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South Australian Ag Blocks Games Rating Debate


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The long-running debate on an adult rating for games in Australia may have been shut down by South Australian Attorney-General Michael Atkinson.

The debate was renewed last March when the Standing Committee of Attorneys-General (SCAG) agreed to public consultation on an R18+ games classification.

However Mr Atkinson has rejected plans to publish the consultation results, effectively shelving the discussion process.

Unlike film, video games can only be classified up to MA15+, and the law cannot be changed without the consent of the Commonwealth and each state and territory attorney-general.

A study released by the Interactive Entertainment Association of Australia (IEAA) this week showed 91 per cent of Australian respondents – both gamers and non-gamers – support an R18+ rating for games.

It also showed that the average age of Australian gamers is now 30, and only 1 per cent of all games classified in the last year exceeded an MA15+ rating.

Mr Atkinson has spoken out against an R18+ rating for games repeatedly, telling South Australian state parliament earlier this year that children needed to be protected from adult games.

A spokesperson for Victorian Attorney-General Rob Hulls, a supporter of the ratings change, told Fairfax while the issue was formally still on the SCAG agenda, "it appears unlikely that there will be unanimity from all jurisdictions to proceed further at this stage with introducing an R18+ category for computer games."

Australia is the only developed country without an adult rating for games.

All I can say...this guy is a tool!!...what do you think

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Not just SA, the entire AU is about to follow in China's footsteps with our own net filter great fire wall... & the "protecting the children" crap has become the norm like how US like to use "terrorist", anyone who doesn't agree with us is a "terrorist",

here anyone who doesn't support our effort for the net filter/15 game rating only, must all be child raping physcos...

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don't put R18+ on any games.. just release them all as MA15+ lol

agreed lol, nah well then again, we should get an R18+ its that simple, no matter what people will get the games if they want them bad enough, its just not as easy as walking int EB and grabbin it of the shelf, but there are so many otherways to get the american released versions etc,

essentially, the guy is a douchebag

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Apparently parents can keep their kids away from R18+ DVD's, but OMFG! VIDEO GAMES!? THATS IMPOSSIBLE!!! WE ARE ASKING TOO MUCH OF PARENTS!!

Most consoles can play video games along with DVD's, but from what i understand, this whole debarcle is saying some parents just cant comprehend the difficulty of keeping their children away from R18+ video games, yet they already do the same with movies/music etc... which a console (PS3/360) can play anyway. and if the child has the ability to put a game in, and play it, they can easily do the same with an R18+ DVD...

Totally retarded arguement, non-gamers are saying if games need to be rated R18+ then they must have some awful content... ummmm R18+ rating for movies has been around for a while, and theres not always content that is THAT disturbing, its just not suitable for anyone under 18...

I remember seeing some douche saying "i dont want to live in the same neighbourhood as someone whos raping someone else in a video game", ummmm i have NEVER seen a scene where someone is getting raped, or the player controlling the character to rape... yet, its in a fair few R18+ movies...

Seriously, the majority of people who agree with this non R18+ bullshit are parents, and they need to pull their f**ken heads in, step up and play their role as parents, which is, pay attention to what your child is doing and make sure they are not playing/watching/doing something that they arent supposed to. It wouldnt be hard to have Video Game retailers treat R18+ games like cigarettes or alcohol...

it must be easier than ever to be a parent now... some retarded school zones, no R18+ for video games, and now they want to do a china on us and block sites. f**k that, ill look up whatever i want! im not a paedophile, so why should i be treated like one?

Good work Krudd, your doing a top job mate! Petrol is as high as ever, Aussie $ = fail, Internets getting banned, and adult gamers dont have the right to play what they want. Good work Buddy!!

Oh and congrats to the peeps who voted for him, you got what you wanted!! no f**ken complaints!!

Oh yeah, and that SA dude, i hope he gets voted out soon... Totally immature to ban something, then say "Nup, dont wanna hear any complaints, my word is final, deal with it, i dont care if your over 18, ill decide what you can and cant play"... If only we had those magical black vans that could take people like him away and we'd never see him again... OH WAIT! THE INTERNETS IS MONITORED NOW!! maybe ill get taken away by a black van and silenced...

f**k Aus Govt. End Rant.

Edited by SKYLVIA
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Man that internet filter is probably the dumbest shit ive ever heard. Lets lag australias already slow internet network. Great idea.

BUT you not thinking about the children!!! Won't someone please think about the children!!!

LOL, jokes, but thats how its going anyway, kinda like if you own a import you are automatically labeled as a hoon & a danger on the road, & how the government is just constantly putting speed cams everywhere & claiming that they "save" lives.

Mr Conroy will automatically label you (& anyone who doesn't agree with his net filter idea) as perverted child rapist whom his great firewall filter is "suppose" to save the children from.

Heres the link to the lastest update on the filter link.

PS sorry for kinda hijacking the thread.

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I have no problem with him having an opinion, even if it is igronant.

The problem I have is that he isn't even open to discussion about having an R18 catagory.

He has just said no it won't happen and thats it, no chance for rebutal or anything.

stupid man.

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I agree that bringing in 18+ rating is the way to go, but at the same time this twat in SA keeping it out to protect the children is crap. just like the internet filter will be a waste of time and money that could be better spent on something else. Oh and dont forget that the legal age to drink is 18 aswell, and this is to protect our children. and i dont have to tell anyone how wonderfully well this law works. at the end of the day, why fight a battle that no one can win. The games are going to come in one way or another. The porn and other crap will continue to flow throught the internet filters. and the underage will continue to drink like nothing can hurt them without even the thought of consequences.

If they can not 100% garantee that this stuff will work and serve the purpose it was designed for then they should not make a stupid statement about the 18+ is to protect our children from harm. They will get it anyways, with or without the law. so they should just consider the fact that the age group that does want the extra content can get it and do so without going around corners to get. If parents are so concerned about thier children then dont get them anything that they can use for it. Or only let them use it under the parents supervision. God only knows that kids these days dont have that much time to spend with parents, so i could not hurt.

Meh. i dont care. if i want to get 18+ games, i can get them. Oh the wonderful world of EBay.

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  • 4 weeks later...
I agree that bringing in 18+ rating is the way to go, but at the same time this twat in SA keeping it out to protect the children is crap. just like the internet filter will be a waste of time and money that could be better spent on something else. Oh and dont forget that the legal age to drink is 18 aswell, and this is to protect our children. and i dont have to tell anyone how wonderfully well this law works. at the end of the day, why fight a battle that no one can win. The games are going to come in one way or another. The porn and other crap will continue to flow throught the internet filters. and the underage will continue to drink like nothing can hurt them without even the thought of consequences.

If they can not 100% garantee that this stuff will work and serve the purpose it was designed for then they should not make a stupid statement about the 18+ is to protect our children from harm. They will get it anyways, with or without the law. so they should just consider the fact that the age group that does want the extra content can get it and do so without going around corners to get. If parents are so concerned about thier children then dont get them anything that they can use for it. Or only let them use it under the parents supervision. God only knows that kids these days dont have that much time to spend with parents, so i could not hurt.

Meh. i dont care. if i want to get 18+ games, i can get them. Oh the wonderful world of EBay.


Or you can order through these guys;


Delivery is usually less than 2 weeks from purchase.

My most recent game was Rockband 2 which arrived 6 business days after purchase...

Definitely recommended.

Just need the dollar to improve again.

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