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Ok well after last night, i have now lost my license thanks to the unfreindly wankers in the police department.

In the last two weeks i have been pulled over 9 or 10 times. Twice for speeding (the one last night took the cake as it should have been only a 1pt fine not a 6 pt).

Fair enough i do some stupid stuff on the road (speeding, ISD's etc), and i'm more than prepared to take the punishment, but when you just keep getting hassled..... Thats crossing the line.

Up until last night (before being pulled over the SECOND time) i lost all the genuine respect for the police.

So how many times have you lost your license (and maybe post for how long etc)??

Rant off/

EDIT. The first option should read i HAVENT been caught yet... (maybe a mod could change it for me)

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Ah, the old 'one point club' eh?

I used to be in that club... really treadin' on egg shells innit. I'm in the six point club at present.

I long for the old days when the cops had to chase you and it was a fair fight!! Now they're trialing spy satelite technology in Pommieland.

Does everyone agree that the general duty cops are fair enough and that all those in Traffic Branch have various degrees of 'personality disorder'?

I lost a string of points and got down to 8 points about 4 years ago. Then I got them all back and was sitting on 12 points till one morning on the way to work on a double demerit long weekend I got pulled over for doing 70 in a 60 zone. So currently I'm on 10, never lost my license. There's a time and a place to be stupid and thats called the track and the drag strip.

not mentioning any names, but i'm sick of the bitching going on in the forums, lets cut the crap yeah? let people post what they want to post, in good reason..... no need to bag them out!

i'm sure most of yall will know what i am talking about, if not just read one post above erik's last one

adrian :D

sorry for that being off topic :)

back on with losing licenses

anyone know how many points you have when on p's? is it 6?

coz i pretty sure i've lost two already :)

camera's should be only for happy family snaps, not catching speeders dammit :D

adrian :D

lost mine many times last time was about 2 years ago for lack of points again.With all the bad press at the moment the police will be out in large numbers trying to prove there in charge of the roads, so mite be a good time to be a little selective were we all drive and at what speeds.

Originally posted by BuzLightyear

Ah, the old 'one point club' eh?

Does everyone agree that the general duty cops are fair enough and that all those in Traffic Branch have various degrees of 'personality disorder'?

Ther traffic branch was disbanded some years ago - a traffic branch still exist but there are no longer coppers dedicated to "traffic" as such. They are expected to be "rousta bouts" and do a bit of everything - hence they know less about car laws etc as they are not specialised in this area, as the 'old school' coppers would have been.

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