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go get some driving lessons faget

was it you he reversed into? :(

a good mate that got hit cops it on the chin as an accindent and probably fork out is own money however a better mate, ie you should at least offer to pay for it and fix his first as it was your fault. have a laugh about it over a beer and maybe split the cost of the total to fix both cars if you wanna be fair about it.

My dad and I reversed into each other the other day..ha..i got off second best. Its a nusance but what do you do hey.

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Sorry dude, you did the crashing you do the fixing. End of story.

I can't for the life of me think why someone would suggest that he goes half.

If he's a good mate, he would let you fix it with maybe a bit of time, or he gets it done and you pay him back. The WHOLE amount.

If he's a bad mate, he goes to his insurance who fix his car and then chase you for the cash.

This shouldnt be a matter for people to discuss;

you backed into him and should say "oh shit sorry mate didnt see you there; lets take my car out tonight and we'll go to the panel beaters tomorrow so i can fix it for ya."

I'd say start a new thread on where's a good panel beater :) (after searching for one)

Remember to take into account that if you claim at-fault, then your insurance rating will go down unless you've got some deal (rating 1 for life or similar), and when your rating goes down your insurance may go up (so take that into account before going to insurance)....

il definatly fix his car! no questions.....

i should be getting some quotes tomorrow, and see how bad it actually is, and post some pics up so you guys can give ur opinions on the damage..

and possibly refer me to any one whos a decent panel beater...

thanks guys

Edited by gbangaR32

Rear end to rear end, that's what's know as copping it Greek style.

Generally harder to acheive when both vehicles are in motion (2 Greeks passing in the night)

Nice work either way.

Yes it's your fault, follow the sound advice already posted in this thread and you should be able to minimise your $$ damage.

You could also challenge your mate to wrestle for it, winner takes all...it's the Aussie way.

go get some driving lessons faget

HA! Good one DICK, that is your name isn't it....DICK. How ironic how a guy called DICK is calling Michael a "faget". I never put other people down on this forum, but your absolute stupidity couldn't go without comment, DICK.

Anyway back to you Michael, Being a fellow p plater i must also agree with everyone else - don't go through insurance - I'm with just car and i just got my premium reduced to 1500 because of "good behavior" and also because I'm on my green's now (1 year exp.) <- no speeding fines or suspensions - no claims etc... so even if it did cost 3000 to fix...in the long run you will save allot more :P - on the terms of the accident...sorry man but you did the deed, you have to pay for it. On the bright side, be thankful it was your mate and not some loony that would smash your head in, and also that you will probably never forget this and be allot more careful whenever you put your baby into R and hopefully when you put it into 1st-2nd-3rd-4th-5th as well.

And dw - alot of other people have done worse (and stupider) things - i rolled a baddock basher on my farm with my best mate in the passg seat because i thought i was Drift King - best lesson of my life - never did any stupid shit on the road when i got my P's after that.

Goodluck :laugh:

He could have been parked on his roof, running a brothel in his boot while dealing drugs.

You hit him unfortunately, so it would be the right thing to fix his car up and not question it.

Well said. I could not agree more!

All of this talk about whether your mate should contribute to the repairs because he was illegally parked across your driveway is wrong.

If you really want to be technical about it, ok, so he was illegally parked. So he could theoretically get a parking fine - what are they - $75-80 these days?

You still owe him the full amount of the repairs. You hit a stationary car.

We've all done stupid things in our life - cop it on the chin, move on and keep the friendship.

We've all done stupid things in our life - cop it on the chin, move on and keep the friendship.

I dropped a donut whilst driving, looked down to pick it up quickly , looked up then SMASH in the back of a meat processing truck.

True story :P

I felt like Homer Simpson after that.

Well he was illegaly parked so it is his fault by law. So if i were you i would tell him that he must make a claim through his insurance or you issue him with a summons to small claims court.

Well he was illegaly parked so it is his fault by law. So if i were you i would tell him that he must make a claim through his insurance or you issue him with a summons to small claims court.

im not sure i would want to be "best mates" with you if you reversed in to my car and then say its my fault by law..........i park infront of my mates driveway - because i know who lives there and i know they arnt going to care because if they need to get out they just ask me to move.....friendship is more then "claims" and "summons" :P you don't need to summons him to court!! lol i would rather cough up 3000 grand then loose a mate because i was a bitch and said "your fault by law" and didnt take responsibility for what i did..... even if, and i stress IF, it was his mates fault for "parking illegaly" - you cant seriously balance that with doing something stupid and not looking wer your driving? (not bagging you out mike)

Well he was illegaly parked so it is his fault by law. So if i were you i would tell him that he must make a claim through his insurance or you issue him with a summons to small claims court.

I would put my money that a Court would find against you if you attempted this and award costs to the other side.

Well he was illegaly parked so it is his fault by law. So if i were you i would tell him that he must make a claim through his insurance or you issue him with a summons to small claims court.

find me where in the law it says that billy?????

i'm pretty sure your wrong billy,,,,,,,, i could park my car crossways on the motorway and if somebody hits it, it is there fault..... yes i will get a fine from the cops, and possibly manslaughter if it causes a fatality but atleast i wouldn't have to pay for the damage on the cars. a stationary car is never in the wrong in NSW and im pretty sure the law is the same for all of Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea and the pacific islands, come to think of it i think the whole world has that law (could be wrong but as to my knowledge...).

The person who was driving has to pay for the damage legally, but being mates i recon you buy a different rear bar and get it fixed for him. If it was one of my mates i'm sure they would offer half the money to repair it anyway if they parked across my driveway and i hit their car by accident, but i wouldn't ask for any money because at the end of the day its my fault, nor would i expect them to give me the money anyway....

be careful when reading replies because there are people on here that just write for the sake of writing..... like billy, or maby he just made a simple mistake and he was meant to say it the other way around, either way for the future when reading replies do not take them all as scripture.... as the old saying goes "believe half of what you see, and none of what you hear,,,,, or half of what you read on SAU FORUMS" lol

If taken to court, they would work out the liability percentages. Eg person parked illegally 30% fault and other guy 70% fault. No one is 100% fully responsible in this case, they are both at fault.

This is just what i have been told by my girlfriend who's a lawyer what would happen.

Edited by BillyMako
If taken to court, they would work out the liability percentages. Eg person parked illegally 30% fault and other guy 70% fault. No one is 100% fully responsible in this case, they are both at fault.

This is just what i have been told by my girlfriend who's a lawyer what would happen.

thats cool, but end result will be driver is at fault, each and every time, thats the way the precedent system works....

Well he was illegaly parked so it is his fault by law. So if i were you i would tell him that he must make a claim through his insurance or you issue him with a summons to small claims court.

Lol. When I was involved in an accident where the other person failed to give-way to oncoming traffic, even the insurance company (his insurance) advised it was his fault *even* if I was speeding (I was actually nearly 10km/h under the limit and he accused me of speeding).

Another example is if you stick your nose beyond the white line (stop line for example) and someone hits you, its your fault (failure to give way).

So I don't think its going to matter how we was parked he was hit while stationary, it remains your fault, similar if you hit someone from behind (except in a few circumstances...)

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