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Its the minority that ruin it for the majority.

If you're a sh!t driver then you'll be exposed by the media.

If you're an average driver then you wont be noticed at all.

If you're a good driver then you want the attention for being a good driver but you wont get it (because good news won't sell).

That's just the way it is.

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Its the minority that ruin it for the majority.

If you're a sh!t driver then you'll be exposed by the media.

If you're an average driver then you wont be noticed at all.

If you're a good driver then you want the attention for being a good driver but you wont get it (because good news won't sell).

That's just the way it is.

That by no means, should make it any more or less justifiable for the govt to do what they are doing...

It would be like banning sex because a minority of people don't wear protection and get teh aids...

Edited by Marco-R34GTT

i read that article also. at the bottom in the paper it said something about having examptions if its work related etc. which was what iw as gona get at.what if you cars a turbo diesel or something.so i can drive my dads turbo diesel prado nemore? thats bullshit.what else can i get my hours up in?and what about the work cars all mine r turbo diesels so i dotn think im rly gna get my hours up. i cant drive mums coz its not insured for me and sisters isnt either.

also. about the cars listed to be banned they cant ban cars only engine types coz they cant ban a non turbo s13 or skyline. thats just bullshit though how people save to get something and work as hard as they can .then some old douche comes along with his merry men and tells you that its now illegal.

they also must think that the smart ones will just save as much money as possible and buy something monsterous or just take out a loan after they finish there plates.so really it wont stop anything just make kids what to rip skids more.

i think the government needs to stop nannieing the state and just relax. people will go from "i can do the biggest burnout/drift etc to my suzuki swift can hit a higher speed quicker than yous. how will this help?it wont

It would be like banning sex because a minority of people don't wear protection and get teh aids...

please dont give them ideas.it can and will happen.LOL

but yer.im just gna buy a bunky,something i can drive to the traino with.save all my muny for the next 2-3 years(while doing my apprentiship) then yer.say f*** you carpenter and get a turbo car. i doubt this law will do anything because people will just buy shitters, save money and then buy either:

a. a turbo car or wat ever theve wanted.

b.one of the cars the gets taken and sold.

byt the looks of the way the "worm" on the polls is going carpenter doesnt seem to be doing too well

i read that article also. at the bottom in the paper it said something about having examptions if its work related etc. which was what iw as gona get at.what if you cars a turbo diesel or something.so i can drive my dads turbo diesel prado nemore? thats bullshit.what else can i get my hours up in?and what about the work cars all mine r turbo diesels so i dotn think im rly gna get my hours up. i cant drive mums coz its not insured for me and sisters isnt either.

also. about the cars listed to be banned they cant ban cars only engine types coz they cant ban a non turbo s13 or skyline. thats just bullshit though how people save to get something and work as hard as they can .then some old douche comes along with his merry men and tells you that its now illegal.

they also must think that the smart ones will just save as much money as possible and buy something monsterous or just take out a loan after they finish there plates.so really it wont stop anything just make kids what to rip skids more.

i think the government needs to stop nannieing the state and just relax. people will go from "i can do the biggest burnout/drift etc to my suzuki swift can hit a higher speed quicker than yous. how will this help?it wont

I had this thought too when I heard the news... Will P platers be banned fromV8/V6 turbo 4WD? That's a little extreme.... Why are they not putting the money into driver training and education?

Also when i saw this story covered on the late news they had footage of a yellow R34 doing a burnout O_O

Do whats the low down on this?

Will the ban be solely based on V8 / turbo / supecharged? Or will it be more on Horse power?

Whats the EasT version of this?

I was planning to pass my little brother my V8 One WB Holden Ute. Its only got a 253 in it, which means its only what? 4.2 litres? Its been worked a bit though (Twin Throttle etc)... So will he be unable to drive this?

I would think the government would be lazy and just ban all V8.. so any car with 8 cynlinders are banned.. but a 253 is basically a V6 anyway ?

What are your thoughts? Should i sell of my ute and buy him something smaller to get around in or just give it to him anyway?

P plate drivers will be allowed to drive turbo diesels if its work realated and that type of vehicle is required....or its the only family vehicle available at the time.....hence the loop holes that have been found in NSW

"It is obvious that 17-year-old boys getting behind the wheel of a high-performance car is asking for trouble,''.

"And ordinary people do not want to be terrorised by hoons."

What a discriminating douchebag. If all 17 year old boys are hoons they should change the law back so you have to be 18 to get a licence, problem fixed with alan carpenter logic! Terorised lol... terrorists probably get more rights. Alan Carpenter is such a twat. It was pretty funny how he was announcing all these new policies and saying "I'm not doing this as a publicity stunt because I know there is an election coming up"... then the next week announces the election and ever since has been getting his arrogant smug face on the tv wherever, whenever and however possible. Totally lost all credit with the netball thing... I wish my daddy could spend $35million of taxpayers money for my local sports club. One of his big campaign points is cracking down on hoons... I think there are much larger problems than that he should be wasting hordes of peoples' overtaxed money on. You know, like teachers, nurses, etc... the stuff that isn't important apparently :\ He's obviously far too busy trying to get a freaking ferris wheel into Perth.

As for this new law, I'm actually for some of it. There should be restrictions on what P platers can drive. I would go further and say there should be restrictions on what all people can drive, just like motorbikes. They shouldn't necessarily be banning particular cars, but should have different licences for different power ratings (like motorbikes). This way people of any age who shouldn't be driving in the first place but are because of our incredibly shitty licencing system won't be able to do as much damage as they could. Gotta love these bandaid solutions the WA government continually spews out. I wonder how many people lost their jobs because of the gas crisis?

I remember them wanting to crush the cars that hoons were driving... selling them is just as ridiculous and would never hold up in court. If my car ever even got confiscated under the hoon law I would report my car as stolen just for shits and giggles. Hell I should become a cop and start pulling over middle aged housewifes and pensioners under the hoon law for "excessive noise" so they complain on today tonight and get the laws changed... after all today tonight is the government... THINK ABOUT IT!

Edited by big col

Aren't the eastern states laws based on horsepower to weight?

I'm sure I saw somewhere that it meant you were still able to drive an R32 GTSt as with only 167kW it came in just under their kW/tonne cutoff...

Everyone of your agruments has been said by several P platers who have promptly ploughed into a pole etc.

Pleanty of P-Platers, myself included, that have managed to avoid plouging into ANYTHING let alone a pole of some description... I don't think that is fair for those that make an effort to do the right thing, the law should target wrong doers and shouldn't have any effect on those that don't bring harm to people, property (public/private) ect ect.. Hence the reason why I cannot bring myself to align myself with these new proposals, people that do nothing wrong shouldn't be punished, it is utter bullshite. You get caught doing the wrong thing you suffer the consiquenses (like I did), take it on the chin like a man, do your time walking and get on with it..


Car-crash survivor Chris Hewson, 60, from Denmark, was also pleased with the ban plan.

He was involved in a horror accident in 1984 which nearly took his life.

He said the bans should be introduced as soon as possible.

"A 17-year-old drunk, driving a stolen car with a 14-year-old passenger, hit me head-on,'' Mr Hewson said.

"The 14-year-old died at the scene and four days later the driver died.''

"I spent three years in and out of hospital.''

WTF does a drunk kid driving a stolen car have to do with power bans for P platers?

P-Platers have no f**king idea how to drive, L-Plates now dayz are just paid for to obtain , no real learning goes into it, plus IMO the youth in Perth i see round the place seem to be getting more spastic and criminal as teh years pass ...

no matter what the government does, young youths will wipe each other out weekend after weekend, which is a good thing as do we really want these dumb shits in our gene pool ??? i think not ....

only sad thing is, when innocent lives are taken due to the undesirables on our roads...

They should make all P-Plates, Green Or Red, banned from anything other than 4 cyl Efi shitters until the time they are off their P's

once again though, once off their P's everyone thinks they are invincible... which brings us back to dumbshit youths wrapping their 6cyl shitters around trees...

no one can win, all they can do is attempt to reduce innocent lives taken

Aren't the eastern states laws based on horsepower to weight?

I'm sure I saw somewhere that it meant you were still able to drive an R32 GTSt as with only 167kW it came in just under their kW/tonne cutoff...

VIC's old ban was based on power/weigth ratio, I think it was a max of 125kw/tonne allowed & engine size </= 3.5L. But they changed it to ban all V8/turbo/supercharger as well in 2005.


WTF does a drunk kid driving a stolen car have to do with power bans for P platers?

Just shows that they are trying to relate any garabge to support this lame ban... next time you'll probably see they say a P-plater died while riding a 50cc scooter, BUT it was found that he had a turbo as his weekend car, therefore we can safely arrive at the conclusion that its coz he had the turbo that killed him...

Then next time it will be like P plater dies in <insert anything thats not being banned>, but it was found that he had ridden in a turbo car b4 (driven by someone else) so therefore, the turbo car is at fault.

God, I'm good @ making BS up, I should write stories for TT & ACA.

Now where is my resume :P

+1 for agreeing with the law, infact they should up it to N/A 4 bangers only , f**k p-platers and their careless "im a hero" style of driving ...

im only 23 and i agree the shit outta this law

The law in NSW was introduced in 06 (???), banning all NEW P platers from driving those cars... I only JUST beat this, and I have literally taken as long as possible to get off my Ps, in fact, my green Ps license expires today, and I have the test booked on Thursday. I paid for a new license for the 3 days inbetween until I could sit the test ($70), but if I get pulled over between then and now, it will show that I only just got my green Ps and will probably get reamed :P

Either way, I think when they were in talks about the law over here, they were all about selling this or crushing that, until someone with a functioning brain mentioned what has been said in this thread. What if it's not owned by the kid, what if it's stolen, what if there is a large un-paid fine on the car...

Whoever this netball loving hypocrit is, good luck to you, he will talk smack til after the elections, then do what obviously must be done and bend the law to what is being said in this page...

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