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thats f**ked up, im sure the law will have their way with him so no need to bother abusing him and even if they dont do enough im sure living with the guilt will ruin him pretty well.

he shouldnt have been doing it and impressing mates like that is pretty lame but everyone makes mistakes now stop talking about bilbles n sh*t plz

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omg its a sign... :)

Seems like whenever there is a horrible car crash the driver survives most of the time, and one or more passengers are killed.

Couldnt believe it when i saw ;) 3 years ago my mate Goran got killed on Pt. road and he was sitting in the back, now Dimi who was also siting in the back.


R.I.P. Dimi

Since I recently bought my own turbo car (180SX) dad has been hot on the topic of hooning. I say that its too good of an asset to me to flog it around or put it/myself/others in danger, but occasionally there is the urge to open it up.

While driving on my own tonight though I realised that there is no point. On my drive home there were times when I could have done something as there was no cars around, but just thought there's no point. Its when I have people with me that I feel more inclined to do so, but after reading this entire thread and having a thoughtful drive home, I think I'm going to take it real easy.

I think it was Ben who said he won't let his kids get a powerful car first up, and reading that made me think the same way, then I thought back to when I wanted to get a Skyline and had many arguments with Dad. So reflecting on this I realise how lucky I am to own my car and I appreciate it more now. By flogging it around I'm just increasing the chance of not having it any more. So I'm just gonna learn to drive it safely and smoothly, and not do any hoon stuff.

Before this happened, actually I've been thinking about it for a while, for my christmas present I was going to ask for a driver training course of some kind. Somewhere I can take my car and learn its limits and how it reacts in different situations. Some people may think I'm just saying this to sound like a perfect son/driver, but I am pretty sensible on the road and always intended to learn my car. This incident just really made it apparent to me and how important it is.


Its not the car its the way you use it....

ANY car will get to 140 along that piece of road with no problem. It doesnt matter what you drive its the mentality of the people driving. I live on that side of town and have just driven past it no more than 10 minutes ago on my way home. Chilling thought driving past the skid marks.

Its all well and good to say no need to abuse him, or its going to hard enough for him, or think of what he has to go through now. HE is no longer the problem, the next person is and this one accident may stop the 50 or so people that he was closer to from speeding but it wont effect the other 50,000.

Its a hard issue to deal with but, cars dont kill people, people kill people. Change the mentality of the driver and you dont have a problem.

Edited by JiN_MaN

My thoughts:

Its not the car, its how you use it.

I am 19, yes young, but Ive owned a few turbo cars since i started driving. Yes, they were quick, yes they got me in to trouble once or twice, but from what Ive learned over the last 3 years, i wouldn't have it any other way.

I bought my own cars with my own money, from my experience this is a major point when it comes to any car in general. All my mates that got their cars from their mommy and daddy's bank accounts don't give a shit about them, do whatever they like and think they're the shit.

Secondly, when you put your hard earned on the line you learn to appreciate it a lot more, find right places and right times to open it up and most importantly take it within your limits slowly until you get merely comfortable and THEN you start to really learn about your car.

I have no remorse for the driver, he knew what he was doing, and he should have known when enough was enough, and most definitely should have known where not to do what he was doing especially with the car full of people.

Finally, i believe our tight ass government should spend our heard earned money that they are so blatantly taking from us on putting youth through defensive driving courses and the like, instead of extending learning times and restricting them from driving cars which really, lets face it, doesn't help them in situations that could have been avoided.

Sorry for the essay,

My 2c

very very sad for all involved.

Whether its inexperienced driving or hoon drivers impressing there friends,how many more of these do we want to hear about before people slow down in metro areas. yes we own fast cars and yes some people want to drive fast,but please guys/girls take it to a place where you cant hurt others. the problem is that there are more than one side that has to suffer from accidents,death affects everyone even those that hear about others missfortunes

My condolenses to all friends/family involved in this sad time

its just people like this, that make the

rest of the non car loving community look down on us.

but the worst thing here, is now the driver has to

live the rest of his life, knowing he killed a mate.

makes you think twice doesnt it.

My skyline is my first car. Ofcourse I give it abit here and there. But I don't go over 80kp/h half the time I do it. I never try to slide it or anything. I just think it's completely stupid to do it. I bought my car fair and square and I worked my ass off to save up for it, skimped on the good things in life like going out to town with mates and all that to save up for it. Now I'm reaping the benifits.

I just think bringing P-plater restrictions in isn't going to do anything. Boys will be boys. No matter what they drive people are gonna muck around in it and will do it even more so if their driving a little $1,000 banger then a nicely modified skyline (that they've paid for.)

Bringing in P-plate laws is just going to make it harder for the people like me. P-plater+skyline= instant cop magnet.

its always going to be that way jarrad.

a skyline or any import for that matter is going to be a cop magnet, yesterdays

accident, is just going to renew the attention toword imports/modified cars.

did you read the sunsay mail? of course they made sure they mentioned ''the car was heavily modified''

and in another sentence ''the ''beefed'' up sports car.

like it or loath it, your in a skyline, your automatically a hoon, according to non-car enthusiasts.

Oh I know this already. I also know how much the general public looks down on us aswell. Driving into a few places and with the louder exhaust you just get scofs and tisk's from everyone.

I can't see how a Government can choose what kinda car I have to buy because I'm a p-plater and I can see if a restriction law was passed, how often I'd get pulled up because of the P-plates.

I think if one was passed, it just might be enough for me to buy a daily. Even though I would hate it because I bought my skyline to be driven everyday. But the constant police attention the restrictions would bring on would just be enough to send me over the edge..

Edited by muirsky

just remember jarrad, your only on your ps for like, 2 years right?

its not that long....

and i agree what your saying about being frowned upon, coz of being loud.

i mint as VH SLE was finding a park in the underground part of ttp the other night (near primo)

this thing looked original, clean, the only thing was a big air cleaner out the bonnet and nice lumpy exhaust,

a young fella was driving, maybe 25-26

as it drove by, and older couple next to us said '' what a bloody neusance'' '' young kids these days!''

errrr, he did nothing wrong, get over it you old bat and turn your hearing aid down.


i dunno what the point of that was, but yeah, we are always going to be hated, accident/no accident.

Yeah yeah sad day for wrx owners

maybe now they will learn there lesson

What a crock of shit that statement is...Does that mean that im a bad driver cause i own/drive a wrx?!?!?!?!?!? Usually i ignore your "general" statements but thats overboard.

I didnt sleep last night cos of a final Uni assignment

My 17 year old brother walks in at like 6 am, im like 'Where the f**k have you been?' He replies

"My mate Dimitri was just killed in a car accident'

My bro and his mates were kickin back at Macas last night and this 19 year old was hooning around in his Wrx, apparently he removed some valve which instantly doubles the boost in Wrx's (I dont know for sure, was just told) and he's only had the car for 2 weeks

But yeh, he hit the pole doing about 120 or 130, and Dimitri, 18, the guy who passed, his parents were on holiday at Kangaroo Island at the time

I just kinda stepped back a bit and thought for a while, wow this is f**ked

That really sucks, make sure u look out for ur bro... we've had a few deaths recently and just being around is one of the best things u can do right now

Yeah the boost restrictor valve inside a boost hose, same thing works with nissans.

120 in a 60 zone which resulted in a death is instant jail time. So the dumb kid who drove the car is going to pay two times over.

There are no winners in a set of tragic events like this


Actually thats wrong, if you take the restrictor outta the line it only runs wastegate pressure (7psi) it needs the restrictor in the lines to acheive the boost (in my 02 wrx thats 14psi pretty sure its around the mark for all of them)

RIP to the kid who was killed as well, no chance of making that at the speed they were doing..I heard something about this on the radio yesterday on the way to work and they were saying about a wrx crash and the boot was pushed into where the back seat was and yada yada and i thought yerp typical media crap...Damn they were right, massive impact!

Yeah yeah sad day for wrx owners

maybe now they will learn there lesson

What a crock of shit that statement is...Does that mean that im a bad driver cause i own/drive a wrx?!?!?!?!?!? Usually i ignore your "general" statements but thats overboard....

maybe if you had read the whole thread you would of seen and known i wasn't referring as THEY wrx drivers but THEY the teenagers

maybe if you had read the whole thread you would of seen and known i wasn't referring as THEY wrx drivers but THEY the teenagers

Beleive i did read the whole thread my friend beleive i did.....

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