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Stagea Cruise 23/11


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Great cruise today guys!! I think we had a total of 25 stags at one stage WOO WOO! Hills run was awsome, cant wait to see the video clip and cant wait for the next cruise!

What route did we end up taking from Newton to Mt Lofty? That bit was fun :P


Thanks to all those who attended. We gathered 25 Stageas at one point, so it was a record-breaking cruise :D Awesome to see such a wide variety of stageas.

The route to Lofty was a route I took us on after we missed the turn off to Uraidla ... so I took us via roads that I ride my bike on from Gorge to Lobethal, Uraidla and then back on track to Lofty via Crafers. Thanks to all those putting up with the slight change and for all driving within their limits.

I would especially like to thank Neil the kind 'scot' police officer who attended our first meet spot. He did his job but gave us nothing to whinge about. We were all advised of the reprocussions of the WRX crash and police attitude to hoon driving. Neil and his partner simply looked under the bonnets, did a quick check and sent us on our way. Its days like yesterday that show the police we can enjoy driving within the speed limits and within our driving skills. And we also witnessed first hand that the police do know their cars and what they are looking for. They are not so much fussed about mods ... its the excessive mods and combined with hoon driving they are concerned about. If you ever get pulled over by Neil the 'scot' (he's not bloody irish!) then come clean and don't bullshit him. :D

Kudos also to Kell who rode with me. Her reputation with cruises that she so long protected thru thick and thin showed yesterday. The police know her and her cruises and she has a great report card with the police. Next time anyone wants to slag off Kell, think again, you might just want to be under her 'umbrella' when the police take note of cruises. The police do read these forums ... make no mistake about that. We have been put on notice. One SAUer has been caught out.

We will be advising the police of our next Stagea cruises, and reporting any bad behaviour (and hoon tag alongs) in future to stay in their good books. :yes:

sounds like you all had a great time, well done to the organizers.

while on the topic of cruises, Roo, I finally got the bike going and was thinking about the Toy Run in a couple of weeks??

Finally got that spark problem fixed? Wicked. Yeah, I'm getting the TLR all fixed up and regoed for the Toy Run. I can always take out the Brutale if the 'rolling thunder' isn't ready in time. I'll PM you later in the week with some MRA toy run info and a time and place to meet. I like to avoid the heavy cluster of riders (who haven't a clue how to ride) and ride more up front where its thinner.

Edited by RubyRS4
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And Tangles..... where the hell were you??? :D

yeah so sorry !!

amazing, stand up for 4hours at Jez's across the road sat night, sunday couldnt sleep till sun up due to the knees, and at 11am was no way could drive - could barely hobble.!

fk these knees man.

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i limped my RS260 down to Newton shopping Centre carpark, cos i figured thats where the meet point was, considering i hadnt received a PM from anyone. i didnt have anyone's mobile numbers, so i couldnt call!!!!!!!!

was dissapointing because i was hoping to make this one!

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There will be no more stagea cruises organised by me.

It appears a majority of SAU don't appreciate the work Kell, myself and Adam put into these things. They believe we are lining attendees up for a defect, despite the positive reputation we've made for ourselves with the police.

Sad day, but some people really need to harden up.

I'm done.


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oh well, i'm just happy i caught one ruby - was well organised and a fun day

cheers again :)

If I ever organise one again, it won't be advertised on SAU at all. PM me your numbers and I'll put a list together for future reference if I ever get around to another one.

BTW those rims looked mad on your stag ;)

Edited by RubyRS4
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Good to see you guys had a great day. Didnt make it out cos i recently got a new motrocrosser so i had that out for 3 days straight over the weekend.

For some reason I feel this wont be the last of the stag cruises. If your out for organising ruby sad to hear but good work mate, you've done alot for the Stagea family here in SA. ;)

Im sure adam and i will work something out for the future.

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Applause for a well organised cruise, and for mother nature who brought out the sun and gave me the courier arm tan.

My bad for goin slow through the cork screw (dam tyres scraping) and loosin the car in front of me leading to the confusion, and ending up back down in newton, good to see you guys made it to lofty.

another pic....


Cheers and well done guys and girls.

Lookin forward to the next one.

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I don't know what all the fuss is about. Make it clear what is going to be told to the police etc. People can make up their own mind. If you don't like it, tuff, don't show up.

Edited by Race__24
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If I ever organise one again, it won't be advertised on SAU at all. PM me your numbers and I'll put a list together for future reference if I ever get around to another one.

BTW those rims looked mad on your stag :P

cheers :)

pm sent

I don't know what all the fuss is about. Make it clear what is going to be told to the police etc. People can make up their own mind. If you don't like it, tuff, don't show up.

my thoughts exactly

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That cop'a was tops, did his job and didn't shit anyone, as far as I could tell?

Keen for more cruises, was also disappointed a few guys didn't turn up.

Only criticism I have (and its constructive) was too many and too long stop spots, more standing around that driving around, Maybe have a few catch up spots and big stop at end so the cruise doesn't take up the full day for those that work a lot etc..

-Cheers once again for anyone involved in organizing, great run!

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yeah, I was just too sore.

knees are shagged, so couldnt head out this time.'

I will arrange a southern run from Lobethal to Victor in the Dec / New Year holidays, an early sun-ap start with the end at lunch, a few spots to stretch, meet up & catch late-risers, but 250km of driving.

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spotted you all when u were making ur way up gorge rd. I was on a small cruise with a couple of other r31's a ute, a lancer, and an mr2. got stuck behind an old man lol, waved at you's all as u drove up. Kinda shocked me seeing so many. (I was in the white r31)

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