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Accident At Caulfield S Bend ~ Fatal


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The girl didn't die at the scene, she was taken to hospital and then died there due to compulsive internal bleeding. The driver is a dick. How do I know... my friend's girlfriend is his sister. Dumb fag... he's stupid enough to drive so fast under the influence of alcohol, but bringing others with him... simply dumb... regrets for the girl... such a waste of life.

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Definitely agree that it's the persons fault for getting in the car in the first place, but I guess you just think it'll never happen to you. I think something like this happening to a close group of friends or family is the only way of making people realise not to get into a car with a drunk/drugged up driver at the wheel. I know it has for me..

Edited by adam-__-
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Hmm, I think the passengers in the car would have been drunk/ intoxicated as well so they probably had poor decision making activity going on in their heads. Having said that, I hope that this makes people realise the idiocy of not voting some poor fellow as designated driver before the night starts; but I know it won't.

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what a waste

let this be a lesson to the younger members on this forum... if you don't trust the driver DON'T get in the car... and if you are in a car where the driver is making you uncomfortable DEMAND they pull over and let you out... if they tell you to chill out tell them to get f*cked and pull over

when I was about 19 we had been to a club and I wanted to move my car about 3 blocks away and I said to my friends jump in so we will have less to walk etc... they flat out refused and it was only because they were so strongly opposed to the idea I realised what a dumb idea it was and left the car there... its hard to make the right decisions when you are young and pissed so best to leave the cars at home

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yep we have all been through it... of all the drugs I've ever experienced its effects are by far the most dangerous when it comes to decision making and basic motor skills... and its legal... nothing ever changes, young people + alcohol + cars don't mix

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just found out today that the driver is actully a mate that i havent seen in a couple of months, and he's a top bloke, if you dont know him, dont go talking sh*t about him. he made on very f*cking big mistake, and it's just so unfortunate that in this case the consequences were so great.

everyone on here would have done stupid things in there cars, some by drink driving, driving on drugs etc, and i rkn nearly everyone on here has done stupid sh*t in there cars and lost control completely, but most come out unscathed, that doesnt make you all saint's, just because you came out clean doesnt make you any better than the driver in this case, just luckier

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