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Gears Of War 2


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Hi Guys,

Title says it all, who has it ? what do you think,

I think they could have made the game darker, too much light added imo... But overal one of the best games I have purchased

oh and I need your gamertags so i can play online, hate playing with yanks...

Edited by Zoggy
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You already have mine.. but for anyone else that doesnt slimbo83 is my gamertag..

I tried going online with it the other day and it just sat there for 10 minutes and it keep restarting the search :P so I don't know what the deal is.. if anyone knows an easy way to configure the 360 with a router please let me know. I tried port forwarding a while ago but just had issues with it so not sure what i was doing wrong..............................

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The game was too much like a movie, didn't really find the need to take cover and flank at all, it's what set the first game apart from every other shooter. Still a good game tho.

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I really love this game but on my first play through I got bogged down searching for all the collectibles (my own fault). There would be this big action set piece, my squad mates would run off into battle guns blazing and I'd be searching around looking for bits of paper. Then by the time I caught up with my team, the battle was usually over!

I've played it through a second time on insane however and finished it, with all the stupid collectibles. :P

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