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me and a few mates were driving to jb hifi in the morning...

there was 4 of us, i was the only1 in a performance car (skyline) and was the 3rd car behind, at a set of lights they all turned in really quick with wheel spin and even handbrake! i just drove normal!

few minutes after were at a set of lights and cop car drives up to my car and tells me to pull over!!! he reckoned i was churping tyres and causing exesive noise with the motor! he admited that he didnt see me, i told him i didnt do anything he grabbed my licence went to his car comes back and gives me a ticket for $240 !!! and it says on it "Drive vechicle in manner to cause unnesasary noise" thats was the biggest load of crap ever!!!

some else could have been doing a burnout id still get pulled over! its like starting your engine and getting a fine for "unnesasary noise"! the passenger cop just had a grin on his face all the time and started to check my tyres, car height, and the rear wing - he was waiting for me to be a smart ass so he'd just write more tickets....

What u all reckon???

i wanna take it to court is it worth it? cause i really didnt do anything!

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only real advantage of taking it to court is you dont have to pay the fine until ur proven guilty. but then again you could be wasting the judges time and piss him off even more makin the fine worse.

so its a 50 50 shot and thats the gamble you gotta take

I got exactly the same thing, i did chirp the wheels, but it was on logan rd for christs sake, i really wish now that i'd taken it to court, the bastard just wrote the ticket, i couldn't even read it. Took me a good week to de code it. And he never explained to me what i even did, asked me what i was doing, said i braked for the corner, saw the traffic was about to leave the lights so i accelerated out of the corner. They're a bunch of jerk offs, have a look at all the murders and bashings on the tv lately, let's go and pick on a bunch of harmless guys who have respect for cars shall we.

A good way to delay the matter is to write in and complain ,each time they reply just write back, just try to keep coresponding with them until you run out of things to say it sometimes gives you a bit of breathing space so you can save the dough to pay .lol

YTou will have to end up paying but just a bit later .

Jay95R33 yeah there was a witness but like u said its my word against his... and to the first thread...-BelGarion

i didnt hand my licence straight away first he made the crap up and then he asked for it. ill be doing the reply thing thing that sounds like a good idea, 4 Doorz whats that SPERS thing all about???

i dont wanna pay for something i never done, and i guess if the fine was like 80 id probably just take it and pay but 240! for doing nothing thats a bit too harsh, its like as bad as a speeding or burnout or even drink driving a big fine for crap!

complain to the ombudsman, I have done it in other circumstances.. I had 5 guys try an assualt (bash me) in my own driveway, the fat **** cops came down about 6hrs after they were called (they were investigating a stolen BMX!) and i gave them a name and address of one of the men i recognised. I had neighbours willing to come to court e.t.c e.t.c,, THOSE ****ED UP cops could not be bothered with my case, and said that my description of ONE of the guys wasnt correct... I tried to tell him its hard to remember what colour shirt he was wearing while they were beating me up!!! My dad complained to the nSW ombudsman and i had the senior constables come over and apologise for their **** ups....the cops are useless mate even if you do complain to the ombudsman.... Lst yr (2002) my yz250 '02 model (dirtbike) I had owned for about 5 months ... cost 13 grand, and was in my garage .. Well while I was out and my mum was at home, some ****ing scum with a huge shifter got in my garage and threatened to kill my mum if she called the cops (he was rolling the bike out to his van) my mum called 000 and was hysterical, the police took 1 1/2 hrs to come on a 000 emergency call (armed break in) I was already at home by then, and when the cops come i could only do what i felt was neccessary ......wait for it..... Hocked up the biggest gholly i could and left one on the LAC's face. Also told him hes a fat fucing wanker that gets paid off our taxes.. got 2hrs in the cell but the satisfaction will last a lifetime ; ) ... P.S bike was insured..

BTW anyone here that respects police has a serious problem...

1. they dont drive

2. they have never needed the police in a desperate situation.

I have lost all respect for police and will never get it back, also dislike ppl that stick up for them, we pay their wages then they just have a quota to fill out and book people all day... revenue raising scheme they call it!!!!

My advice is stay out of the courts.....

Unless you can prove that you are in the clear with mistaken identity but providing the name of the offender and proving it on the balance of probabilities, then its just your word against the cops.

Not a good sign when at the court mate..and having the line will not help your case im afraid....thats just how the cookie crumbles

Mate I feel for you,

I had exactly the same thing happen to me, but having a phone that has a dictaphone I was able to record the cop saying that he didn't see me actually doing the offence.

Took it to court and I got off.

Whenever I get pulled over by the cops that dictaphone is recording everything they say to me.

Learnt that off a mate that has a fully worked GT and he has got off so many offences because of recording what they say.

I highly recommend that everybody carries something like that with them, as then the police have to be spot on with what they say, or they lose the case.

RESPECT for the cops lol. cops are uni rejects and their wife are whores that u don't have to pay to ****. Seriously i arrived at my house with the intruder still inside so i called them on 000 and they're response is not to go inside and wait until they arrive, while i'm waiting i notice 2 cop cars going past so i rang them against and the reply was that those cars are responding to some other matters, WTF the thieves are still inside the house atm. my sugestion was that i go inside and bust them , but i'm not allowed to touch them cause that would incur an assalt charge on me! FARK i may aswell as leave the door open and have a sign that say take what ever u farking like. in the end i went inside anyway and busted them, I got charged , who cares, but another time i spun my wheels coming out of a crn and 3 patrol cars were all over me in the space of 2 mins, and i think i should have respect for them?

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