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Should We Put A Stop To Organised 'regular' Cruises


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****turbos dont go fast with out the drivers permission!!!*****

thats very true but on the other hand why do you need a turbo that big if your not planning on going fast ?.

always more than one way too look at it

agreed but i guess its proving that its not every1 thats a hoon... just the odd tool... were all guilty of planting it here and there but its just the guys that are either full boost or full breaking that ruin us... ive got my plan set for stag cruises

those interested will shoot me/roo there numbers and txt msgs will b sent out. keeps it off here atleast!

neil didnt have a problem i dunt see why were all firing up... he was a champ...

nene more than happy to help you out with emails/support or what eva :P

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****turbos dont go fast with out the drivers permission!!!*****

thats very true but on the other hand why do you need a turbo that big if your not planning on going fast ?.

always more than one way too look at it

Well, i know this doesn't stand for a huge amount of people, but for those that upgrade their hardware to a certain extent more than often have track days in mind. Not everyone falls in this category but a lot of people cant afford a purpose built track car for their hobby and like to upgrade their daily driver to something usable at the track.

Lately however it is evident that these machines can fall in to wrong hands, especially imports.

I agree with trying to work out something with the boys in blue, I'm pretty sure most of us are sick of being labeled hoons etc just because of our taste in cars or our hobbies. If you want to be a tool on the road, then face the consequences, as simple as that. I personally wouldn't mind having police present at cruises or meets (not that I've been out on any with SAU yet) but as far as popping bonnets for doing nothing wrong and targeting sensible drivers is concerned.. its just not on. However in saying that I can understand un-roadworthy tyres or lights not working etc etc as they are pretty basic and important safety bits.

I say work something out with the authority (as long as they're willing to sit down and make a solid contribution), as if we keep playing the hiding game its just gonna get worse from both sides.

If you guys need help etc with sorting this out I'm willing to contribute but I might not be as knowledgeable/experienced as a lot of the other members.

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Call me naive maybe, but i can't believe what was (if anything) a minor hiccup on the Sunday Stag cruise with what was (generally agreed) "friendly cops" has blown up into this. They (the cops) were damned if they did, damned if they didn't if you know what i mean, so instead of doing nothing at all and being labelled "useless", they cast a cautionary eye over all the cars. Yes it was a bit of a hassle, yes it delayed our start time, no they didn't have a hidden agenda, and lastly no it should not end SAU organised cruises. If this goes "underground" so to speak, sure it'll be "cooler" but all it does is shunt whatever co-operation SAPOL are trying to cultivate with the import car scene.

p.s. sorry about all the "quotes" :P

Edited by webng
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lol Nick, I don't know where to even start with your post.

Nick there are some members here that have spent up to a years wage on their rides....if they were to get defected on one of these cruises, it could mean almost as much money to return their car to stock (if it ever gets back on the road again). For some of you, it's your daily, how will you get to school or work when your car is off the road for up to 6 months?!

Yes, I think you're being a little naive and yes, I do think this thread is warranted for those very reasons.

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CRUISES AREN'T GOING TO BE BANNED, i think that point has been overlooked in this thread.

Nene, im quite happy to give you a hand with the letter. you have my email so please add me to mailing list.

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I think SAU cruises have become too common.

I think the old system of private PMs, private meet spots and times, discreet places (not cruising Anzacs or the Bay on a Fri or Sat night), and no friends cars/hanger-onners/non-Skylines (unless established forum members).

I think it is very unreasonable for the police to need to be notified of any of our activities.

If they see us doing illegal things on a cruise, then pull us over and fine/defect us, fair enough. But to be popping all bonnets is just ridiculous and borderline victimisation.

If the government really gave a toss about kids getting killed on our roads they would 1). Allow/force free defensive driver training courses, and 2). build us a drag strip so we actually have somewhere to blow off steam.


Edited by Adz2332
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Nick there are some members here that have spent up to a years wage on their rides....if they were to get defected on one of these cruises, it could mean almost as much money to return their car to stock (if it ever gets back on the road again). For some of you, it's your daily, how will you get to school or work when your car is off the road for up to 6 months?!

So true Sled your spot on there buddy :)

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if your all civil whats there to hide, if you cant hack going to regency... dont come... its an import thats clearly what comes with being the owner!

Another point a LOT of people have missed..

Its not really your decision to decide if predominately stock cars attend these cruises - Police attending future cruises and 'looking' for dangerous/excessive mods will prevent any skyline that is modified from attending.

Don't shoot the messenger.. I'm looking at the bigger picture and not wrapping myself up in what works for myself.

I am not sure about your self but there's nothing quite like popping the hood on a monster and having a good look at chat to the owner at various cruises etc. The way it was going all that would have stopped.

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Another point a LOT of people have missed..

Its not really your decision to decide if predominately stock cars attend these cruises - Police attending future cruises and 'looking' for dangerous/excessive mods will prevent any skyline that is modified from attending.

Don't shoot the messenger.. I'm looking at the bigger picture and not wrapping myself up in what works for myself.

I am not sure about your self but there's nothing quite like popping the hood on a monster and having a good look at chat to the owner at various cruises etc. The way it was going all that would have stopped.

Cubes i 100% agree with you on that. just to point out, Kell never had any intention on doing that to anyone. That's why she posted it straight away in her cruise thread.

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SLED is spot on i have regualry attened what we call the "Zippel" cruise for american cars and hot rods. Hundreds of cars (250 to 350) every cruise.

Cops are always notified and do show there faces ON OCCASION not everytime. And the reputation they have has come from YEARS of runs with no dramas. Not over night

And 90% of the cars there are as if not more defectable then our cars. Yet the cops never EVER EVER defect a car.. never seen 1 out of the 5 years ive been there!! Never asked to pop a bonnet nothing....

In saying this i am a big one for not notifying them! the less they know the better! And a big one for mailed or emailed cruise maps ONLY for people intending to show up. And not to much of an open invertation to ask all of your mates to come along in the commies flacons etc. Zippel asks for no tag alongs for the reason they have a good rep and dont want the idiots tagging along.

Id love to hear them justify the bonnet popping of a few jap cars together then not one on one of these cruises where u could slap a defect notice on almost evry car there......

American Muscle cars and old school hot rods are in a completely different category. Do you ever see a 1950's hot rod with a defect on it?! No. If the car was built pre-1972, then most of the ADR's that Regency goes by do not matter. They simply don't get defected for say, over-sized rims, or extra-wide tyres.

These types of cars don't get any bad media attention. You don't see P platers in a fatal hot rod crash? No. So called 'hoon' drivers don't drive hot rods. That's why these guys don't get hassled...

in my opinion telling the police about the cruises is a stupid idea, it doesn't mean they'll tell every police officer on patrol that night about the cruise so u could get a cop who doesnt no anything at all about the cruise and rock up and decide to defect cars,



Bingo! Neil can't be everywhere. He can't over-see what cop pulls us over. Sure, Neil might not defect us, but another cop will. Simple fact.

looks like they've dumped it all in your lap Nene.........good on you for wanting to get this resolved.

I'd like to know with what authority this Neil fella is coming to you with, ie what is his ranking? (at the end of the day his hands may be tied to do anything for you).....is this part of a wider program that he and other teams are involved in or he a standalone?........if he's not a high ranking officer, does he have the backing of the station's Sarge?.........and ultimately, what is his agenda or vision for an outcome from his involvement.

I'm sure he has a life of his own and won't always be on duty during cruises so who attends on those particular nights and who can guarantee the same leniency.

Spot on. At the end of the day, he could just be another low-ranked traffic cop. What kind of authority does he have in regards to notifiying all of SAPOL to basically give SAU members 'immunity' against defects?!

Sure, sending him an e-mail might sound great, but will be have any sort of power to push it up the ranks? More than likely, no. Sure, it's a start, but it won't remove the heat from the imports.

And does anyone know about ns.com and the cop 'Mallala Cop' who's a registered and active user on the ns.com and r31 Club forum? He provides good feedback and input into the forums about a wide variety of issues. How about we invite Neil to join up to SAU so he can input his opinions and feedback? It can provide us with valuable information which we know is true, legit and not a "I heard that you can have this" or "4 out of 8 people on the phone at Regency told me this" post.

Here's a Mallala Cop thread:


And, by having a 'locked' sub section in the forum is useless. You'll get 'undercover' cops signing in on user names with more than the required amount of posts and taking a squiz at the forum. Just stick to PM's or SMS's about cruises.

Edited by CRoNic...
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how the hell has this got to 5 pages ..u guys gona run for parlament lol.

first post should have been 'organising of cruises will be revised and redesigned'. then thread closed.

communicating with cops is unnecessary and pointless. but if u guys wana waste ur time..

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Fair enough. But what you're talking about is an "illegally modified" car, whether or not it's completely roadworthy is another matter. I understand that a lot of us have spent a heck of a lot of money on their cars, and if defected is a lot of hassle. But I think getting on the right side of SAPOL is a step (albeit small) in the right direction. I'm not by any means saying I have a solution or defecting cars is right/wrong, I just don't think we should shunt/ignore/go underground with this matter as this only portrays the wrong image to the powers that may be.

And ofcourse this thread is warranted, more so for those of you that have highly modified cars that want to go on cruises. I suppose where I'm coming from is those of us that don't have much, if anything, "illegal" on our cars that still want properly organised cruises under the SAU banner.

lol Nick, I don't know where to even start with your post.

Nick there are some members here that have spent up to a years wage on their rides....if they were to get defected on one of these cruises, it could mean almost as much money to return their car to stock (if it ever gets back on the road again). For some of you, it's your daily, how will you get to school or work when your car is off the road for up to 6 months?!

Yes, I think you're being a little naive and yes, I do think this thread is warranted for those very reasons.

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how the hell has this got to 5 pages ..u guys gona run for parlament lol.

first post should have been 'organising of cruises will be revised and redesigned'. then thread closed.

communicating with cops is unnecessary and pointless. but if u guys wana waste ur time..

if the first post was simply that steve.. all the constructive input that has been discussed never would have happened. It might be a waste of time for you.. for some of us, its taking a (small) positive step in the right direction.

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I believe i read elsewhere and i also heard on Sunday that he is already on this forum.. hence how he found out about the Stag cruise?

It's a well known fact that cops look at SAU. Neil has been on here, but no, that's not how he found out about the cruise. It's stated in another thread that he was called after a marked cop car drove by.

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And does anyone know about ns.com and the cop 'Mallala Cop' who's a registered and active user on the ns.com and r31 Club forum? He provides good feedback and input into the forums about a wide variety of issues. How about we invite Neil to join up to SAU so he can input his opinions and feedback? It can provide us with valuable information which we know is true, legit and not a "I heard that you can have this" or "4 out of 8 people on the phone at Regency told me this" post.

I believe i read elsewhere and i also heard on Sunday that he is already on this forum.. hence how he found out about the Stag cruise?

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Fair enough. But what you're talking about is an "illegally modified" car, whether or not it's completely roadworthy is another matter. I understand that a lot of us have spent a heck of a lot of money on their cars, and if defected is a lot of hassle. But I think getting on the right side of SAPOL is a step (albeit small) in the right direction. I'm not by any means saying I have a solution or defecting cars is right/wrong, I just don't think we should shunt/ignore/go underground with this matter as this only portrays the wrong image to the powers that may be.

And of course this thread is warranted, more so for those of you that have highly modified cars that want to go on cruises. I suppose where I'm coming from is those of us that don't have much, if anything, "illegal" on our cars that still want properly organised cruises under the SAU banner.

I think the point is that we all want to know the direction that both parties are heading towards, rather than flying by the seat of our pants and seeing what happens.

I believe i read elsewhere and i also heard on Sunday that he is already on this forum.. hence how he found out about the Stag cruise?

The meet point was kept to pm's afaik.

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how the hell has this got to 5 pages ..u guys gona run for parlament lol.

first post should have been 'organising of cruises will be revised and redesigned'. then thread closed.

communicating with cops is unnecessary and pointless. but if u guys wana waste ur time..

Nearly as good as communicating with your local member of parliament!! F*cking useless. Their PA sends back a letter saying "Thank you."

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I think the police were looking at the Stag cruise for a while as I remember reading some one was pulled over here on SAU a couple of weeks back and the officers comment was something along the lines of stag cruise or something hooning around the city. All though not the case but obviously they were keeping an eye out.

Nene I'll have a think today but I believe Whatsisname and Sled have put out there is what needs to be clarified. See how it goes its better than nothing.

So to clarify have 'any' previous cruises be it stag or bunny notified the police?

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