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The law in NSW was introduced in 06 (???), banning all NEW P platers from driving those cars...

I like that word... ALOT :)

I only JUST beat this,

Nice! thats like getting a bare 50 in a exam knowing that 1 more mark would mean the difference between pass & fail.

my green Ps license expires today, and I have the test booked on Thursday. I paid for a new license for the 3 days inbetween until I could sit the test ($70), but if I get pulled over between then and now, it will show that I only just got my green Ps and will probably get reamed tongue.gif

You guys have to do another test when you go off your Ps? :)

Edited by Mayuri Krab
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P-Platers have no f**king idea how to drive, L-Plates now dayz are just paid for to obtain , no real learning goes into it, plus IMO the youth in Perth i see round the place seem to be getting more spastic and criminal as teh years pass ...

no matter what the government does, young youths will wipe each other out weekend after weekend, which is a good thing as do we really want these dumb shits in our gene pool ??? i think not ....

only sad thing is, when innocent lives are taken due to the undesirables on our roads...

They should make all P-Plates, Green Or Red, banned from anything other than 4 cyl Efi shitters until the time they are off their P's

once again though, once off their P's everyone thinks they are invincible... which brings us back to dumbshit youths wrapping their 6cyl shitters around trees...

no one can win, all they can do is attempt to reduce innocent lives taken

You are a shit driver mate.

That's basically what you're saying to me and you have never met me.


They should make all P-Plates, Green Or Red, banned from anything other than 4 cyl Efi shitters until the time they are off their P's

once again though, once off their P's everyone thinks they are invincible... which brings us back to dumbshit youths wrapping their 6cyl shitters around trees...

Oh, and you've met every single WA P-Plater and know them in person... You, like the government, has no idea and no means of understanding the temprement and attitude of each and every driver on our roads today (not just P-Platers).. Don't give me (us) the 'holier than thou' b*llsh*t, doesn't fool me, doesn't fool anyone, you've offered nothing of use to this discussion other than to just litter this thread with some dead-beat rambling... If you are going to make a point, do so with fact and logic... Getting certain cars off the road WON'T work, it hasn't worked over east, every time the screws get tightened anywhere in this country, it makes little impact to the target issues. All that is achieved by government policy makers, and by tools like yourself, is that people that are well behaved (even good P-Platers) get the shaft as we slowly loose more and more of our road going liberties...

Edited by Marco-R34GTT

so looks like even a little 253 V8 would be banned?

so i might need to find a little honda civic for my little brother ..?

What if all the cars in the family are either turbo or v8s? Could we get a exemption so my little brother could drive the less powerful car in the family? Or is this not possible?

+1 for agreeing with the law, infact they should up it to N/A 4 bangers only , f**k p-platers and their careless "im a hero" style of driving ...

im only 23 and i agree the shit outta this law

+1... They don't need to get from 0-100 in 5 seconds...

But in defence for the p-platers, I know how frustrating it is when you don't have a car that can't over take or tow or get up hills due to lack of power.

Do you?

Does anyone?

Doesnt matter if they dont need it. If someone wants it they will do it. if someone wants a 5 second street car then why not. Who should stop them, its not communism here...

Even my mum drives one.. 300c touring SRT 8. Its drives like a normal car... unless u put ur foot down.

Yeah sorry that did come out a bit arrogant...

I do feel for you guys, We all know this law isn't going to do anything except frustrate young drivers.


your a knob

just sayin..

The list of restricted vehicles does not include Honda Type R Vtec models.

Now i have had the opportunity to give "onthehunt's" type r civic for a few laps on a race track, it would still b e quite easy for an inexperienced driver to do some serious damage :D

Doesnt matter if they dont need it. If someone wants it they will do it. if someone wants a 5 second street car then why not. Who should stop them, its not communism here...

Even my mum drives one.. 300c touring SRT 8. Its drives like a normal car... unless u put ur foot down.

I love that car.. if you have a chance of bringing it to a cruise.. can i ride shotgun? :D

Edited by Slowpoke

They cant sell our cars! They would have to do a govoment rebate like they did when guns wernt cool anymore, Mr Ruddy will have to fork out like 10s of millions of $$$ to buy our cars off us... n our govoment is hell stingy so i doubt it will happen! and They gonna have to arrest me to take my car off me, coz ill go down swinging!!!

Just remeber Our folks and there folks Used to fang around in 253's and 308's n big F off v8's and they survived! Why are we getting penalised for a couple of F wits who drive bearing noise, smoke blowing, gearbox slipping falcodoors? Let them Kill them selves, more road for us, lets crappy cars on the road... No offfence to any1 On this website! I have lost friends to our roads too!

Edited by SN1P3R
wasent there on page 7 of todays newspaper saying

only bands on VL and that the rest was okay?

Nah, that was just saying how the old (& slower) V8s with only 90ishkw/tonne (0 - 100km/h in over 10sec) gets banned under the new laws while the newer (& faster) V6s (Aurions/commo SV6s/XR6s etc etc) with over 130kw/tonne & 0 to 100 in the mid 7secs are allowed.

In other words...

These laws are a bag of sh*t :D

Edited by Mayuri Krab

Threads Merged and title updated.

They cant sell our cars! They would have to do a govoment rebate like they did when guns wernt cool anymore, Mr Ruddy will have to fork out like 10s of millions of $$$ to buy our cars off us... n our govoment is hell stingy so i doubt it will happen! and They gonna have to arrest me to take my car off me, coz ill go down swinging!!!

This is a State issue. Rudd would not have anything to do with it.

You may guide your swinging fists at Carpenter though as it would seem he will still be in charge after the next election. :O

P-Platers have no f**king idea how to drive, L-Plates now dayz are just paid for to obtain

no one can win, all they can do is attempt to reduce innocent lives taken

I can say the same thing to about every 1 in 5 drivers I meet on the road & guess what?


f**k p-platers and their careless "im a hero" style of driving ...

If I wanted to sound discriminating... how about

F**k mid aged women/man in their 4WDs & their careless "I own the road" style driving... cutting everybody off & staying right up my a*s in a 50km/h area.


F**k taxi drivers who seems to always want to drag me with their LPG falcons...

Discriminating = not cool :O

Edited by Mayuri Krab
You may guide your swinging fists at Carpenter though as it would seem he will still be in charge after the next election. :O

C'mon Dan, aren't you being a bit open and shut about the election??

I'm divided on this one. On one hand, it's good to limit people when they first start, but on the other, I don't actually believe it'll save peoples lives.

no matter what the government does, young youths will wipe each other out weekend after weekend, which is a good thing as do we really want these dumb shits in our gene pool ??? i think not ....

You do realise that hoon-related incidents are only a very small percentage of overall crashes on the road, right? You just hear about them more often because they're a public nuisance.

Everyone here knows this proposal is a really over the top.

But it's only a matter of time until Something like this will be introduced whether or not labor wins this year. Labor at the moment are only trying to compare there dicks to eastern states parties policies as if to say, "Oh yeah, well we will ban P-platers high power too and sell their car as well, hell we will even go to there house and put there pets down while we are at it"

I know most of you are good careful drivers because you worked hard to earn your car, just like I did. The last thing you wanna do is be dumb on the road and crash so you don't. But all it takes is some dick head 17 year old in his or hers rich daddy's BMW or porshe to be seen by some gossipy old bag doing the wrong thing for people to get a really bad impression on ALL young drivers. just from that dickhead. OR even worse they get into an accident and there rich daddy gets up set and blames the WA Police for not stopping his little hell spawn from driving his car.

Alan carpenter couldn't give a f*ck about those who oppose this law, as far as he is concerned the only people who wouldn't vote for this are P-platers with performance/muscle cars and thats probably about 0.0002% of the population... People who would, Old people and P-plater who's mum won't let them drive anything over a 1.5litre piece of shit or concerned parents who's little billy has worked hard and made enough money to buy a nice car but are so stupid will do every thing to stop him. Total population who would like to see this probably about 30%

Thats all Alan carpenter sees 30% beats 0.0002%...

I'm opposed to these laws, but at the end of the day I don't choose who I vote for based on how I feel about p-platers I want someone who will look after our state. That being said it probably won't be Alan carpenter, so don't worry :O lol

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