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I think Mcains arms are like that from a war injury, i had noticed it too thnkin the ol fella was startin to seize up or something, but then there was a doco on the two candidates and they showed images of a young Mcain on a medics bed with both arms plastered up at that angle.

I think that Obama will be a great peoples president, but only time will tell how he goes in relation to foreign policy.

Its sad that everyone is already talking assination on the sole basis that he is African American, its 2008 FFS!

Its sad that everyone is already talking assination on the sole basis that he is African American, its 2008 FFS!

Yeah, but we are talking about the "great" US....

I mean seriously, there were people saying that they don't trust him and that he will only look after his "own people".

When the reporter asked who his "own people" are, the ignorant b*tches said "terrorists" because Obama sounds like Osama... wow.

Also, I think that McCains issue is with his shoulders. While his arms are odd, looks to me like a rotator cuff issue (which would explain why he can't lift his hands much higher than his nose).

Edited by iamhe77

^^ i have no idea what your talking about! oh wait....*searches google*

"Discussion about Baracks middle name is Hussein,and last name rhymms with Osama. .Is this a sign? at the GodlikeProductions Conspiracy Forum."

.....You may have a point! :P

Hopefully America will get the change it needs!

I have a friend who lives in virginia and some cousins in new york, and they seem over the moon about Obama being elected.

Who knows maybe Bush can be the next big stand up comedian!

jeebus fellas, McCain was a POW in Vietnam for 5 years, and it wasn't exactly a stay at the hilton. He came back and could barely walk (not so noticable now) but obviously you guys have picked up on his arms. Parting gifts from the VC.

I closely followed the democratic primaries and very closely followed the presidential race. McCain is a hero, no doubt, and most likely would have been a decent president, but America and the world needed more than that. They needed someone like Obama to "inspire", to rally the country and also amend the alliances. Domestically McCain would probably have done ok, but the world is too small for that these days. America having elected someone who is so amazingly accepted worldwide can only be a huge step forward for everyone.

He was the only candidate to actual say that America has lost it's standing in the world, it has lost respect. I think that was ballsy as you could be treading a fine line even mentioning the fact that America might not actually be looked on favourably by the rest of the world, might seem somewhat un-patriotic. But he's dead right. How much do we slag off America in so many contexts? For a President to actually have a perception of how the world views America from the outside-in can only be a good thing.

If Obama can keep the fire burning, keep the energy high amongst the grassroots movement he created, I think we'll be all surprised about how quickly America can get back on track.

It's an incredibly hopeful time, and I'm very interested to see how things play out over the next 4 years.

observed, in only the way the Simpsons can...


edit: how the fudge do you embed!

yes and no, the 'inspirational' speeches have given him a huge mandate for his policy platform. He'll have the numbers in congress, and the favours owed to him by those who were able to ride his popularity into seats in the house of reps and senate. So in theory, he "should" be able to get a lot done, and be perceived as a 'great' leader as he will be executing the will of the people.

It takes more than some 'inspirational' speeches (which would probably be written by other people) to be a good leader...

Well then hes already a head of bush who was so mentally retarded he couldnt even read his...

Its nice to see someone who can actually carry themselves in a conversation and or public questioning (if you watched any) without looking like a tard, stumbling, making stupid noises and making up words. Thats generally a good start to being one.

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