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Corowa Shire today announced it has secured a major new automotive event to be held annually during the last weekend in February, kicking off for the first time in 2009.

The organisers of the highly successful Shepparton Springnats Autofest and the Murray Bridge Autofest events will establish the new Corowa Autofest event which will attract estimated crowds of between 15,000 – 20,000 spectators.

Corowa’s Bangerang Park and the Corowa Airport were chosen by organisers as the most suitable venues after consideration of sites across southern NSW and Victoria.

The alcohol free Springnats Autofest has been running in Shepparton for 16 years, while the Murray Bridge Autofest is in its third successful year. The Corowa event will add an exciting new element to the series of events, which will include Drag Racing, and is sure to bring enthusiasts from across the country.

The event was secured after extensive joint efforts by the MurrayNow economic development program and Corowa Shire Council. MurrayNow, a program of the Murray Regional Development Board, led the charge to secure the event for the region before handing over to Corowa Shire to really sell the Shire as an ideal location.

Events NSW have announced a three year commitment to the event after making a rigorous assessment of the economic, marketing and community benefits that the event will deliver. This support will assist Corowa Shire Council to deliver on its commitments to the organisers.

Corowa Shire Mayor Cr. Gary Poidevin is excited at the prospects of Autofest and believes it will become the biggest event on the Shire’s already action packed Calendar.

“We are grateful for the support of Events NSW which has made it possible, they really made us analyse every aspect of the event and applied very strict criteria.”

“The Corowa RSL, Corowa Chamber of Commerce and Corowa Golf Club helped us to secure the grant funding by also making financial contributions,” said Councillor Poidevin.

“Corowa has the ability to stage large-scale events and we expect to build a long lasting relationship with the organisers.”

“This is great news for businesses in the region and we really want to see the community support and maximise the benefits of the event,” he said.

Studies have established that both Murray Bridge and Shepparton’s events provide a multi million dollar economic injection into the community and a conservative estimate of the of the Corowa Autofest is in excess of $3 million.

The Springnats and Autofest events are all about admiring the best cars in the country with family and friends in an alcohol free environment. Spectators to the event will witness some of the most powerful cars compete side by side in events such as:

§ ‘Go-To-Whoa’ – fast paced action where timed vehicles compete over 140 metres and must stop on a designated point;

§ Motokana – fast paced obstacle course action, set against the clock;

§ Show ‘N’ Shine – competitors show their restoration expertise and the beauty of their cars;

§ Dyno Challenge – see cars go through their gears in a stationary position on the dyno machine; and

§ Cruise Track – open for competitors to cruise slowly around the site to show off their vehicles.

Organiser Les Adams said that he is pleased with what the Corowa location has to offer and that the Council had been great to work with.

“We hope our relationship with Corowa Shire Council and Events NSW will be a long-term partnership,” he said.

“We have a long successful history with our event in other locations and the fact that there is strictly no alcohol is a major factor in that. Everywhere there is an Autofest they are happy to have us and we’re very pleased to be coming to Corowa.”

“Autofest is a car festival especially for modified cars, but restored and original cars are also welcome and catered for.”

Mr Adams said a highlight of the event would be the fiercely competitive Burnout Title.

“We usually get anywhere between 50 to 100 entrants for that event alone,” he said.

The Corowa Autofest will be promoted nationwide in Australasian car magazines, as well as extensive television and radio campaigns.


For assistance with further information, please contact:

§ Mr Les Adams – Autofest Promotions Manager

P (03) 5823 5801 M 0417 511 577 E [email protected]


§ Mr Paul da Silva – Business Development Manager, Murray Now

P (02) 6021 1072 M 0407 282 339 E [email protected]


§ Ms Kate Pembroke - Head of Corporate Affairs, Events NSW

M 0408486404 E [email protected]

§ Ms Kristy Kay – Economic Development Manager, Corowa Shire Council

P (02) 6033 8954 M 0429 338 954 E [email protected]


§ A selection of images and footage is available from www.springcarnationals.com

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Day One

Friday 27th February

SCRUTINEERING (Bangarang Park)

Friday 27th February 12.00am to 5.30pm

Saturday 28th February 8.30am to 2.30pm

Buddy pass holders processed 27th 12.00am to 5.30pm

28th 8.30am to 2.30pm


Friday 27th 12.00am to 5.30pm

Saturday 28th 7.30am to 12.00Midday


Saturday 27th February (Bangarang Park)

Scrutineering Continues 8.30am to 2.30pm

Traders Open 9.00am

Show n Shine 9.00am to 5.00pm

Show N Shine Judging 10.00am to 5.00pm

Motakana 9.00am to 11.30pm

Burnout Display’s 12.00pm to12.30pm

Burnout Eliminations 12.45pm to 3.00pm

Burnout Final 3.15pm to 5.00pm

Burnout Demos 5.15pm to 5.30pm

Incar Stereo Comp 1.00pm to 4.00pm

Dyno Challenge 9.00am to 5.00pm


Sunday 1st March ( Corowa Airport )

Street Parade 9.00 am

Show n Shine 9.30am to 5.00pm Traders Open 9.00am to 5.00pm

Go to Whoa 9.45am to 12.00 Midday

Dyno Challenge 9.00am to 5.00pm

Incar Stereo Comp 1.00pm to 5.00pm

Drag Racing Qualifying 12.30am to 2.00pm

Drag Racing 2.15pm to 5.00pm

Burnout Demos 5.10pm to 5.30pm

Trophy Presentations 5.45 pm

There will be no charge for Tow vehicles but remember that you must go to Scutineering first to attain necessary passes. Only cars with trailers attached with entered vehicle are for free, any other support vehicles will be charged $20.00 a day to park in this area and also must purchase either a weekend or a day pass.

The Times Set Above Are Set To Change Without NOTICE And its also planned to extend Program To Include Drifting Demonstrations As Well as Other Activities For Updates go to the web site.



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  • 2 months later...

OK the team at Bernies Auto Spares Have Done It Again, As part of Bernies Auto Parts(sponsor of the burnout comp) and the Corowa Shire Sponsorship its with pleasure to Offer you Entry into the Corowa Autofest for $150.00 for a Full Entrant package including entry for TWO people and your car into all Events you wish to participate in including the

Dyno comp,Burnout,Go To Whoa Motakana, Drag Racing, Show N Shine, etc etc

Condition of this Offer is that you must go into either Bernies Auto Parts 81 High Street Wodonga ph(0260 245199) or the Corowa Visitor information centre 88 Sanger St


(02) 6033 3221 Fill out the entry form and have one of there reps sign it send it to the nominated address on the Entry Form and your in!

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  • 2 weeks later...

So you want to go drag racing?

Read on for all the info on what you can expect and what you will need to do come race day.

At The Gate

First stop is the front gate which opens at 1.00pm Friday 27th Feb or 8.am Saturday 28th Feb. Here you will need to show your receipt if pre entered or pay a late entry fee ($200 to race or $100 for Show N Shine Only) also collect this drivers briefing and Rules. You are allowed one tow vehicle and trailer. If you have family or friends with you they must park in the general admission area.

In the Pits

Once in the pit area, follow the directions of the attendants to your allocated spot. The pits may fill quickly so get your self set up by unloading your vehicle and taking your trailer to the designated trailer parking area. For your safety and the safety of other please abide by the following rules:

• One tow vehicle per entrant. All other vehicles are to park in the general admission area.

• Do not exceed the speed limit of 20km. Other racers and fans will be walking around the pit area.

• No alcohol. The consumption of alcohol is strictly forbidden.

• Be respectful and courteous to your fellow competitors, volunteers and fans.


Here your vehicle will be checked to make sure it complies with the various safety regulations.

Drag Racing Classes -

1. V8 - naturally aspirated and Forced induction

2. 6 cylinders- naturally aspirated and Forced induction

3. 4 and Rotor. - Naturally aspirated and Forced induction

4. Outlaw- For any street registered car that is too radical to fit within class rule requirements.

Racing will be run on a Quick4 format with all racers to receive a minimum of 4 runs each per Class. On Sunday afternoon. There will be the Finals which will be decided by finding the quickest 2 entrants of each class to face off for the win and runner-up.


1. All competing vehicles are to have current registration.

2. All vehicles must be of a satisfactory appearance

3. Instant disqualification from round if fluids dropped onto racing surface.

4. Helmet, long sleeved top and long pants required with fully enclosed foot wear.

5. Current drivers License.

6. Stewards decision is Final!

7. No excessive static burnouts

8. Where Slicks used on rear front tyres must be of conventional type. (no radials)

9. Brakes, Safety Belts, tyres, lighting etc must all be in good condition.

10. Where vehicle equipped with nitrous oxide a yellow 3 inch square must be displayed on top of front windscreen on driver’s side.

11. No excessive signwriting allowed.

12. No passengers permitted. (Driver only)

13. Street equipment must be operational, eg lights, indicators etc.

14. All vehicles running in Drag Racing to display Sponsor Sticker to be entitled for awards!

15. Where a driver displays unsafe conduct he/she will be disqualified from event!


1. Open pipes permitted

2. Slicks permitted with an absolute maximum of 28" high and 10" Width.

3. 20 second rule applies from time competitor stages until other lane must be staged.

4. Vehicles are permitted to race with no roll cage providing car does NOT break 6.99 secs over the measured 1/8 mile.

5. NO Qualifying will take place, racing is Heads Up with the TWO Quickest Runs within each class shooting out for First and Runner Placings

6. Minimum of 4 cars per class needed or there will be no awards for that class.

7. Fastest 2 cars to make the finals of each class, vehicles need to be ready for back to back racing!

If You Have a Full Competition Vehicle you WILL be eligible for competition!

If 4 or more Competition vehicles enter then awards will be made and sent to the winner and runner up of that class.

Below are tables outlining* the requirements for each race vehicle based on elapsed time over the 1/8 mile. (If you have raced over the 1/4 mile, divide your ET by 1.58 to give you an approximate 1/8 mile time. E.g. 12.00 1/4 = 7.59 1/8).

1/8-MILE TO 1/4-MILE


1/8-mile ET 1/4-mile ET 1/8-mile ET 1/4-mile ET 1/8-mile ET 1/4-mile ET 1/8-mile ET 1/4-mile ET

5 7.80 6.8 10.61 8.55 13.34 10.3 16.07

5.05 7.88 6.85 10.69 8.6 13.42 10.35 16.15

5.1 7.96 6.9 10.76 8.65 13.49 10.4 16.22

5.15 8.03 6.95 10.84 8.7 13.57 10.45 16.30

5.2 8.11 7 10.92 8.75 13.65 10.5 16.38

5.25 8.19 7.05 11.00 8.8 13.73 10.55 16.46

5.3 8.27 7.1 11.08 8.85 13.81 10.6 16.54

5.35 8.35 7.15 11.15 8.9 13.88 10.65 16.61

5.4 8.42 7.2 11.23 8.95 13.96 10.7 16.69

5.45 8.50 7.25 11.31 9 14.04 10.75 16.77

5.5 8.58 7.3 11.39 9.05 14.12 10.8 16.85

5.55 8.66 7.35 11.47 9.1 14.20 10.85 16.93

5.6 8.74 7.4 11.54 9.15 14.27 10.9 17.00

5.65 8.81 7.45 11.62 9.2 14.35 10.95 17.08

5.7 8.89 7.5 11.70 9.25 14.43 11 17.16

5.75 8.97 7.55 11.78 9.3 14.51 11.05 17.24

5.8 9.05 7.6 11.86 9.35 14.59 11.1 17.32

5.85 9.13 7.65 11.93 9.4 14.66 11.15 17.39

5.9 9.20 7.7 12.01 9.45 14.74 11.2 17.47

5.95 9.28 7.75 12.09 9.5 14.82 11.25 17.55

6 9.36 7.8 12.17 9.55 14.90 11.3 17.63

6.05 9.44 7.85 12.25 9.6 14.98 11.35 17.71

6.1 9.52 7.9 12.32 9.65 15.05 11.4 17.78

6.15 9.59 7.95 12.40 9.7 15.13 11.45 17.86

6.2 9.67 8 12.48 9.75 15.21 11.5 17.94

6.25 9.75 8.05 12.56 9.8 15.29 11.55 18.02

6.3 9.83 8.1 12.64 9.85 15.37 11.6 18.10

6.35 9.91 8.15 12.71 9.9 15.44 11.65 18.17

6.4 9.98 8.2 12.79 9.95 15.52 11.7 18.25

6.45 10.06 8.25 12.87 10 15.60 11.75 18.33

6.5 10.14 8.3 12.95 10.05 15.68 11.8 18.41

6.55 10.22 8.35 13.03 10.1 15.76 11.85 18.49

6.6 10.30 8.4 13.10 10.15 15.83 11.9 18.56

6.65 10.37 8.45 13.18 10.2 15.91 11.95 18.64

6.7 10.45 8.5 13.26 10.25 15.99 12 18.72

6.75 10.53

*Please note that requirements are subject to change as required by ANDRA. The requirements listed below may not be absolute and vehicles my require ANDRA inspection.

Street: Elapsed time of 7.70 and slower

Drivers Seat Standard as minimum Seat Belt Standard lap sash as minimum

Hub Caps / Trims Removed Tailshaft Loop Required

Helmet Required Wheel Studs Standard as minimum

License Day License (as part of entry fee) Tyres Tyres of same construction front and rear (radial/bias)

Protective Clothing Covering, non flammable Roll Bar Not required, except in open vehicles quicker than 8.22 (eighth mile)

Roll Cage Not Required Liquid Overflow Required

Super Street: Elapsed time of 7.00 to 7.69

Drivers Seat Standard as minimum Seat Belt Four point harness as a minimum

Hub Caps / Trims Removed Tailshaft Loop Required

Helmet Required Wheel Studs Standard as minimum

License Super Street License (may race once without) Tyres Tyres of same construction front and rear (radial/bias)

Protective Clothing Covering, non flammable Roll Bar Not required, except in open vehicles, or in cases where monoque construction of vehicle is modified. May be detachable

Roll Cage Not Required Liquid Overflow Required

Competition: Elapsed time of 5.81 to 6.99

Competitor must have the applicable ANDRA license, current tech and comply with all ANDRA regulations.

Exhibition: Elapsed time of 5.80 and quicker

Solo passes only. Competitor must have the applicable ANDRA license, current tech and comply with all ANDRA regulations.

Drag Racing.

Now the fun begins. When the race controller calls your bracket make your way to the dummy grid. Here you will be paired up with your first round opponent and move into the staging lanes. In heads up racing, the idea is to concentrate on your side of the tree, cross the finish line first. Easier said than done.

Trophy Time

Trophies presentations’ are held at the end of Racing Sunday around 6.00pm

ANDRA Permit This event is staged under the sanction of the Australian Drag Racing Association Inc. and is covered by the rules and regulations of ANDRA and the supplementary rules herein. Any debate as to their interpretation will be determined by the meeting director and ANDRA personnel.

Breakages To assist the meeting director must be notified of any breakages or withdrawals.

Breakages on Track Any competitor that breaks whilst on the track should move to the outside edge of the lane to minimize possible fluid spills on the racing surface.

Braking Area / Return Road At all times the vehicle in the left lane has right of way when turning off the track onto the return road (return road is located on the left side of the track).

Burnouts No static burnouts allowed. Vehicle is only allowed one burnout across the start line.

Drivers Briefing Take this advise sheet as your drivers' briefing, so please take the time to read and understand what’s written if there’s any questions please ask the event director.

Licenses All competitors must have a valid ANDRA license for the type of vehicle being driven.

Public Relations Release By entering the event you agree to make yourself available for any press or media exposure and approve the use of any video footage or still photos connected with you participation at this event.

Tender Vehicles Only vehicles that require a parachute (1/4 mile) will be allowed tender vehicles.

Traction Compound / VHT The use of traction compound is NOT ALLOWED.

Trailers After unloading, all trailers are to be removed from the pits and placed in the area provided; workshop type trailers require approval from the meeting director for their use in the pits.

Vehicle Presentation All the vehicles must be of neat appearance. We reserve the right to refuse entry / participation of any vehicle deemed to be of an unacceptable standard.

Crew As you may be aware, insurance has affected many sports / events and drag racing is one of those events. Therefore, no crew members will be allowed on the start line except those crew that are with exhibition vehicles and have signed the indemnity form. All drivers are to follow the instructions of the start line officials. Any queries should be made to the meeting director.

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All roads lead to Corowa from February 28 – March 1 for the inaugural Corowa Autofest.

The organisers of the highly successful Shepparton SpringNats Car Festival and Murray Bridge Autofest have scheduled yet another high-octane event and expect large crowds from across the country to come see the cars fly!

Corowa Autofest is set for the last weekend in February and will feature events such as Go To Whoa, Motokana, Dyno Comp, Show N Shine, Incar Stereo Comp, Trade Displays, 1/8 Mile Drag Racing and everyone's favorite, the Burnout Comp.

Team Extreme will be making their first New South Wales appearance and are sure to excite all with their awesome supercharged weapons.

Visitors to Corowa Autofest will see the current Summernats Champs Aaron Mackley and Leroy Rees as well as the World Burnout Champs Peter and Debbie Gray.

A variety of entertainment is on offer with rides for the kids, merchandise and trade displays and the unique Jack Daniels experience. The event is alcohol free, fully catered and is an affordable family day out.

Tickets can be purchased from the gate at the following prices:

Adult: $30, Family: $60, Under 15: $5. Weekend passes are available for: Adult: $50 and Family $100. Student concession with a Valid ID is available for $10 per day.

Organiser, Les Adams said that the response since the first announcement of the event had exceeded his expectations.

“We have received entries from every State in Australia and the local Corowa Shire community have been fantastic to work with”.

“The support of Events New South Wales has allowed us to establish the event in Corowa and we are excited to already be looking at running other events throughout the year and certainly intend to make this an annual spectacle”.

Organisers said they anticipated the weekend of horsepower would quickly become one of the most exciting events in New South Wales.

Events NSW CEO Geoff Parmenter said we are thrilled to support the establishment of the Corowa Autofest.

“Events NSW have made a three year commitment to the Corowa Autofest after making a rigorous assessment of the economic, marketing and community benefits that the event will deliver. We are confident NSW motoring enthusiasts will embrace this unique event.

“Events such as the Autofest play an important role in regional economies by boosting local retailers, accommodation providers, tourism operators and other businesses.

“The status of Corowa Autofest is enhanced by its inclusion in the first ever NSW Master Events Calendar,” he said.

A multi media advertising campaign promoting the event has commenced with a focus on TV and Radio in Victoria, New South Wales and South Australia.

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