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I love the VW transit vans and wheelie bins used for speed cameras..

Yeh i got pulled over by a VW van last week for talking on my mobile whilst driving.

I had no clue wtf was going on when he was honking and high beaming, then flicked on the old red and blues on me

f**ken 230 fine

yup, been doing a fair bit of driving around here, and ive seen a few red light cameras, but no radars or speed cameras yet.


The reason why you see less speed cameras is because the red light cameras are now speed cameras too... its quite simple...

PLACE A RED LIGHT SPEED CAMERA AT EVERY INTERSECTION... there are 3 on anzac highway and 3 on greenhill road now.

More stationary cameras mean less costs to operate and more reven ue because the cameras are there 24/7... plus they are set to 7klm over the speed limit!

Eg 57 in a 50 zone or 67 in a 60 zone.

My guess is that revenue has dropped for speeding fines and the govt needs more money.. they depend on fine revenue for the state budget splits.

The obvious message is dont speed which i am cool with. The irony is people talk about the govt revenue raising and its on news every third week and the police say its not revenue raising yada yada then it goes away for another 6 months.

The thing i cant believe is that there used to be a 10% tolerance with the speed limit. eg you could do up to 69 in a 60 zone.

Since the change in the tolerance levels there was no major media message from the govt about the reduction in tolerance to 67klm.

Just think of the amount of people looking at the speedo doing under 70klm and getting fined. the govt has cashed in with reducing the tolerance and installing red light speed cameras all over the place.

If we cant do over 67klm and hour in a 60 zone well then advertise it on tv and in the paper then people wont do it and they will have to find another way to make revenue...hmm that probaly why we dont see the tolerence of the speed limit advertised.

That hazy line of what speed you drive at is their cash cow.

Edited by cell

If we cant do over 67klm and hour in a 60 zone well then advertise it on tv and in the paper then people wont do it and they will have to find another way to make revenue...hmm that probaly why we dont see the tolerence of the speed limit advertised.

That hazy line of what speed you drive at is their cash cow.

but then everyone would sit on 66kph...................speed limit is 60kph (actually 50 unless otherwise sign posted)

Last night- Had a POO POO in a marked commy shitbox pull over a few cars in front of me in the dirt, then as i passed him he floored it and tailgated me for 7k's(i wasnt speeding at all ...lol actually under it before i saw him), I should have slammed on the brakes for that invisible kid that ran out in the road..lol. so i could laugh all the way to the bank as he hit me from behind.......mind you it was raining too. talk about unsafe driving!!!!

assholes, just getting lots worse. if cops want to make it better stop being dickheads, and understand not all jap cars are defects on wheels. go catch a crim instead , plenty around town!!!

Not sure if everyone here knows, 3 antennas on a rear window of a car is a COP,or louvers on a commy back window, is a COP or oldie..lol

maybe would should start a photo shoot of there sneaky cars...lol ?

speeding doesnt kill, idiots do.

in LA you can drive up to 30mph over the limit near cops and they wont give you a second look unless your flying thru traffic. but going with the flow, no worries ? pretty soon here it will be 50k everywhere, might as well get a scooter for those speeds..lol

why cant they look into real crime not hassle cars, or at least look at the rust buckets with no brakes in town, or trucks overloaded ? or the assholes who have to flog the v6 commy around every corner and understand not all jap cars are flogged at every stop light.?..

in the USA they go thru get really sneaky to catch speeders, no radar, no laser, white lines on the road and a stop watch. determines your speed from a plane or bridges. but for the most part they have better things to do then catch speeders. like free coffee and doughnuts at 7/11...lol thats what we need , a few 7/11's...lol or 24/7...lol

by the way in case you wondered why cops hang out there in USA, for free food/ coffee, its extra security for free, they get robbed often...for real!!!!


I'll shut up now... sorry

driving to work this morning and saw a cop n a motorbike pull someone over.

Nothing new there xcept for the bike... looked like a stock as a rock kawasaki, light blue paint, saddle bags where black and the front visor had tint on it..


Even the oinker was dressed in black leather head to toe with a black helmet...HOWEVER..

It had cop lights in the front fender visor area which are blacked out unless they are on.. the poor bastard had no clue it was a cop.

Be aware kids anyone can be the fuzz these days.

PS i have noticed that 4 months ago there were no red light/speed cameras now there are 5 on the way to work.

Gimme revenue for doing 67klms in a 60 zone... cant be all bad though as i was in vicco a few weks ago.. went to bells fo a surf and went through 19 speed cameras...thats right 19.

unless you ride bikes you wouldnt know that they have been around like that for at least the last year or so,they normally hide in the hills to chase down bikers,except they sometimes under estimate the skills of the rider they are chasing,and that they ride shit bikes ha ha ha

+1 my riding ability and my cbr

-1 cops for being so slow,learn how to ride guys

i live in canberra atm but im orginally a geelong/melbourne boy, i love hearing the guys here complain abouot the one or two occasional cameras that are around, vic's know what a real camera swamp is like ay,

mind you there are alot of cop cars here so i guess it balances out

Okay you have the undercover VE's right with the two aerial's but then i've seen undercovers with just one aerial! BUT!!! Just around the corner of my house there is a police station and now ive seen undercover cop cars with NO EXTRA AERIALS just the orginal one at the back like all the others!!!!!!!!!! THEIR FKN PRICKS MANNN!!!

unless you ride bikes you wouldnt know that they have been around like that for at least the last year or so,they normally hide in the hills to chase down bikers,except they sometimes under estimate the skills of the rider they are chasing,and that they ride shit bikes ha ha ha

+1 my riding ability and my cbr

-1 cops for being so slow,learn how to ride guys

Yep, they've been loving us bikers long time :O

Every second weekend in the hills I'd get pulled over for nothing. Rego and licence check. "Don't speed and ride safe". Was I speeding at the time when you pulled me over dickhead? No. Right save your f**king warnings for those who do.

I had an unmarked cop car chase me thru the hills one day thru the Maccy-Strath area. It was a dark blue Falcon and had no lights, nothing. But the driver sped up to me and signaled for me to pull over. I saw he was wearing a cop uniform, but I thought "no f**king way". Kept to the 100kph speed limit, but around corners, he couldn't keep up.

A marked cop car accompanied the unmarked car to The Garage at Strath where I was and they approached me about "evading and running from a cop". My simple response was "he did not appear as, nor identified himself as, a cop ... so I wasn't going to stop in the middle of nowhere for a tailgater!". :)


A marked cop car accompanied the unmarked car to The Garage at Strath where I was and they approached me about "evading and running from a cop". My simple response was "he did not appear as, nor identified himself as, a cop ... so I wasn't going to stop in the middle of nowhere for a tailgater!". :)

would have done the same

while holding back the lol of fail on there part

police presence slows people down - not police deception!

Exactly! So whats the purpose of having unmarked cars looking for defects/speeders? Its obviously not to save lives/slow people down but to wait for them to do something illegal and then reveal their presence and collect a whole bunch of cash.

If they were serious about slowing people down and keeping people safe, a marked car would be much better suited, as they can still get you if you do something wrong but if the people know a cop is there, they're not going to speed, therefor preventing what they think 'kills' (speed).

However on the other hand if they go about their business in an unmarked car, they will teach a lesson to those who speed, showing that a cop could be anywhere so its safer just not to speed.

What I'm trying to say is that if all cars were marked, it'd be clear when you can speed and get away with it or behanve yourself on the limit. But by using undercover cars, they put this fear into the drivers that a cop could be anywhere, so I can see how this side of it works.

You gotta look at both ends of it. In the end, a speed limit is there for a reason, and to go over that limit (even 6-7k's) is illegal, so expect to be fined.

I have only had my P's for 11 months (get my P2's soon) and only 1 of those months I have driven my import. Only when I got my import I got pulled over for an RBT, but I'm not saying its because of my car as they pulled over a stock Pulsar but also let a clearly defectable 32 through. This has been my only encounter with cops on the road and it was simple and straight foward.

He said 'How ya going mate, just blow into this' and stuck the breatho in my cabin. He told me to stop when I had done and in the mean time was joking and chatting with the other officer. He said 'yep thats alright' and went over to check my rego. He came back, asked for my drivers license and then said 'ok no worries, off ya go'.

Sure I was nervous but I just did what he said, wasn't a smart ass or had any attitude and he didn't give a damn about the other two in my car (who had been drinking) and didn't check anything on my car to see if it was defectable (it is stock, though).

Simple rule: Do as you're told and everything will be fine.

^^^^that simple rule of do as they say doesnt always work

Im ALWAYS nice to the po po. but ive been to regency three times.

maybe you havent been pulled over enough to see this.

I dont mind going to regency. its my fault.

I just wont drive around stock, especially stock ride.

spotted the silver xr6 this morning on n.e rd,

if it was behind you, you'd be stupid no to realise it was a cop!

has two f**k off size red and blue lights on the front bar.

but meh, there only gonna get sneakier, get used to it

but then everyone would sit on 66kph...................speed limit is 60kph (actually 50 unless otherwise sign posted)

That it... selling my import and riding one of these... nitrous fed turbo charged scooter with front mount ....mmmmmwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh


Edited by cell
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