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Dark - Ah... not quite

Computer graphics 101:


Vector artwork is called such as it uses scalable 'vectors' (lines) to create an image. Vector art cannot carry the pixel-by-pixel colour details as a bitmap image - but it can be scaled to any size without loss of quality.

Vector format = EPS (encapsulated post script) or AI (adobe illustrator) etc

Bitmap images use individually coloured pixels to make up an image. Much more detial can be obtained - like a photograph, but they cannot be scaled up in size without loss in quality.

Bitmap formats = JPEG, TIFF, PCT, BMP etc

Cell shading is a method used to create a cartoon 'cell' style image. This is done by using flat colours and 'shaped' hilights and shadows - ala a cartoon. They use no environmental reflections (like a 3D render).

You can create cell-shaded style images in a vector program, like illustrator, or bitmap program, like photoshop.

So... the image in question might well be have been drawn in a vector package, but it is also a 'semi' cell-shaded image.


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