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Eight In Car Not Illegal!


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ive had 7 in a rexy once. 4 back and two guys sitting on each other on the passengers. I had to do a random breath test and the constable didnt know what to do. called his superior officer over and he scratched his head for a bit then let us go. everyone had their seatbelts on even the two at the front...ha. never did anything like that again after that.

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I thought that if your car was rego,d as a 5 seater you could only have 5 in the car, I was going to put a 1/2 cage in my car but was told that i would have to remove the rear seats and have the car reclassed as a 2 seater as they said it was unsafe for the passengers in the rear with the bars there.


Stupid laws.

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Hahaha love that pic of the mini Sam ;)

I was also under the impression that if your car was rego'd as a 5 seater (or whatever) that was the most you could carry.

....*Considers turning the GTR into a maxi-taxi* :D

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hey man... dont feel too bad... not like we have oodles of space.... I dont own a boot... that goes all for my sound system stuff... so my back seat is my boot so im the same as you.

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Im not sure if people have read it wrong but at the moment you can have 8 people in a car, as long as everyone is wearing a seat belt. Meaning 2 or 3 people per seat belt, not - all seat belts being used and then people also not wearing belts. The law will be changed by the end of the year though ive heard.

From all the articles and vision ive seen and heard, not once have they mentioned that 8 people were wearing the belts, meaning yes the other people not using the belts can be done for not wearing them, christine nixon has come out and said there is a technicality in the law saying as long as everyone is wearing a belt, it is not illegal. Not saying that if 5 people in a car are wearing a belt, 2 more can sqeeze in even if they arnt wearing one.

Just clarifying it cos the thread reads the illegal way.

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LOL we were all in the car and a coper pulls up next to us at the lights.

i saw them in the side mirrors and said" EVERYONE GET THE f**k DOWN" and litterally, everyone got down.."except for those sitting in the seat with their seat belts.

i was surprised at why they didnt pull us over

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I didn't know 2-door Lancers were sports cars either! Wonders will never cease.

Yeah, that pissed me off reading that. :D

In regard to the 8 people being legal.

I thought a car was licensed to carry so many people? and that was the limit? ;)

Like if you put a rear roll bar in (over the rear seats) then you can legally register it to carry only 2 people (front two) ??

EDIT: Whoops, beat me to it.

I thought that if your car was rego,d as a 5 seater you could only have 5 in the car, I was going to put a 1/2 cage in my car but was told that i would have to remove the rear seats and have the car reclassed as a 2 seater as they said it was unsafe for the passengers in the rear with the bars there.
Edited by ScottyF
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Whether it's legal or not, commen sense dictates you don't squeeze 8 people in a car without 8 seats.

I am currently involved in the care of one of the passengers. She has multiple injuries, and needs a tube down her throat on a breathing machine in intensive care. Not pretty. Be careful guys.

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