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Charity Car Cruise 30th Nov Official Breast Cancer Cruise

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Question, going towards wilberforce road..

There were cops and ambo's heading back towards Fiddler.. did anything happen?


I didnt see any signs of any incidents on Windsor Road on the return leg but did see 2 police cars and an Ambo. I was about 500m from the lights in Windsor when they went past.

Probably a domestic in Pitt Town

MR XTC you should've followed the stagea and Doof man. There was about 5 or 6 of us that went for a nice drive up to the Halfway Roadhouse, rather than follow a convoy back the way we had just came :)

Very true.. but the other boys were a lil anxious to go because its their first major cruise so we headed off before you guys.. My mates ended up getting stranded with nearly empty tanks..

I sawy XTC 200 .. that thing was friggin' awesome!

All in all, it was great :D

FordyR31 are you the 2 blokes with one red R31 and there was a Black R31 aswell. I was the guy in the passenger seat of the White R34 lols. My driver kept getting pissed at people jumping in traffic lols :)


Very true.. but the other boys were a lil anxious to go because its their first major cruise so we headed off before you guys.. My mates ended up getting stranded with nearly empty tanks..

Yeh its always a good idea to hang back n wait until all teh shit clears....oh and cos we went a little further up putty road i almost ran out of fuel too!

My fuel consumption that day was actually BETTER then putting around the roads... I'll get about 100ks extra out of this tank I think :D

Good old 100km speed limit...

Also, my sunburn isn't peeling just yet, I'm really hoping it won't... I know it's just one arm, but I would like at least a BIT of a tan :)

FordyR31 are you the 2 blokes with one red R31 and there was a Black R31 aswell. I was the guy in the passenger seat of the White R34 lols. My driver kept getting pissed at people jumping in traffic lols >_<


Yeah my mate had the red one with black rims and a bit of mt druitt gloss on the roof, I had the black 2 door with the gold Works.. What do u mean about ppl jumping in traffic? I was getting pissed off where it turned into 1 lane just b4 windsor and every1 who wasnt on the cruise were going up the inside to get into the same line of traffic they would have been in anyway so did the old truckie trick and took up both lanes.. Unfortunately im not as wide as a truck.

bahahahahahahaa.. To tell you the truth.. we were in the second pack going up putty road..

There was an old school merc doing the cruise with air bags.. this thing was slammed to the floor, rear wheels were cambered to a point where only the tip of the tyre was riding the surface.. Ugly looking thing.. was doing 50km/h uphill in a 80 - 100 zone.. holding back about 30 cars and we were leading.. this dumb sh*t doesnt care and keeps going, doesnt move to the side to let us through, totally screwed the cruise .. by the time this idiot made it up the hill and there was an over taking lane, there was a 30 min difference between pack 1 and pack 2..

As soon as we lost the last car in pack 1, we knew we were screwed coz we knew we had to go through putty road and go all the way around, but where was too far ?


So yeah, we turned back because we were the only ones that wanted to continue through putty.. and going alone down there was a lil scary, then the SAU boys are flooring it past us im like GOD DAMMNIT!! Swearing at that bloody merc all the way back.. i want to conquer putty road!!

Doofs car with pink ribbons on the wing >_<, looked like a school girl running through the wind in autumn through mountains.. Japanese school girl :wave: ? .. White Stag with Pink .. everyone was staring at yah :P .. Blushing yet ? .. haha ..

Shouldve handed out maps when you pay at the entry..


Doofs car with pink ribbons on the wing >_< , looked like a school girl running through the wind in autumn through mountains.. Japanese school girl :wave: ?


it was pretty though wasn't it? :P

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