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Drive Tonight - Police Strike


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here's a comedy gold situation...

I had some old car junk stored down the side of my house when I sold my old car.... stock rims/ and exhaust, in a sorta outta the way area...

anyway, the night before I sold my car I decided (was about 11pm after a few beers out the front) that i'd give all this useless shit to the dealer as I had no use for it all....

anway, a mate and I, after rummaging on the side of my house for a few mins and bashing my head/swearing/being rowdy (as you do) eventually retrieve my rims and shit and put them into the boot of my car... and go and sit out the front of my house...

about 30seconds later a detective car rocks up next door, drives straight up onto their lawn and 3 officers get out with mag lites and run to the door, we were sitting there like "WTF"?? so we grab our scanner and find out they'd called cos there was "offenders on premises" or some shit like that, a good 5mins after the police left we realised that the scared neighbour had obviously called them at the noise we were making down the side of my house!

it was a decent 2minute response time!

the look on the neighbour's face was priceless when we asked them if they heard noises at thier fence, and then told them it was us 'rummaging'

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Jash - the teddy bear is innocent!!

Butters - I take it seriously cause it is serious! I don't find it funny that people will take advantage of cops. Most of you only see one side of the story - your own. ( I said MOST not ALL :D ) I see both, and I really feel for the coppers sometimes. Its not like they make the laws or take the initiative to charge 2000000 people with car infringments in one month. It all comes from higher up. Anyway I will now duck for cover and wait for the shower of abuse :)

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Sneeza, i think the majority of us DO see both sides of the story. Sure some of us (myself included of late) have more than the odd rant, but IMHO we do see both sides.

G.D cops have some awful jobs (imagine telling a mother that her son has died, imagine being the first to rock up to a murder scene, imagine being involved with rape and domestic violence). Its not pretty stuff. I have GENUINE respect for those jobs.

The again they give some of us genuine reasons why we should show no respect to them.....

A quote from a very senior officer (also a VERY good mate) whos been in the job over 30 years

"theres been so many changes in the last 10 years. People used to join the police force to make the community a better place. GENUINE reasons, with FAIR coppers. Not so anymore and its easy to see within my coworkers. The attitudes of alot of young guys and girls leaves something to be desired"

IMHo this is where the problems with disrespect / dislike come from. Combine OUR attitudes (towards them) with THEIRS and all sorts of problems arise.

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