hesitation and having to _pause_ think _pause_ on the road will get you killed, or involved in an accident and some young females are so paranoid and stressed out @ the thought of driving they almost stress themselves into accidents.

Thats my post of the day

What I found was though... where I'm from out suburbs, we don't have half the shit like hook turns that the city does... so I never got taught how to do one or anything.

First time i went in the city, luckily it wasnt too busy, went through an intersection where i had to hook turn... there was taxis waiting to turn doing a hook turn and i just boosted it around the corner coz i didnt know i had to hook turn or how to do one...

they need to teach you everything, even if it means a few lessons going outta your suburb not just whats in your area

maybe you're just copping some really hard asshole testers. I know several people who've passed their tests first time out recently in Horsham and Warracknabeal (north west victoria) maybe you should just try another town.

But shit, anything is better than what they had before. When I went for my test I just drove around Horsham for a while chatting to the tester and we were nearly back to the VicRoads office before he said "Shit we haven't done a low speed, there's an angle park, pull up there."

Hmm, Western Victoria, Skyline GTS, just failed license test.... You wouldn't happen to know Clint with the MX-5 would you?

I'm all for harder tests. You can't blame anxiety for failing a test, you will be put in situations in real world driving that will cause the same feelings and you need to react appropriately. Hell, I was throwing up with a migraine for 10 hours before my test.

unfortunately most people learn the hard way when they loose their license. Look at it this way youve learnt something by failing, so now you know you should be doing head checks which is what you should be doing in the first place. Ive seen so many incidents infront of me when people dont do head checks when merging and almost hit or run others off the road. You can just see it coming just by the way they drive sometimes.

Try another testing place if you think your getting hard done but it shouldnt matter if you do everything right. good luck with your next one.

They will never be too tough.

Drive around springvale, you'll understand why

i concurr

or malvern/toorak/camberwell.

i used to live in mt waverley so frequented glenny, and i honestly recon the driving is worse here now, and i have actually been hit by a dumb f**k who wasnt paying attention, never happened in glenny/springy/ mt waverley.

The idea for the roundabout is to indicate in the direction you are turning, then indicate left before you take your turn off. In other words switching your indicator mid circle. I was taught that by my instructor when I went for my P's a good 7 years ago? Shit its been that long.... Anyway, in general driving most people aren't aware or use it, however I make sure to in city driving with the larger, more complex roundabouts.

the other thing i must add...especially round here atleast. some of the bogans with fkn commodores whov got their license (reds) are TERRIBLE drivers. i remember when i was sitting at an intersection at the bottom of a hill waiting to go, this idiot just glides along, turns left without even indicating, goes wide and nearly takes out my mirror...thats the part i dont get :) how do people like that pass...its just retarded...maybe its just luck of the draw..we shall see. 3rd times a charm right?

(PM sent to flying fridge)

the other thing i must add...especially round here atleast. some of the bogans with fkn commodores whov got their license (reds) are TERRIBLE drivers. i remember when i was sitting at an intersection at the bottom of a hill waiting to go, this idiot just glides along, turns left without even indicating, goes wide and nearly takes out my mirror...thats the part i dont get :( how do people like that pass...its just retarded...maybe its just luck of the draw..we shall see. 3rd times a charm right?

(PM sent to flying fridge)

well, once you get your license, you can drive however you want, no one can stop you, except cops :ninja:

but before you get your license....you should be into the habbit of driving the "proper" way, with consistant head checks and all that crap :down:

who's they ?

if you mean instructors and stuff ? Arent you meant to go out and practice for X amount of hours with family/friends/woteva in all types of situations ?

they need to teach you everything, even if it means a few lessons going outta your suburb not just whats in your area

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