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Tapleys Hill Road


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I have no faith in the law or court system at all.

Seen one too many examples, one too many friends killed/murdered, and the crims walking free. :thumbsup:

Thats all I'll say on the matter.

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Crims usually get off because police think they can be slack with procedure's or paperwork and or lack of evidence or all of the above

some of the minimum sentence's could be increased especially in repeat offenders cases

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Crims usually get off because police think they can be slack with procedure's or paperwork and or lack of evidence or all of the above

some of the minimum sentence's could be increased especially in repeat offenders cases

The courts really are a joke.

You'll get the max term if its a financial crime (fraud etc), but take someone's life and thats okay :)

If you rob a bank, just make sure you shoot someone on the way out, and get a lesser sentence.

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There's extenuating circumstances to every situation, dont act like you know everything and that 1 punishment fits all crimes

by that logic all your bikes would of gone to the crusher for the hoon law you want to initiate

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There's extenuating circumstances to every situation, dont act like you know everything and that 1 punishment fits all crimes

by that logic all your bikes would of gone to the crusher for the hoon law you want to initiate

Never said one punishment for all crimes. Never claimed to know everything, but I know a damned sight more than people think. You have no idea of what I've been thru, what I've lost, what I do, and yet what I do know. I've sat thru the courts hearing on many occasions and seen piss weak results come from it. You see it splashed over the headlines all the time.

Take the best female friend you can think of Steve. You dated her, you became best friends, you socialised so often and got along so well people would swear you were still going out, she was there at the best and worst times, she was there for your wedding and you for hers ... even any hour of the morning for any small emergency. Now fast forward 12 years into that strong friendship and some crim out on bail awaiting trial, who has committed no less than 4 major traffic offences in 2 months (including 2 accidents), yet still free to roam, he plows his speeding car into your best friend's car killing her instantly (and permanently disabling another friend), and you saw this happen! Then sit in the court room when the judge only gives him 7 months! Your best friend of 12 years was only worth chicken feed. Life is now a currency for trading in a court of law.

Maybe I'm a bit biased ... but I earned it. I never asked for this bitter taste. I'd rather have my friend back.

The same hoon laws should apply to motorcyclists also, true. I welcome it. None of my bikes will be crushed.

Edited by RubyRS4
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Yeah i agree you make an excellent case for tougher laws and penalties and with what i said that obviously no extenuating circumstance could really be valid for behaveior like that i also think the decision shouldn't be left upto one magistrate

with my 2nd comment with conversations youv'e had with Brendan you make it sound like you go for spirited rides in the hills with your buddies , well thats what iv.e also seen with other bikes oh and the comment of not wanting the police to come and check over your bikes and things ...

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with my 2nd comment with conversations youv'e had with Brendan you make it sound like you go for spirited rides in the hills with your buddies , well thats what iv.e also seen with other bikes oh and the comment of not wanting the police to come and check over your bikes and things ...

Our rides in the hills are in 100pkh zones and altho we get thru corners quickly, we are still within the 100kph limit. Its how we ride within the speed limit that makes it a spirited and enjoyable ride. We are strict with less skilled riders staying within their limits. Just because we can take the 35kph corner at 70-80kph, doesn't mean they should.

Nathan has been on our rides and has witnessed how we brush off 'bad' riders. I've seen some shockers on bikes too.

Not saying I'm entirely innocent. I have rare moments, but I keep it away from the population. I've never received a traffic offence (speeding/stunting etc) in my 19 years of riding, so I wouldn't say that even any weak moment I have is hooning ... I'm more of a saint. :) Hooning is a combination of attitude and action.

So I welcome the hoons laws ... it'll remove the type we don't need for an already bad name for bikers.

Don't believe I've ever made the comment about not wanting cops to look over my bike. I've been pulled over many times in the hills and suburbs by police whilst on my bikes, and only ever been defected once in 19 years. My TLR has a full Yoshimura system, but I keep the baffles in it thru the suburbs.

Edited by RubyRS4
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Just because we can take the 35kph corner at 70-80kph, doesn't mean they should.

that should read you shouldnt take 35 kph corners at 70 to 80 either if the limet is 35 it makes no difference to your riding capabilities 35 kph is still 35 kph

35 is those yelllow "recommended" speeds for the corners, not the speed limit. And we certainly tell the younger riders to not attempt it at a risky speed at all. Nathan can vouch for that. He's already been cautioned and given advice to stay safe.

Most of the guys I ride with (including myself) are racers or ex-racers and are highly skilled, and we regularly attend track days. We explain that to the slower riders ... "we take the corner a little faster because we can ... you can't". We will pull over and wait for you up the road, its not a race. Our bikes are set up with better suspension, brakes and rubber to handle the "spirited" ride. And we certainly don't wear simple shorts and t shirt. Full protective gear always. We use our heads and senses quite alot, I guarantee you that. :)

On the other side of the coin, some of the guys I ride with love their wheelies. I don't condone it ... I don't even wheelie myself (I'm chicken shit). But they're good mates on and off the bike. I think they're fools, and sure enough they have all crashed doing a wheelie, one did so recently. I'll let the law judge them.

Edited by RubyRS4
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to be fair you saying it is alrite to go through a corner as fast as you want as long as its under the speed limit? well under hoon laws that is an offence for a car to be seen driving "without due course", "miss use of a motor vehicle" and a few other small things.

if your gonna have a crack at those going quick round corners then you must apply the same logic to bike riders, regardless of there skill

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ye. this is pritty tragic.. im about the drivers age so i know of him. from what i have gathered he was doing 140 and was planning 2 do a u bolt. so he chucked it into 2nd gear (compression lock up) and tried 2 do a u bolt. u can guess what happened.

Fulham makas is the hoon joint. and from what i know there is alot young - dare i say idiots that go there each and every night betwen the hours of 12am-5am.

I went there 2 days after the crash happened, and do you think that group learned their lesson. no. people hooning around, not in their JAP cars/turbos but in standard old commodores, a fight at the stove pole the guy crashed into and shitloads of weapons but still cop cars cruzing past in 10 minute intervals.

this is a cool joint 2 hang. but its dickheads that make it a shit hole.

so evry1ns making a big deal about this 1. so what, there are thousands of these types of accidents that happen. what the government needs 2 do is build a PUBLIC raceway/ DRIFTLANDS. every other state has one or the other close to their cities. y dnt we?

overall, Im not trying 2 bag hooning and shit like that (afterall i am abit of a hoon at times :P) but i know the difference between being at the track and on the street. something that people dnt get.

my prayers go out 2 these guys.

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