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Lol Roo you are a shit stirrer... and i will smash you haha

Yeah but you gotta admit ... without fail.

Keep it on topic Nene ... tsk tsk :P

I woulda thought you guys would have been out last night ... or didn't you know Wendy?

Nene, you're a perfect example of a young driver who doesn't want a car you can't handle! Whats you thoughts on the topic? :)

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and why does this piss you off??

Main reason would be because its the media reporting it :)

But I still agree the older more responsible import drivers should not be singled out. But after such a big story with the WRX crash, there will be a whole mix of opinions.

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its all well and good to say that older drivers are better, and youve had "this" many years more experience but on a day to day basis i see more bad drivers in the 35-55 age bracket than anyone else. they sit in the right lane, tailgate, brake before indicating, and did a mention sit in the right lane?

Could not agree more. Some of my age group (wrong side of 45) are some of the most useless pricks that ever got behind the wheel and should be forced to re-sit their driving tests. I'd be willing to bet that a good percentage would would fail hopelessly, probably me included. My kids were far better equipped to take to the road than I was. However what they do on the roads when no-ones watching is another matter.

All I'm really trying to say is that I wish the media and older drivers would lay off the teenagers of the day. Everyone f*cks up now and then, its just tragic that some pay the ultimate price for doing so.

Thanks to Sled, Ruby and anyone else for the condolences, very generous of you but not really necessary. In all but one of the instances the accidents were just that, f*ck-ups.

Good discussion.

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(Referring to Nene's post)

Although I just spent a while defending young drivers(some of them anyway), the guy driving the wrx caused the death of an old man and seriously injured an old woman and showed no remorse and didn't make an effort to help the elderly couple. Yes he and his friends would have been in a state of shock but surely in the time it took to call their friends and ask for some maccas they could have made an effort to check on the condition of the occupants in the other car. I can't speak from experience but surely if they could ask for maccas they could make an effort to help the others/call an ambo/cops.

Edited by Eddyfier
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Although I just spent a while defending young drivers(some of them anyway), the guy driving the wrx caused the death of an old man and seriously injured an old woman and showed no remorse and didn't make an effort to help the elderly couple. Yes he and his friends would have been in a state of shock but surely in the time it took to call their friends and ask for some maccas they could have made an effort to check on the condition of the occupants in the other car. I can't speak from experience but surely if they could ask for maccas they could make an effort to help the others/call an ambo/cops.

my take on it aswell

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Could not agree more. Some of my age group (wrong side of 45) are some of the most useless pricks that ever got behind the wheel and should be forced to re-sit their driving tests. I'd be willing to bet that a good percentage would would fail hopelessly, probably me included. My kids were far better equipped to take to the road than I was. However what they do on the roads when no-ones watching is another matter.

Good discussion.

Agreed. Good discussion. Let's keep it that way.

On your comment, I'm sure there are many 45+ drivers who think that of young drivers. Its an argument that will never be settled, but the police will always address young hoon driving before they go after the ones who 'should know better'. There are bad drivers in all age groups, but its the young drivers making the news. Sure a 45 yo might hit you from behind from tailgating, but its the car load of teens wrapped around a tree that really shocks the community.

I agree too that if drivers (of any age) re-sat their test, a majority will fail. Prob a good thing.

Like the old lady I saw pull right out in front of peak traffic oblivious to the cars frantically getting out of the way.

The coin has two sides in this thread.

Edited by RubyRS4
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Yeah but you gotta admit ... without fail.

Keep it on topic Nene ... tsk tsk :)

I woulda thought you guys would have been out last night ... or didn't you know Wendy?

Nene, you're a perfect example of a young driver who doesn't want a car you can't handle! Whats you thoughts on the topic? :D

My Opinion is you can't really put bad drivers in general under one particular age bracket, Fact of the matter is there are bad drivers in all age groups. The sad fact is, the Media will always hype up crashes involving young drivers in sports cars.

However, in saying that, I know too well the temptation of wanting to put my foot down, wanting to feel the rush.

All the more reason we need an open race track, to let people do it off the road.

I do think making it the law that L and P plate drivers be restricted to 4 cylinder non turbo's would be a good idea though, as young drivers are the ones more likely to give into peer pressure from mates and put there foot down at the wrong time, atleast in a lower powered car they have less chance of getting into as much trouble as quickly as they cant reach high speeds quick enough.

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I do think making it the law that L and P plate drivers be restricted to 4 cylinder non turbo's would be a good idea though, as young drivers are the ones more likely to give into peer pressure from mates and put there foot down at the wrong time, atleast in a lower powered car they have less chance of getting into as much trouble as quickly as they cant reach high speeds quick enough.

If they can do it to motorcyclists, why not to car drivers.

On that note, I'm off to bed. Got a hot date with a blonde tomorrow :)

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My Opinion is you can't really put bad drivers in general under one particular age bracket, Fact of the matter is there are bad drivers in all age groups. The sad fact is, the Media will always hype up crashes involving young drivers in sports cars.

However, in saying that, I know too well the temptation of wanting to put my foot down, wanting to feel the rush.

All the more reason we need an open race track, to let people do it off the road.

I do think making it the law that L and P plate drivers be restricted to 4 cylinder non turbo's would be a good idea though, as young drivers are the ones more likely to give into peer pressure from mates and put there foot down at the wrong time, atleast in a lower powered car they have less chance of getting into as much trouble as quickly as they cant reach high speeds quick enough.

100% agree, dont other states already have those restrictions?

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They've done those restrictions to P platers in Queensland and New South Wales (Not sure about Vic). It would be good to compare stats from before and after the introduction. Although the results won't be the same; it would give us an idea of how effective such restrictions would be.

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100% agree, dont other states already have those restrictions?

We agree?? LOL yay

i remember hearing some of the other states were discussing it but never actually heard of it going ahead.

EDIT: ah there u go... thanks eddy

Edited by Nene260RS
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They've done those restrictions to P platers in Queensland and New South Wales (Not sure about Vic). It would be good to compare stats from before and after the introduction. Although the results won't be the same; it would give us an idea of how effective such restrictions would be.

would that info be available to the public yet?

We agree?? LOL yay

i remember hearing some of the other states were discussing it but never actually heard of it going ahead.

yep, those who have only had there licence for several years dont need the added risk of big power under there foot. i remember being a p plater when they were talkin about these restrictions and being very against it, but now in retrospect and a few more years under my driving belt i agree with them

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with the restrictions what's stopping them from registering the car under their parents name? i know many teens who do it, especially for insurance purposes! or maybe getting a hyundai excel and turbocharging it?

yes a 4 cylinder takes a bit longer to hit higher speeds but haven't we been seeing people crashing at corners these days? it's the whole initial d thing that's had a major influenced i reckon! the youths who have big ego's generally believe beating a faster car with a slow one is the goal in which resulting them to drive harder in their under powered car! it's like they have something to prove or something

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would that info be available to the public yet?

I have no idea to be honest but I'd say so, it would take a bit of digging but again they are just stats so the effects of such restrictions may have similar effects here but it could turn out better or worse here.

with the restrictions what's stopping them from registering the car under their parents name? i know many teens who do it, especially for insurance purposes! or maybe getting a hyundai excel and turbocharging it?

From what I've read they aren't allowed to drive a restricted vehicle regardless...some still take chances but if they get caught they're in big trouble. I'm not entirely sure of the consequences but it's either most of the demerit points take, big fine and car impounded (I don't know how long) or they get their licence suspended, big fine and car impounded. It would again be better to research the topic through government sites though.

Edit: Found some info

Edited by Eddyfier
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