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i reversed my mates car into a tree, i payed for it, without question.

'cept, i only crashed a rolla, so it was 500 bucks for a new hatch, glass swapped over plastics changed, painted, fitted, the lot.

he was a good panel beater.

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My only question is this... "do you always just jump into your car and reverse without looking?"

If your response is "but it's my driveway, it should be clear" then that's pointless because your driveway ends when it meets the public road... I believe not looking / checking for traffic is classified as negligent driving? Offense that is punishable with fine and points in NSW :(

  satanic said:
My only question is this... "do you always just jump into your car and reverse without looking?"

If your response is "but it's my driveway, it should be clear" then that's pointless because your driveway ends when it meets the public road... I believe not looking / checking for traffic is classified as negligent driving? Offense that is punishable with fine and points in NSW :)

in my case, it was night time, and i hit a tree as i was reversing full lock, maybe a little bit to fast to see it and stop in time.

wasn't in public, was a paddock.

apart from i've never crashed or had an offence.

but i think you're right.

wel he was parked across my driveway half on the road, half off. technically i hit him on my property... i called insurance just to see what they would say (im not going to use it though...) they said because he was parked illigally, its not my fault... so if i was to go through insurance he wouldnt be covered any way.

because of this is going 50/50 a reasonable and fair option?

Edited by gbangaR32
  gbangaR32 said:
wel he was parked across my driveway half on the road, half off. technically i hit him on my property... i called insurance just to see what they would say (im not going to use it though...) they said because he was parked illigally, its not my fault... so if i was to go through insurance he wouldnt be covered any way.

because of this is going 50/50 a reasonable and fair option?

I'm just wondering if you are a friend to your friend after all this!

Hope So!

Hope Not!

Hope So!

Hope Not!

Oooops.... an even number of petals on this flower of mine!!!!!!

Wow go easy on the poor bloke guys. Im sure the vast majority of people on this forum have had minor acco's like this before. Will Power (best name ever) clipped a wall at indy and crashed as a result, does that mean hes a bad driver? A little while ago I backed my mates car into my gf's jet black echo at night that I HAD PARKED THERE, lol. I forgot about it, couldnt see it because skyline reverse lights arent exactly awesome and backed into it. He was good about it and got a good price to repair and spent some time finding a decent price for the reverse light that i broke, but I paid what he asked without question. *technically* he parked it across my driveway (true story) and I suppose you could argue he parked illegally before I got in it but it'd be a gutless spineless thing to do. Morally your at fault, id just pay up. The moment you get the law and lawyers and courts involved, you cant be friends with the person sitting across the other side of the table.

Maybe if he was a particularly good mate he'd try and help you out as best he could like my mate did, but he doesn't have to.

my 2 c.

  gbangaR32 said:
wel he was parked across my driveway half on the road, half off. technically i hit him on my property... i called insurance just to see what they would say (im not going to use it though...) they said because he was parked illigally, its not my fault... so if i was to go through insurance he wouldnt be covered any way.

because of this is going 50/50 a reasonable and fair option?

I don't think this is fair. Why should your mate fork out the bill when you clearly reversed into him.

When you called the insurance company what did you expect them to say when you continuously used the word 'illegal'?

From my point of view you are not a very good mate. You clearly do not want to pay for his repairs judging by your continuous statements of 'he was parked illegally" to make your point. This is a matter of morals and in this case you were in the wrong.

Glad your not my friend either. And if you continue to persuade yourself that you were not in the wrong and he was at fault, you can forget about calling him your 'best friend'.

In my opinion you should fork out 100% of the repair cost.

i think you both need to "switch on". okay, he shouldnt have parked in your driveway, thats just stupid, why would anyone do that lol?

and 2, look where you're going. while reversing, you should be only just moving, so that way and damage accidentely caused is minor.

  gbangaR32 said:
wel he was parked across my driveway half on the road, half off. technically i hit him on my property... i called insurance just to see what they would say (im not going to use it though...) they said because he was parked illigally, its not my fault... so if i was to go through insurance he wouldnt be covered any way.

because of this is going 50/50 a reasonable and fair option?

Are you farken serious???

What type of friend asks another mate to pay up for his fark ups? Did you ask him to move when he was "illegally" parked? You obviously knew his car was there, but because of your awesome driving skills you decided to redesign his panels.

You farked up, you pay!

If i was your mate and you asked/demanded that i pay for half the damages you did to my car, i would put the money in a metal bucket, then take a piss and dump in it and throw it through you front windscreen, maybe then you'll know how much of a friend you are.

Nothing short of a low life act!!

  gbangaR32 said:
wel he was parked across my driveway half on the road, half off. technically i hit him on my property... i called insurance just to see what they would say (im not going to use it though...) they said because he was parked illigally, its not my fault... so if i was to go through insurance he wouldnt be covered any way.

because of this is going 50/50 a reasonable and fair option?

You are pretty sad for even bringing this up. If my mates car was upside down in my drive way and i hit it I would pay for it. If you do ask him to pay I doubt you will stay friends. And if you do its never gonna be the same.

my 2c

Edited by AlexR34
  • 2 weeks later...

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