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Should We Put A Stop To Organised 'regular' Cruises


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Hi All,

No doubt I will cop it from the 'family'. Don't shoot the messenger. :)

Please read and absorb the entire post before making a post.


I have received multiple concerned emails/pm's/msn's with some suggesting we put a stop to the bunny and Stag 'regular'organised' cruises due to the police attention they have received.

It has been suggested we create a 'Cruising Tonight...' thread where in an unorganised manner SAU 'friends' meet up and go for a drive.

As such this is not classified as an 'organised' and regular meet and is unlikely to attract such attention. Hopefully

It has also been suggested we do not hold regular cruises and go back to the way it was in the past where randoms create the odd cruise of which did not attract the unwanted attention we are receiving now.

Street orientated Car clubs do not work.

Times have changed by organising regular cruises and 'presenting' SAU/SA as a street oriented car club we are bound to attract such attention due to the hype of 'hoon' import drivers.

Cruises will not stop but rather the frequency and method of organising them of them will change.

Keep this thread VERY CLEAN.

No Bagging only constructive comments on how to rectify the situation essentially the bunny/stag cruises have put us all in.

Voting is obviously anonymous. I can't see shit nor would I really care who votes for what.


The Poll has been closed as we are now looking at another approach.

The primary concern is Police conducting vehicle inspections at cruises organised on SAU/SA

This is simply not acceptable. If we were to be acting in a hoonish manner on these cruises by all means we deserve to cop it but we don't.

We have a history of sedate sensible cruises that are almost boring where people complain about standing around and talking too much. ;)

If a middle ground cannot be negotiated it will go back to the way cruises have been organised in the past.

If they simply cannot leave the meet spots alone (providing every one is well behaved) then its probably wise those who have organised cruises in the past and are known by the police wash their hands and take a step back for their own good. If Neil is 'expecting' to be notified he won't be happy if the previous organisers have stated they will notify him and then don't.

Police attending future cruises and 'looking' for dangerous/excessive mods will prevent any skyline that is modified from attending. Think of the big picture people and try not to simply think about what is good for you and only you but for the SA/SAU's forum and future as a club when it gets off the ground.

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I reckon just keep it to once a month cruise, Kept to Pm's with meet spots. Only give out a date and time. Then lock the thread and just see who shows. something short and simple to, so we dont have to read pages of shit.

Edited by Luke_ENR34
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I agree with the proposal put forward Cubes, Kel, please don't get shitty, it's not about YOU, it's about unwanted police involvement, I understand they have a job to do and they do it well, however I like others on this forum, see no need for them to be around when we are catching up and going for a drive. We are all sensible people and I beleive we don't need supervision from the police to have a good, enjoyable and safe time.

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If by family you mean a really close group of mates thats fine by me.

As i said, i respect everybody's opinion and welcome discussion. i don't think anybody should "cop" it from anyone.

I love cruising with everyone and would wanna go whether its a casual cruise organized by pm, or one discussed openly on the forums.

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I agree with the proposal put forward Cubes, Kel, please don't get shitty, it's not about YOU, it's about unwanted police involvement, I understand they have a job to do and they do it well, however I like others on this forum, see no need for them to be around when we are catching up and going for a drive. We are all sensible people and I beleive we don't need supervision from the police to have a good, enjoyable and safe time.

+1 to that! I've mentioned it in the past - I dont see why its necessary to inform the Police on every cruise/everywhere we go - we're not serial killers!

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If by family you mean a really close group of mates thats fine by me.

Don't take offence its just a bad attempt at humour from the other closed thread. ;)

but thats what we are, who on hear does any off street stuff, maybe 1 in 10 if your lucky.

I think the point is if we present ourselves as a street oriented 'organised' club (especially when we are not an official club) this is where the problems begin.

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thats not the only point the mods are trying to get accross here guys.

we need to get rid of the street orientated club tag if SAU-SA ever has a chance to be an official club.

but thats what we are, who on hear does any off street stuff, maybe 1 in 10 if your lucky.

Edited by DSTROY
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ima stick up for the ppl organizing, only coz the go to a lota work to do these cruises.

especially those stag guys lol

but who cares if ppl wanna cruise and tell everyone abut it, n ur all complaining this isnt a sau sa club, well stopping organized cruises is the best way to keep it from starting

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ima stick up for the ppl organizing, only coz the go to a lota work to do these cruises.

especially those stag guys lol

but who cares if ppl wanna cruise and tell everyone abut it, n ur all complaining this isnt a sau sa club, well stopping organized cruises is the best way to keep it from starting

I can't see the logic either. Let's get people more involved in SAU-SA by stopping cruises? Talk about taking away the members freedom to have an organised cruise ... this is worse than the police. Did Mr Rann take over SAU?

I'll be riding more now Nathan. Summer is coming in full swing anyway. And you need to get some more k's on that bike of yours ;)

Edited by RubyRS4
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Correct a LOT of work does go in to the cruises and props to Kellie for trying to do the right thing.

Its just unfortunate that the police require notification and wish to attend future organised cruises when previously they have been sensible anyway.

Police attending cruises suppresses the 'street' scene but it also pushes it 'underground' so to speak.

Its unfortunate but street car clubs just don't work.


In saying what you have said Ruby have you got a solution to rectify this situation other than just bitching about the current proposed solution?

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First things first, Kellie/Bunny33, please understand that what Joel and others are saying is no reflection on your efforts at organising regular cruise based events. I've not attended one, but I don't doubt they have been well organised and conducted in a sensible and spirited manner.

Some years ago, it was I that organised the majority of the SAU SA based cruise events. These events often included other mature car forum groups, and they were almost always conducted without an issue - I even recall having in excess of 70 cars at one event and not one problem occurred that attracted a police reaction.

Unfortunately, due to the ever changing world we live in, the street car/cruise environment has changed, and not for the better. The average road-registered performance car modifier now faces more public and police scrutiny than he/she ever has. Younger*, less mature, less experienced drivers are now able to afford high powered imported Japanese cars, power levels are continuing to rise, and more importantly the media are well on the way to demonising ALL performance car enthusiasts’. This all adds up to pressure from the voting public upon the state government, and that means the government in turn places a level of significant importance on this topic to the state’s police force to increase their scrutiny. To willing invite this scrutiny is more likely to end in tears than it is smiles all round.

Please don't get me wrong here, I'm not advocating a devil may care attitude, I'm merely suggesting that it would be better to not overtly advertise regular road cruising events and inadvertently pushing the SAU SA name onto "everyone's" radar.

A less formal, spur of the moment, and low-key approach is probably the best current solution.

*I have used the term 'younger' in conjunction with the other traits listed above, not in isolation.

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As good as Adelaide is for driving etc i still get the death stare from police when im driving around and if they are on a cruise i feel a bit intimidated tbh.

if we did cruises like NS do , im sure it would work out just fine , but letting every visitor knowing where we are going to be at what time and date , well that's basically saying come on down and

have a look at our cars .

now sure its good to have a bunch of enthusiasts together somewhere just hanging out and talking but i don't really like the idea of the police looking at everyone's car , specially for some people that spend hard earned money

on their cars only to get defected for something ridiculous ,

im not one to say ban bunny/stag cruises , just make it more private and sau orientated , not for jow blow to rock up ,

having said that , i don't have a problem with new people rocking up but if its for the wrong reasons , im outta there

(just my opinion / 2 cents , not directed at anyone what so ever) ;)

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