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I was on my way to the shops on Sunday with my fiancee when nature called so I pulled up at a Mc Donalds car park to do my business. As I was walking back to my car when I saw a lady swing her door open and slam it into my drivers door, she looked like she was about to get in her car and take off.

I walked over (didn't need to run to catch her I was only a few meters away) and said hey what the $#@! are you doing you can't just take off after doing that.

To my amazement she justified that she couldn't careless because it an accident and not her problem, before I lost my cool her boy friend/husband got out and said what details do you need from me.

I got his details and this morning rang my insurance to organize a claim, so now I have to get a couple of quotes and blah blah blah do all the rest to get it fixed. So until then I have a lovely green scratch up up door (which is a metallic grey, so it stands out like dog balls).

I don't think my girl fiancee has ever seen me so distressed about anything before LOL, after I calmed down and thought it out I figure although I'm pissed as hell about it at least I caught them and am getting it fixed.

I just wondering if anyone has any story about something similar (worse) that has happened, but you were lucky enough to catch the culpurate, and get them to pay for the repairs.

Just to note I am so careful (well I guess paranoid is a better word for it) about parking because I have had family members & friends who have had worse happen, and because the person has taken off they have had to fit the bill for the damage.

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Ouch, at least you knew who it was. It sucks when people don't have the guts to own up to their mistakes.

My story:

Driving down through a multilevel shopping centre carpark (yeah, you already know where this is going to end up). I'd stopped at a mini t intersection to let a couple of cars pass in front of me (There were cars behind me waiting to), when I see a car parked to my right's reversing lights come on. Said car then proceeded to reverse straight into my driver side door. The driver just never bothered to check behind them, I had been sitting there for long enough.

Thankfully, a) I had plenty of witnesses and b) They'd wedge themselves into my drivers door so they couldn't drive off!

yeah at least you caught them in the act. my car has carpark battle wounds all over from careless f#ckers, heck i even came back to find a shopping trolley in my door. i have tollerance for when kids do it cause theyre just kids but when an adult does it i just wanna throw i tennis ball in the back of their head.

So HackerX they were insured right? Speaking of trolleys my mums car was swiped from front panel to rear by a trolley, She ended up getting Woolworths to pay for the repairs (I have no idea how but I thought it was a legendary effort lol).

Another time my sisters car got rear ended by a disqualified L plate driver who was driving by himself, and had no insurance.

hmmm.. I was parked at home in front of the house when I heard my alarm go off.. got up to check it out and found that some one had reversed in to the 32.. luckily the only damage was a smashed reverse light next to the license plate. The guy gave me cash to fix it up so that was nice. 15 minutes later I had parked at a shopping centre and some one reversed in to me again, taking a chip out of my rear bar..

also 2 days after I replaced my reverse light I reversed in to some thing and smashed the same one hahah

i pulled into a shop driveway off a main road once, and a lady was reversing her rav 4 out of a car spot, i left her plenty of room, she started reversing more than she needed to so i gave a quick beep just to make sure she saw me, she stopped looked around kept going, so i beeped again, she stopped looked around, and floored reverse, i couldnt reverse it onto the main road, held my hand on the horn then BANG straight into the front. to make it worse it was mums 4 day old BMW 330i

lady got out didnt appologise, she said she didnt hear the horn, (had witnesses run down the street who heard it), she said her car was also damaged ( cracked numberplate frame) ( the beemer needed new bonnet, grille and front bar ( 2cm away from the xenon headlights $$$)

getting each others details she looked at my licence and makes a comment " ohh red p plate i see" i said thats got fkn nothing to do with it, ur technically an experienced driver who cant hear, cant look behind, cant reverse within a decent amount of room, cant control the accelerator

rang insurance explained the situation and yeh after 2 hours said its all good im not at fault.

fark some ppl though, still never got an appology

Edited by 2BNVS
So HackerX they were insured right? Speaking of trolleys my mums car was swiped from front panel to rear by a trolley, She ended up getting Woolworths to pay for the repairs (I have no idea how but I thought it was a legendary effort lol).

Another time my sisters car got rear ended by a disqualified L plate driver who was driving by himself, and had no insurance.

angry women yelling on the phone, i'd pay too.

This didn't happen to me but a mate of mine. It's not damaging a car either, it's far worse. It does fit your "caught in the act while doing something stupid" topic, though:

I was at Rhodes today when I walked past a black VW GTI that had the windows down slightly. I looked in and saw a baby no older than 12 months sitting in the back seat fast asleep. Anyone who has been to Rhodes knows how hot it can get down there. The exhaust fumes can also be a bit overwhelming even for fully grown adults. Not seeing the parents I went upstairs and spoke to security. They came back down with me and then went through the process of finding the parents.

Now working at VW myself I had a few ideas on how to find the parents myself. I called VW Assist and gave them the vehicle particulars. They contacted the owner of the car who was at work. He said his wife was supposed to be leaving their son at their parents house while she went shopping. VW Assist then tried to contact the mother whos mobile phone was turned off. Announcements were made over all the speakers in the shopping centre constantly during this time. I was called back by VW Assist a few times who had spoken to the husband who was absolutely furious that his son could be left in the car, windows down, unattended.

It had now been over half an hour where I was waiting with security by the car waiting for the mother. VW Assist were sending someone out to see if they could get in without breaking a window and the police were 20 minutes away.

About 45 minutes into this the baby woke up and started moving. Now having a motion sensor inside the car meant that the alarm started going off. It didn't phase the baby at first but after a few minutes it started getting to him. He burst into tears and became really distressed. It was at this time that the security guards decided to smash the glass and get the baby out. A caretaker came down with the hammer and as they were about to smash the window the mother came over and yelled out to us. Might I add in perfect english.

She opened the door and tried to get into the car and drive away. The security guard stopped her from driving off and this was when she amazingly forgot how to speak english. The stared blankly at the guard as if he was from another planet, let alone another country. She was continually trying to get in the car and drive off claiming she had done nothing wrong.

After about 10 minutes of this the police turned up and the mothers english returned. Hooray!!!!! She told the police that security were trying to vandalize her car and that she had only left to put the trolley in a return bay. Funny thing being that the trolley return was just 4 cars down. She also said that I was trying to steal stuff from her car and that I was dangerous. Nice karma coming your way lady.

The police saw right through this and charged the mother. She started crying and asked that her husband not be told. She was then told that her husband was the first person VW called and that he already knew. This went down really well, but as the saying goes... "You make your bed, you lie in it".

I have a similar story...

For those who live on the North Shore, you'll probably know about the open car-park at Neutral Bay Woolworths - worst carpark in terms of space per car, and an absolute mission to park properly with the uneven surfaces, random stone placements etc.

Anywho, I was standing around in from of my BMW waiting for my parents to arrive for dinner... standing about 2-3m away just having a fag minding my own business.

This old lady and her daughter-in-law arrive and try to take the spot next to mine. Old woman was driving and in her attempt at getting into the space went into my rear driver side door, tearing off the trim, adding dents and removing paint. Damage to her car was minimal as her Merc had vinyl wrapped bumpers.

Anywho, I watched in amazement and decided to let her finish parking. To my surprise, she decided the space was not for her and proceeded to reverse back out n leave. This was when I lost it, went up to her car and almost put my fist through her window. They were both mortified and thought they were being car-jacked. Anyways, they stopped and got out...

Lady; "that wasn't us, it can't have been us, take a look - there's no damage on our vehicle..."

Witness; "yes that was you, I was standing with this guy and watched you hit his car..."

Lady; "well how do I know you're not just ganging up and trying to rip us off, there's no other proof..."

Me; "well in that case let's call the police..."

Lady; "oh don't do that, I was only joking, what details do you want?"

blah blah blah

Old woman ended up giving me false details; and when I took the matter to North Sydney police station, they were unwilling to assist me further despite having contact details for the witness and the registration number :blink:

Lesson learnt, don't park there~

Interesting thread.

When I was at Syd. Uni, I was allowed after hours to bring my car into the grounds.

Being so proud of my 1st car acquisition (a new Datsun 1600 modded with Weber side draughts), I'd sit in a cubicle on an upper floor of the library looking over it and studying there (as if I could multi-task lol).

In comes this old codger and side swipes my rear quarter and as I later detected, he wasn't even sober enough to move his car elsewhere to hide the evidence of my paint on his Toyota Crown.

I raced down 3 flights of stairs to try and catch him because I knew that the elevators would be too slow.

I was just in time to see him disappear into some offices below the stack library and followed him thru this rabbit warren to his den.

When I confronted him about the accident, he went on the attack and warned me that if I went thru with my insinuations, he would get me thrown out of Uni! He told me to get out. And I thought WTF !!!!!!!!

I ran back upstairs in a lather of sweat and told my study buddy what had happened; to which he said he'd be willing to be my surrogate witness. So down I went again with my 'witness' in tow.

The idiot lecturer, although I'd prefer to refer to him as the Perp. started to soften after my mate went on the attack; and finally brought out his cheque book. Bloody Hell!

Nearly pissed in my pants!!! Even wondered if the cheque was made of rubber!!! People like that nearly make you PARANOID!!


ws pcking up my g/f form work and this chick pulled up right next to my car... obviously too close and as i ruched over to stop her, BANG her door, right into my rqp.

i asked her polightly to get out the other side of the car and not scratch my car and she laughed at me and smashed the door into my car again DELIBERATELY!

then her MASSIVE b/f got out (i'm 6'5" btw so that was no probs) and we looked at my car and checked for damage... twas ok... just a lil mark in the clear which i'm polishing soon anyway

so i left them to be on their way and before i left ran my key from headlight to tail light...

problem fixed

Weekly Thursday cruise up to the Central Coast. Shortly after Auto Salon so I had new rims, bonnet, grill, front bar etc etc... car looked completely different and completely brand new...

I didn't take the car out for several reasons, the main one being I didn't want any of the paint damaged by any bad weather or stones.

It was a rainy night unfortuantely, the group was heading to Krispy Kremes for some donuts. Driving along a 3 or 4 lane road, in the far left lane, I see a set of headlights through the rain, doing things they probably shouldn't be doing... heading across the road towards me!

I do all that i can... I swear and apply the brakes. He ends up ploughing into my mate that was infront of me after doing about 270 degrees of spinning, and came to a nice gentle bump stop on my car. The car infront (MX5) was hit side one, damage from the front fender to the rear. Fenders bent so bad they were cutting into the tyres.

In the rain, I thought I had a cracked front bar and a damaged grill ($400 fix maybe), but later on under cover and with some light, I noticed that the new bonnet was dented, the bar cracked, grill cracked and that one of the grill mounting points had been snapped off the headlight... a lot more dollars involved...

Uninsured red P plater in some $300 commodore...

I still haven't seen a cent for it, and I still have all the damage... I also got into a few heated discussions with the dudes father after he was kind enough to claim that I drove off after the accident because I was drunk, or that the damage was from me hitting a pole... He wasn't even there. And it was kinda weird then how I managed to stay long enough to meet his wife, and even his sons boss...

Angry angry doof

So HackerX they were insured right?

Yeah thankfully. Old guy, was deaf enough that he probably shouldn't have been driving. "Didn't hear" the fact that I was going nuts on my horn.

Oh, my car has it's carpark scars. Both corners of my rear bumper are slightly multicoloured from cars that reverse out too far into the car opposite (my car!)

the public must have a vandetta against Skylines.

went shopping on the weekend just to get some groceries. 20mins later notice some blue paint just below my passenger mirror. noticed a bit of a dint as well. so i went home and it buffed out with Scrath X, but now i have a dint the size of 10c . PRICKS. will take off the door card on the weekend to see if i can pop it out, otherwise will need to get a dent repairer.

heres my CSI work lol It looks to be the same blue as the Ford BLueprint blue. Cos the dint is reasonably high ie need the door mirror i reckon its from a late model Hilux cos they come in a similar colour.

same thing happen to me

i was sitting in the passanger seet of my mums honda accord euro :P

and this dumb bitch p plater reverced right into us, she tryed to take off but that she stoped and refused to give us her details.

we only had a small dent in the rear side pannal

but than she gave up and gave us her details

some people are soo stupit when driving grr

Once i was sitting in my mothers landcruiser waiting for her to get the shopping; some indian family parked annoyingly close and i could just see they cared f-all about the cars next to them.

They hit the car on their drivers side and i hear in the background "watch my fuuuuukn car" (twas the owner of the car)

you would think they would take it a bit easier, but no they hit my mums car with the passenger door so i repeated the same message and inspected, no damage so i got back in.

I waited for them to leave into northlands, got out with my mother keeping watch and i kicked the shit out of their door, front guard and fist on their bonnet before wrapping my arm in a jumper and elbowing the drivers side window out.

that was totally unnecessary. you are having a cry bout ppl not having respect for your property and then you go and do that? fkn hypocrite.

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